Internet of things (IoT) cyber security guide

Manuals and Handbooks


The Internet of Things (IoT) brings together the physical environment and a wide range of objects
such that they can interact with one another seamlessly through the use of Information and
Communication (ICT) systems. IoT’s economic impact is significant, with widespread adoption in smart homes, connected vehicles, video surveillance and analytics among consumers, enterprises, and governments.

As connectivity increases, data protection and cybersecurity become critical due to the vast amount of sensitive data IoT devices collect. Early IoT devices are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks, such as being hijacked for Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. Security concerns hinder user adoption, and existing standards are often impractical for IoT’s dynamic nature.

Ensuring cybersecurity for IoT is essential for national security and economic opportunity, particularly in supporting initiatives like Singapore’s Smart Nation. Proper security measures are necessary throughout the deployment and operation of IoT systems. This document provides guidance for procuring, deploying, and operating IoT devices, offering practical guidelines, baseline recommendations, and checklists. It emphasizes a risk-based, system-oriented approach to identify and mitigate threats, encouraging collaboration between enterprise users and vendors to secure IoT systems throughout their lifecycle.