Promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of association (Resolution A/C.3/73/L.41/Rev.1)
November 2018
Resolutions and Declarations
The General Assembly reaffirms the importance of the rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of association, which are essential for democratic society and the enjoyment of other human rights. It highlights the significance of various international human rights instruments and declarations, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders. The statement expresses concern over the growing threats faced by individuals exercising these rights, particularly human rights defenders, journalists, and minority groups. It condemns the use of harassment, intimidation, violence, and arbitrary detention by state and non-state actors against peaceful protestors and human rights defenders. The Assembly calls on states to create a safe and enabling environment for exercising these rights, ensure accountability for violations, and protect individuals both online and offline. It urges states to respect international human rights obligations, prevent arbitrary arrests, and promote tolerance, inclusion, and respect for diversity. The resolution emphasizes the need for transparent and accountable governance to support the full realization of human rights