Open Forum: A Primer on AI

17 Jan 2024 18:30h - 19:30h

Event report

The rapid growth of AI has raised critical questions about the risks and opportunities the technology brings to our daily lives.

What solutions are needed to ensure that AI benefits society, upholds ethical standards and becomes inclusive to all users?

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Full session report

Moderator - Haslinda Amin

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been widely adopted across various sectors, including facial recognition, online shopping, banking, and hiring. This powerful tool has positive implications for boosting equality and amplifying voices. Alexandra Reeve-Givens, CEO of the Center for Democracy and Technology, advocates for using technology to enhance equality and amplify diverse voices.

However, concerns arise regarding biases in AI systems, which can lead to ethical and legal issues. Many AI systems have built-in biases that perpetuate discrimination and unfair practices, highlighting the importance of ensuring inclusivity and avoiding the reinforcement of existing inequalities.

Education initiatives are focusing on supporting disadvantaged youth in STEAM and robotics. The I Am Angel Foundation, founded by musician, promotes education programs that prepare students, especially those from underprivileged backgrounds, for an AI-dominated future. These programs equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in an AI-driven world.

AI is also recognized as a valuable tool in addressing climate change and improving food and agriculture supply chains. Himanshu Gupta, CEO of Climate AI, leverages AI to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of food and agriculture systems, contributing to SDGs related to climate action and zero hunger.

However, concerns exist about the lack of AI education for students, particularly from their teachers. This gap hinders students' preparedness for a future where AI will play a significant role. Efforts should be made to provide teachers with necessary training and resources to educate students about AI and its implications.

Another concern is the potential impact of AI on the job market. As AI capabilities advance, certain professions may become irrelevant, resulting in job displacement. Duolingo, for instance, has offset thousands of employees due to AI capabilities. Addressing these potential challenges is crucial to ensuring decent work and economic growth.

In summary, the widespread adoption of AI presents opportunities and challenges. While it can boost equality, address climate change, and improve efficiency, concerns remain regarding biases, lack of education, and potential job displacement. It is essential to address these concerns responsibly and harness the power of AI for a sustainable and inclusive future.

Alexandra Reeve Givens

The analysis explores a variety of viewpoints on different aspects of AI. One argument raised is that AI has the potential to perpetuate existing inequalities. It is suggested that AI systems analysing resumes based on existing employee patterns may only forward candidates who fit the existing mould, thus not promoting diversity. Similarly, in public benefit systems, eligibility or accusations of fraud can be based on incorrect inferences made by AI, leading to unfair exclusion. These examples highlight the negative impact that AI can have when it comes to promoting equality and fairness.

Another concern raised is regarding AI-powered surveillance. The use of facial recognition technology by governments to identify suspects in protests or within the criminal justice system is seen as a risk to human rights. It is argued that this technology can lead to false accusations or the suppression of protests. This sentiment aligns with the importance of protecting individual rights and freedoms even in the context of AI implementation.

The analysis also touches on the potential negative effects of generative AI. It is suggested that distinguishing between real and fake information becomes more difficult with the advent of generative AI, leading to an increased spread of misinformation and disinformation. This observation highlights the need for robust mechanisms to combat the negative consequences of AI technologies.

In the realm of education, the lack of guidance on AI usage in classrooms is seen as problematic. Some schools have resorted to banning AI applications due to unfamiliarity and fear, while others leave teachers to figure out how to implement them on their own. This lack of guidance can hinder students' preparedness for coexisting and navigating a world with AI. However, there is also recognition of the potential benefits of AI in education if it is used responsibly and with proper guidance. It is suggested that exposure to AI and related issues such as misinformation while still in school can equip students with the necessary tools to navigate the real world effectively.

The digital divide is brought to light as a significant obstacle to computer and internet access. The pandemic has exposed the extreme measures some students have had to take, such as studying in restaurant parking lots, to gain internet access. Bridging this digital divide is seen as a prerequisite for the effective use of AI in education, highlighting the need for a comprehensive connectivity strategy.

A key argument made is the importance of globally distributing resources needed for the AI revolution. It is argued that the global majority is not leading in the AI revolution due to unequal resource distribution. By distributing AI resources more equally, greater opportunities can be unlocked for all.

The analysis also emphasises the importance of responsible AI governance. Legislation and policy frameworks are being developed globally, with the EU AI Act serving as an example of comprehensive legislation for AI. The need for public participation in shaping AI norms is highlighted, with the recognition that non-technologists should feel entitled to participate in discussions surrounding AI and democracy.

In the field of healthcare, the potential of AI to make inferences from large datasets, surpassing the capabilities of the human mind, is recognised. This potential has a significant impact on fields such as healthcare and medical research, enabling the unlocking of knowledge from large datasets.

Privacy protection is another important aspect discussed in the analysis. It is noted that AI training often involves the use of personal data, such as user images, which could potentially be used against individuals. Protecting personal data and establishing laws and policies for privacy are seen as essential responsibilities.

In conclusion, the analysis showcases a range of viewpoints and concerns regarding AI. It highlights the need for careful consideration and responsible implementation of AI technology to address issues such as inequality, human rights, the digital divide, and privacy. The potential benefits of AI in education and healthcare are recognized, but it is emphasized that proper guidance and governance are crucial. Ultimately, the analysis calls for global resource distribution, public engagement, and the development of policies and legislation to ensure the ethical and responsible use of AI.

