ESCWA annual report 2018: Technology for development
September 2017
Policy Reports
The approach set out in this Joint Communication aims to make EU better placed to face cyber threats by putting forward measures that will strengthen the EU’s cybersecurity structures and capabilities.
It outlines how EU’s resilience to cyber-attacks should be built, through strengthening the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA); setting up an EU cybersecurity certification framework; implementing the Directive on the Security of Network and Information Systems; mainstreaming cyber aspects into existing EU crisis management mechanisms; establishing a cybersecurity competence network with a European Cybersecurity Research and Competence Centre; building a strong EU cyber skills base; and promoting cyber hygiene and awareness.
It also details how effective EU cyber deterrence should be created through identifying malicious actors, stepping up the law enforcement response, public-private cooperation to fight cybercrime, stepping up the political response through the implementation of the cyber diplomacy toolbox, and through the Member States’ defence capability.
The Communication also underlines the strengthening of international cooperation on cybersecurity.