Luxembourg’s National Cybersecurity Strategy

Strategies and Action Plans

The National Cybersecurity Strategy IV (2021-2025) outlines Luxembourg’s approach to securing its digital landscape amidst rapidly evolving technological and geopolitical environments. This comprehensive strategy is designed to build trust, strengthen infrastructure resilience, and foster a secure digital economy. Below are the key elements of the strategy:

Strategic Objectives and Priorities

  1. Building Trust in the Digital World and Protecting Human Rights Online
    • Protection of Human Rights Online: Ensuring data protection, privacy, and secure virtual meeting spaces.
    • Protection of Children and Young People’s Rights: Raising awareness and enhancing protections through initiatives like BEE SECURE.
    • Safe Digital Inclusion: Promoting diversity and inclusion in the cybersecurity sector.
    • Cybersecurity Education and Vocational Training: Enhancing curricula and raising awareness of cybersecurity careers.
    • Pen-testing, Bug Bounties, and Responsible Disclosure: Encouraging the reporting of vulnerabilities and improving cybersecurity through collective intelligence.
    • Combating Cybercrime: Strengthening cooperation with international bodies like Europol and Interpol.
    • Secure Democratic and Civic Participation: Preventing disinformation and influence operations.
  2. Strengthening the Security and Resilience of Digital Infrastructures in Luxembourg
    • Security of State’s Digital Processes and Systems: Enhancing resilience of government IT systems and critical infrastructures.
    • Secure and Controlled Use of Public Cloud: Establishing secure public cloud usage frameworks at the state level.
    • Ensuring Digital Sovereignty: Collaborating with EU partners to maintain control over national digital assets.
    • Continuous Improvement of Incident Detection and Management: Enhancing threat detection and response capabilities.
    • Critical Infrastructure Protection: Implementing a risk management culture and protecting vital infrastructure from cyber threats.
  3. Developing a Reliable, Sustainable, and Secure Digital Economy
    • Federation of the Luxembourg Cybersecurity Ecosystem: Promoting collaboration among national cybersecurity stakeholders.
    • Development of Certification, Testing, and Standardisation Methodologies: Establishing robust cybersecurity certification frameworks.
    • Creation of the First Cybersecurity Data Space in Europe: Encouraging data exchange for research and innovation in cybersecurity.
    • Capacity Building at National and International Levels: Providing tools and training to foster cybersecurity capabilities, especially in developing countries.
    • Intensifying Partnerships with Industry, Research, and Civil Society: Promoting secure software and hardware development through partnerships with research institutions and industry.

National Cybersecurity Governance Framework

  • Inter-ministerial Cyber Prevention and Cybersecurity Coordination Committee: Ensuring coherence in national cybersecurity initiatives.
  • Key State Entities: Various ministries and agencies like the Ministry of Economy, Ministry for Digitalisation, State Intelligence Service, and Luxembourg Regulatory Institute play critical roles in governance.
  • CYBERSECURITY LUXEMBOURG Initiative: Consolidating public-private cooperation to enhance cybersecurity at national and international levels.

Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Measures

  • Cyber Emergency Response Plan: Establishing protocols for responding to significant cyber incidents.
  • CERT Activities: Enhancing resilience through rapid incident response and information sharing.
  • Scrubbing Centre: Protecting against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.
  • Cybersecurity Exercises: Participating in international cybersecurity drills to improve crisis management.

Education, Training, and Awareness Programmes

  • Formal and Non-Formal Education: Integrating cybersecurity into educational curricula and offering continuous professional development.
  • Awareness-Raising Activities: Conducting campaigns and initiatives like European Cybersecurity Month and Cybersecurity Week Luxembourg to educate the public.

Research and Development

  • University of Luxembourg and Research Institutions: Promoting cybersecurity research and innovation through interdisciplinary centers and collaborations with industry partners.