Measures to promote the democratic and social contribution of digital broadcasting (REC(2003)9)

Principles and Recommendations


The Recommendation Rec(2003)9 by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe emphasizes the importance of digital broadcasting in modern democratic societies. It highlights the need for member states to create legal and economic conditions that support the development of digital broadcasting while ensuring media pluralism and public access to diverse, high-quality content. The recommendation stresses the importance of safeguarding public service broadcasting as a crucial element for social cohesion in the digital era. It calls for the protection of minors, human dignity, and the promotion of non-discriminatory practices in digital broadcasting. The document also underscores the need for public awareness, media education, and the protection of consumer rights and privacy. Member states are encouraged to maintain adequate funding and support for public service broadcasters to adapt and thrive in the digital environment, ensuring universal access to their services.