Protection and promotion of the universality, integrity and openness of the internet (CM/REC(2011)8)
September 2011
Principles and Recommendations
This document includes recommendations to member states by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, encompassing the protection and promotion of the universality, integrity and openness of the Internet. These recommendations are largely based on the idea that member states of the Council of Europe are parties to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and thus have ‘particular roles and responsibilities in securing the protection and promotion of these rights and freedoms and can be held to account for violations of these rights and freedoms’. For this purpose, the recommendations are divided in three parts, and suggest several actions. These include:
– Guiding Internet governance principles, both in the development of national internet-related policies and in the international community.
– Protecting and promoting the universality, integrity and openness of the Internet, and ensuring reflection of this in practice and law.