Norway’s National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

Strategies and Action Plans

Author: Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

The National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence provides a robust framework for AI development in Norway, focusing on ethical principles, advanced research, data management, public sector innovation, and a supportive regulatory environment. This approach aims to position Norway as a leader in responsible and innovative AI use​​. Key components of the strategy include:

1. Ethical and Trustworthy AI

The strategy emphasises the importance of ethical principles and respect for human rights and democracy in AI development. It outlines several principles to ensure trustworthy AI, including:

  1. Human Autonomy and Control: AI should respect individual freedoms and rights. Automated decisions affecting individuals significantly should include human oversight.
  2. Safety and Technical Robustness: AI systems must prevent harm and behave as intended.
  3. Privacy and Data Protection: AI must adhere to data protection regulations.
  4. Transparency: AI decisions should be traceable and explainable.
  5. Inclusion and Equality: AI should avoid discrimination and promote diversity.
  6. Societal and Environmental Benefit: AI should positively impact society and the environment.
  7. Accountability: Mechanisms should ensure accountability for AI outcomes​​.

2. Research and Higher Education

The strategy highlights the need for advanced expertise in AI through strong research communities and educational programs. Norway aims to be an attractive partner for leading AI enterprises by investing in both basic and applied AI research​​. The government supports initiatives like Digital21, focusing on technologies like AI, big data, and IoT, particularly in sectors where Norway has competitive advantages, such as health, energy, and the maritime industry​​.

3. Data Management and Sharing

Effective AI development relies on quality data. The strategy promotes principles for data sharing within the business sector, emphasising voluntary sharing where mutually beneficial, facilitated sharing to enhance public benefit, and mandatory sharing if necessary for the public interest. Privacy and business interests must be safeguarded in all data-sharing activities​​.

4. Public Sector Innovation

The public sector is encouraged to explore AI’s potential to improve services, enhance decision-making, and optimise processes. The strategy supports innovative public procurements and collaboration between the public and private sectors to drive AI-based innovation​​.

5. Regulatory Framework

The strategy acknowledges the need for regulations that support AI while addressing challenges related to data protection, ethical use, and transparency. The government plans to review existing regulations and propose new ones to facilitate appropriate AI use in public administration and other sectors​​.