Luxembourg’s 5G Strategy

Strategies and Action Plans

In September 2016, the European Commission published its 5G for Europe Action Plan to facilitate the deployment of 5G networks across the EU, aiming to establish Europe as a global leader in 5G technology. Luxembourg has embraced this plan, recognising 5G as a critical component for enhancing productivity and innovation across various sectors. The 5G network is expected to be a cornerstone of national infrastructure, providing reliable and ubiquitous connectivity that will enable new user experiences and support the growing data demands.

Role of Public Authorities:

The Luxembourg government plays a crucial role in the development and deployment of 5G services. The strategy involves creating a clear roadmap and timetable for 5G implementation, making necessary frequencies available, and addressing regulatory or administrative barriers. Public authorities are also tasked with adapting sector-wide regulations, issuing permits, and integrating 5G opportunities into sectoral policies.

Frequency Allocation:

The strategy identifies three key frequency bands for 5G deployment:

  1. 700 MHz Band: Offering wide reach for territory coverage.
  2. 3.6 GHz Band: Providing increased bandwidth and data throughput.
  3. 26 GHz Band: Supporting ultra-high capacity services for innovative business models.

Luxembourg aims to allocate licenses for these bands by 2020, aligning with the European roadmap.

Pilot Projects and Initial Deployments:

To ensure Luxembourg remains at the forefront of 5G adoption, the strategy includes pilot projects in specific areas:

  • Kirchberg plateau
  • CFL Multimodal site in Dudelange
  • Automotive Campus in Bissen
  • Belval site with the university
  • A stretch of a major transport route

These pilot projects are designed to foster innovation and test the 5G ecosystem’s potential, ultimately integrating into a nationwide 5G network.

Digital Luxembourg Initiative:

The 5G strategy is part of the broader ‘Digital Luxembourg’ initiative, emphasising the societal and economic benefits of 5G. This initiative aims to educate the public about the advantages of 5G, prepare citizens for digital jobs, and ensure transparency regarding health and environmental concerns associated with 5G technology.

Conclusions and Future Steps:

Luxembourg’s 5G strategy is designed to be adaptive, allowing for adjustments based on technological advancements and stakeholder feedback. The government is committed to overcoming obstacles and making rapid progress in 5G deployment, aiming to position Luxembourg among the leading countries in adopting this transformative technology.

The full strategy document provides detailed measures for frequency allocation, infrastructure development, and stakeholder engagement, ensuring that Luxembourg is well-prepared for the digital future driven by 5G technology​​.