Manuals and Handbooks

Author: Interpol

Use Cases, Crime, Forensics, Investigation, and Governance

The Interpol has published a White Paper on the metaverse, which was developed based on the inputs from the INTERPOL Metaverse Expert Group. This paper underscores the metaverse’s potential as an effective tool for law enforcement, especially in immersive training and other use cases. It presents a typology of Metacrimes and their investigation and forensics, highlighting crucial considerations when accessing and recovering the evidence, including endpoints, servers, engines, platforms, and virtual asset analytics.

The document emphasises essential considerations for accessing and recovering evidence from virtual crime scenes. Current and potential Metacrimes, such as grooming, radicalization, cyber-physical attacks on critical infrastructure, theft of 3D virtual/cultural property, trespassing in private virtual spaces, and avatar robbery, are identified in the report.

Furthermore, it provides a comprehensive analysis of various dimensions of the metaverse and its governance from a law enforcement perspective. The importance of a holistic approach involving multistakeholder engagements and cross-border collaboration is highlighted as the metaverse spans multiple jurisdictions, dimensions, and organisations.