Science and technology for development (Resolution 2005/52)
July 2005
Resolutions and Declarations
The Economic and Social Council emphasizes the critical role of science and technology in achieving development goals, particularly those outlined in the United Nations Millennium Declaration. The Council highlights the need for incorporating science, technology, and innovation into international and national development strategies, with adequate funding for education, research, and infrastructure. It encourages support for venture capital, the establishment of business incubators, and science and technology parks, while strengthening the link between public research and private industry.
The resolution also advocates for innovative compensation structures, gender equality in science education, and initiatives that target poverty alleviation through technology. It promotes international cooperation and the establishment of networks of centers of excellence in developing countries, particularly in Africa, to enhance scientific capacity. The Council endorses “Bridging the technology gap between and within nations” as the Commission’s theme for 2005-2006, focusing on partnerships to prevent the widening of the technology gap.