Dear readers,
Since 2015, we’ve been bringing you comprehensive coverage of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). This year, we’ve raised the bar. Our IGF 2024 reportig offers the most comprehensive overview yet—pairing expert insights with cutting-edge AI tools to help you navigate the discussions shaping the digital future.
Explore everything through our interactive webpage, featuring an AI assistant powered by DiploAI, detailed session reports, visual summaries, and dynamic knowledge graphs. Whether you’re looking for quick insights or deep dives, our coverage has you covered.
Our AI assistant has been trained on all the transcripts from IGF 2024, allowing it to answer any questions you have about the forum’s discussions.
Our team of experts, supported by DiploAI, provided daily updates that captured the key points of each day’s discussions.
Additionally, we created visual summaries featuring expert insights and answers to questions about digital policy.
In our Daily 4 from the IGF, we raised several thought-provoking questions designed to spark discussion and reflection on key issues. Now, we’re bringing you the answers. While they may not offer definitive solutions, they provide valuable insights and perspectives that invite further exploration. These responses aim to deepen understanding, inspire dialogue, and serve as a foundation for future conversations and actions in the digital policy space.
Beyond daily updates, our team has revisited the discussions and, with the support of AI, summarised all five days of discussions thematically. This additional layer of analysis offers you a zoomed-out perspective of the conversations. Additionally, highlighted key recommendations for future actions and steps that emerged during the discussions.
Our event statistics feature gives you insight into numbers that matter…
…and our session reports provide you with nuanced AI analysis of each session. Each report includes a session summary, detailed sections on speakers involved, as well as areas where they agree and differ. Our knowledge graphs offer a visual representation of the connections between topics and participants. Additionally, we outline follow-up questions to guide further discussion.
You can also navigate the complex web of discussions with our interactive visual summary of the event. This dynamic tool allows you to visually navigate the connections between key themes and participants, making it easier to understand how different issues and conversations are interlinked throughout the event. Whether you’re looking for specific speakers, topics of interest, or overarching trends, our visual summary provides a clear and engaging way to uncover insights from the forum.