OSCE Prague Declaration
April 2009
Resolutions and Declarations
The Council of the OSCE held its second meeting in Prague on January 30-31, 1992. The Ministers welcomed Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan as participating States, and granted observer status to Croatia and Slovenia. They discussed the transformation in Europe, emphasizing the OSCE’s role in fostering democracy, human rights, and conflict prevention. The Ministers highlighted the importance of the Helsinki Follow-up Meeting in shaping the OSCE’s future, and addressed the Yugoslav crisis, supporting UN peacekeeping efforts and emphasizing the need for a peaceful resolution. They also expressed concern over rising intolerance and racism and reaffirmed the OSCE’s vital role in European stability. The meeting concluded with the adoption of the Declaration on Non-Proliferation and Arms Transfers, the need for new disarmament negotiations, and the call for the early entry into force of the CFE Treaty. They requested accelerated consultations on a new security forum and aimed to finalize a substantial CSBM package and an Open Skies Agreement before the Helsinki Follow-up Meeting.