Data policy in the fourth industrial revolution: Insights on personal data

Policy Reports


The development of public policy, particularly data policy, involves making trade-offs that should be intentional rather than accidental. Policymakers must balance issues such as technology adoption, economic growth, trade, privacy, and security, considering cultural values and evolving priorities. While no single approach fits all countries, commonly accepted strategic principles can guide policymakers. Key takeaways include the need for a risk-based framework to identify privacy risks, regular evaluation of data use contexts, and meaningful accountability and enforcement mechanisms. The Fair Information Practice Principles (FIPPs) remain relevant but must adapt to technological changes. Trust is crucial for effective data use, requiring policies that minimize harm and promote beneficial data applications.

New governance structures and frameworks are needed to manage digital transformation and protect digital infrastructure. Emphasis on outcome-based policies and multistakeholder dialogue is vital for addressing emerging data protection challenges and fostering trust.