Strengthening the Role of ITU in building confidence and security in the use of information and communication technologies (Resolution 130, Rev. Dubai 2018)

Resolutions and Declarations


Decision 5 (Rev. Dubai, 2018) outlines ITU’s revenue and expenses plan for 2020-2023, emphasizing efficient resource use to achieve strategic goals. The decision authorizes the ITU Council to draft biennial budgets, ensuring total expenses are balanced by anticipated revenue, with specific guidelines on contributory units and cost management. Key measures include maintaining interpretation and translation expenses, reviewing budgets annually, and authorizing budget increases for cost-recovery activities.

The Secretary-General is instructed to prepare balanced budgets, increase revenue, and implement cost efficiencies. Annual reports on expenses and budget implementation are required, with efforts to achieve savings. The Council is tasked with maintaining financial control, reviewing cost-efficiency programs, and managing surplus allocations, particularly for after-service health insurance (ASHI) and the New Building Project Fund.

The decision underscores the importance of risk management, reporting, and collaboration with financial oversight bodies. Member States are invited to announce their provisional contributions for 2024-2027 by the end of 2021.