Advanced drone operations toolkit: Accelerating the drone revolution

Manuals and Handbooks


The Fourth Industrial Revolution is driving rapid technological changes, and governments worldwide are struggling to adapt policies and regulations accordingly. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), or drones, offer impactful use cases, especially in transporting essential goods to poorly served areas and disaster zones. However, many governments lack the mechanisms to oversee and leverage drone technology effectively.

To address this, the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with the Drone Innovators Network (DIN), has developed a policy toolkit. This toolkit draws lessons from successful global drone implementations, providing a framework for governments to enable advanced drone operations while maintaining safety and integrating with existing airspace users. The toolkit includes insights from pilot projects and scaling phases, focusing on creating frameworks, understanding regulatory roles, and scaling operations. It also incorporates lessons from events like the Lake Victoria Challenge, emphasizing the importance of safe, inclusive, and scalable drone use.

The goal is to empower governments to harness UAS benefits, such as disrupting outdated logistics, promoting global health, saving lives, and connecting populations, while mitigating risks. This involves navigating the challenges of dynamic airspace use and integrating new players outside traditional aviation.