The charter of human rights and principles for the internet

Principles and Recommendations


The Internet Rights & Principles Dynamic Coalition (IRP Coalition) is an international network advocating for human rights in the online environment through internet governance. Based at the UN Internet Governance Forum, it unites diverse global stakeholders. Since 2008, the coalition has promoted rights-based internet governance principles at global and regional levels. Its flagship document, the Charter of Human Rights and Principles for the Internet, is based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and outlines 23 clauses. In 2011, the Ten Punchy Principles were introduced. The coalition began the second phase, “Charter 2.0,” at UNESCO’s 2013 WSIS +10 Review Meeting. The goal of Charter of Human Rights & Principles for the Internet is to provide a recognizable framework anchored in international human rights for upholding and advancing human rights for the online environment. This goal breaks down into three main objectives: To provide

  1. a reference point for dialogue and cooperation between different stakeholder priorities for the internet’s design, access, and use around the world.
  2. an authoritative document that can frame policy decisions and emerging rights-based norms for the local, national, and global dimensions of internet governance.
  3. a policy-making and advocacy tool for governments, businesses, and civil society groups committed to developing rights-based principles for the internet.