Croatia’s Digital Strategy
December 2022
Strategies and Action Plans
The Digital Croatia Strategy 2032 aims to drive Croatia’s digital transformation over the coming decade, focusing on enhancing the nation’s digital economy, digitizing public administration and justice systems, improving digital connectivity, and fostering digital skill development and employment opportunities.
The strategy aims to set guidelines for transforming Croatia towards a green and digital lifestyle, which is essential for sustainable economic growth and social development. It supports the implementation of the National Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030, guiding the long-term development of society and the economy in all crucial aspects for Croatia.
Key Points:
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) play a critical role in achieving the EU’s priorities, ensuring a fair, open, and secure digital environment as outlined in the Digital Single Market Strategy and the Digital Compass for 2030.
The strategy involved 140 representatives from 41 public sector institutions, businesses, academia, and related associations. It was approved by the Croatian Government on 9 December 2022, and adopted by the Croatian Parliament on 16 December 2022.
The strategy comprises eight chapters, covering the introduction to Croatia’s Digital Strategy until 2032, development needs and potentials for digitizing Croatian society, public administration, and economy, strategic goals of the digital strategy, indicative financial framework, monitoring and evaluation framework, implementation management, and an environmental impact study.
Based on the current state analysis and identified development needs, four strategic goals are established: develop and innovative digital economy, digitalized public administration, develop, accessible, and utilise very high capacity networks, and develop digital competences for life and work in the digital age. Digital transformation of the economy and public administration, through the improvement of necessary infrastructure, digitalization of business processes and services, and raising digital competencies across all segments of Croatian society, aims to achieve Croatia’s enhancement through digital transformation by 2032. The plan envisions Croatia becoming a country with digitally and economically competitive businesses and a digitalized public administration, with active participation from all levels of government and citizens in digital processes.