World Summit on the Information Society (A/RES/56/183)


Resolution 56/183 adopted by the UN General Assembly highlights the need to harness the potential of knowledge and technology in promoting goals of the UN Millennium Declaration, and further development of information, knowledge and communications technologies, as to create cooperation at regional and global levels, and ‘put this potential at the service of development for all’. The resolution, among other elements:

– Welcomes the resolution adopted in a 2001 session, endorsing the proposal to hold the World Summit on the Information Society at the highest possible level in two phases, in 2003 and 2005.
– Recommends preparations of the Summit through an open-ended intergovernmental preparatory committee.
– Invites the International Telecommunication Union to assume a leading managerial role, and for Governments to actively participate in the preparation of the Summit, and representation in the ensuing Summit.
– Encourages multi-actor participation and cooperation, by NGOs, civil society, private sector, and other international and regional intergovernmental institutions.