Online interlinkages in International Geneva

Policy silos are a serious problem in governments and organisations worldwide. Although frequently identified as problems, they are rarely quantified and analysed.

We’re trying to change that by examining substantive interconnections between Geneva-based websites. Hypertext links are used as a proxy indicator of institutional interconnections. When writing reports or documents, we usually cite sources we work with or have a trusting relationship. Making hypertext links, among other things, expresses relevance and trust in the online era.

With the caveat that online links are not the only way for organisations to refer to one another or collaborate, we would like to introduce them as the first and most precise indicator in dealing with policy silos.

To get a sense of proportion, we compared the number of links among Geneva-based organisations to their total number of online links. You can find a survey of both ‘outgoing’ and ‘incoming’ links between organisations.

We only showed links that were more than 0.01% important and took more work. There are self-loop links in both graphs.

Table of interconnections of Geneva’s websites

WordPress Tables

Significance graph

Explanation: the thicker the arrow on the graph, the more significant the number of links leading from the source organization A, in relation to all links leading to the target organization’s B site

 Effort graph

Explanation: the fact that the number of links that the source organization sends to the site of the target organization A is not of great importance for the target organization B – does not mean that it is not a large percentage of all links that the source organization A has on its site