Albanian National Cybersecurity Strategy (2020 – 2025)

Strategies and Action Plans

Author: The Government of Albania

In 2020, the Government of Albania endorsed a new five-year National Cybersecurity Strategy (2020 – 2025). 

The strategy is a comprehensive document that lays out the nation’s strategy for enhancing its cybersecurity landscape. This strategy was crafted within the framework of the ‘National Security Strategy 2014-2020’ and the ‘Cybersecurity Policy Paper 2014-2017.’ It encompasses key principles like safeguarding fundamental rights, upholding freedom of expression, protecting personal information and privacy, ensuring access for all, promoting democratic and effective governance, and fostering collective responsibility in upholding cybersecurity. Additionally, the strategy places special emphasis on the protection of children in the online sphere, dedicating a specific chapter to this vital objective.

The development and introduction of the specific chapter on children in the national strategy is a result of the intensive work of multiple stakeholders, including vested institutions, national regulators, law enforcement, and more importantly, the ICT industry representatives. The process was led by the National Authority for Cybersecurity and Electronic Certification (AKCESK) and supported by UNICEF, which also ensured that children’s opinions and experiences were taken into consideration.