French e-Government strategy

Strategies and Action Plans

The Action Publique 2022 program, launched by the Prime Minister on 13 October 2017, aims to transform the administration. It is structured around three axes: improving the quality of public services, offering a modernized working environment to civil servants and controlling public spending by optimizing resources. A committee of 34 members, mainly from the senior civil service, the political world and the economic sector, will be responsible for proposing avenues for reform on 21 public policies.

Three objectives

  • For users: improve the quality of service, in particular by developing a relationship of trust between users and administrations;
  • For public officials: offer them a modernized working environment, by fully involving them in the definition and monitoring of transformations;
  • For taxpayers: support the reduction in public spending, with an assumed objective of – 3 points of GDP by 2022.

Six key principles

  • A “all public administrations” scope: the State and its operators, Social Security, local authorities;
  • Accountability of ministries as “leaders” of the public policies they conduct;
  • The priority given to the digital transformation of administrations, in particular to achieve the objective of 100% dematerialized public services by 2022;
  • The mobilization of a dedicated fund of 700 million euros over the next five years, including 200 million euros from 2018;
  • The involvement of public agents and users of the public service, throughout the process, to collect their proposals;
  • High-level political support by the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister.

A new method

  • External committees: a committee of experts “CAP22” and a youth committee “J22”, a sounding board for the aspirations and proposals of the younger generations;
  • Five cross-cutting interministerial projects;
  • Collaborative work between committees, ministries and interministerial administrations;
  • A public consultation: the Public Action Forum;
  • A tight schedule of six months of work,

Two phases

  • A first diagnostic phase from October 2017 to March 2018;   
  • Following a phase of arbitrations made by the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister, a second phase of development and then operational implementation of transformation plans (ministerial and cross-functional) from March 2018.