Alicia Shepherd-Vega
Alicia Shepherd-Vega

Ms Alicia Shepherd-Vega is an educator, researcher, and policy analyst. Her work with the Digital Watch Observatory began last year and she continues to work with the sociocultural and development baskets as an expert in online education. Shepherd-Vega has also participated in several IEFT and ICANN meetings. The focus of her work centres on the English Caribbean, where she obtained a master's degree in Global Studies with specialisations in Multilateralism, International Finance, Diplomacy and Cuban Studies. Her second MA is in Development Statistics with a specialisation in Demography, both from the University of the West Indies (UWI). Alicia is also certified in Accountancy (ACCA), Project Management (PMI), and Cybersecurity (Google). Currently, she is a freelancer contracted to several agencies including the UWI, where she’s the course designer/facilitator of the Research Methods for Project Managers course and a research supervisor in the Master in Project Management programme for over three years.