Himanshu Gupta

Himanshu Gupta, an advocate for the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in climate solutions, has developed a platform that utilises AI to assist seed companies in predicting the most suitable locations for conducting trials. This platform accelerates the process of bringing climate resilient seeds to market. Implemented across various crops and countries, this innovation has benefited over 4 million farmers globally.

Moreover, Himanshu Gupta highlights the importance of addressing inequalities that may arise due to the implementation of AI. He acknowledges the potential for the AI revolution to exacerbate wealth accumulation among the top echelons of society, leading to increased inequality. Himanshu Gupta emphasises the need to carefully address these inequalities to prevent societal unrest and political transformation.

In addition to advocating for equal access to educational resources, Himanshu Gupta emphasizes the importance of evolving students' thinking to higher levels in future learning. He suggests that AI tools should handle level one thinking while students engage in level two and level three thinking. This approach enables students to focus on critical thinking, questioning existing systems, and forward thinking.

Himanshu Gupta also highlights the potential of AI in tackling complex climate change problems. He suggests that mainstream AI developments, such as transformers, can effectively address these challenges. AI should be leveraged to develop innovative solutions that combat climate change and its consequences.

Furthermore, Himanshu Gupta advocates for the development of AI in an environmentally-friendly and equitable manner. This entails designing and implementing AI systems and applications with a strong emphasis on sustainability and fairness. By doing so, AI can contribute to the achievement of goals related to reducing inequalities, promoting responsible consumption and production, and taking action on climate change.

Himanshu Gupta emphasizes the need for teachers to be re-skilled, transitioning from traditional lecturers to motivators and guides for students. AI tools can assist in basic learning tasks, allowing teachers to focus on guiding students in higher-level thinking and creating interactive learning environments.

Overall, Himanshu Gupta considers AI to be a versatile tool that can provide services across various fields. He asserts that AI can be the driving force behind both software and physical systems, enhancing the capabilities of both. Himanshu Gupta's work in AI demonstrates its potential in addressing climate challenges, reducing inequalities, and improving global access to education.

In conclusion, Himanshu Gupta's work showcases the transformative capabilities of AI in addressing climate challenges, reducing inequalities, and improving education. His platform has accelerated the process of bringing climate resilient seeds to the market, benefiting millions of farmers. Himanshu Gupta's advocacy for an equitable and environmentally-friendly development of AI highlights the importance of considering its long-term implications. His emphasis on re-skilling teachers and promoting higher-level thinking among students demonstrates a holistic approach to education that leverages the capabilities of AI. Himanshu Gupta believes that AI can be a transformative tool when used responsibly, with a focus on sustainability and equality.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful force with the potential to reshape industries and create new ones, according to the discussions. The youth, who have grown up with technology like iPads, should be encouraged and trained to understand and apply AI, as they possess a natural affinity for this technology. They can leverage AI to create industries of the future and drive innovation.

However, there are concerns about the impact of AI on traditional jobs. It was noted that AI has the potential to replace certain jobs in sectors such as finance, law, and other industries. Sales clerk and Uber driving jobs may also be at risk with the introduction of autonomous vehicles. This raises the question of what will happen to individuals in these industries and how they will be affected by the rise of AI.

One significant argument put forward is that AI lacks true imaginative capabilities. While AI is a great mimic, it is not capable of true creativity and bringing forth things that have never existed. This argument highlights the uniqueness of human ingenuity and the ability to imagine and create.

The issue of data ownership and privacy also emerged during the discussions. There was a consensus that individuals should have the right to own their own data. Some participants even mentioned the idea of "banking" one's essence and likeness like money, emphasizing the importance of personal ownership and control over one's data.

Diversity and inclusion were also highlighted as crucial aspects in the development and deployment of AI systems. It was noted that biased algorithms can emerge when there is a lack of diversity among programmers. There was a call to address this issue by providing education and opportunities for disadvantaged communities to participate in the AI field.

The implementation of technology in schools was viewed as essential to prevent a generation gap and facilitate learning. It was pointed out that while schools often have facilities like gyms and cafeterias, they often lack resources for teaching technology. The need to integrate more technology and teach students about today's digital tools was emphasized.

There was also a recognition of the imbalance between investment in AI and human intelligence. The discussions highlighted that there is currently more investment in AI than in developing human intelligence, leading to concerns about a future where machines may surpass humans in capabilities. It was suggested that there should be increased investment and strategies in developing human intelligence and improving digital access to match the pace of AI development.

The success of's IM Foundation in empowering disadvantaged kids through STEAM education was brought to attention. The program has reached over 300 schools, and students have been admitted to prestigious universities. This initiative showcases the positive impact of integrating arts into education and providing opportunities for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Overall, the discussions underscored the need to embrace AI while addressing its challenges and shortcomings. It is important not to fear AI but to understand and harness its potential. The role of AI in transforming underserved and underdeveloped communities was viewed as a positive aspect, indicating its potential for social impact. However, there were also warnings about the mishandling of social media and the need for regulations to protect individuals' data and privacy.

In conclusion, AI holds great promise in reshaping industries and driving innovation. It has the potential to create new opportunities and empower individuals and communities. However, it also poses challenges such as job displacement and ethical concerns. To fully harness the benefits of AI, there is a need for ongoing dialogue, investment in human intelligence, diversity and inclusion, and clear regulations to protect individuals' rights and privacy in this rapidly evolving technological landscape.


The discussion revolves around the integration of AI technology in education. One argument supports complete access to AI technologies in education, emphasising the importance of evolving assignments with technology. It argues that as technology heavily influences our lives, being able to utilise AI should be a part of education. The proponents of this argument believe that allowing complete access to AI technologies in education would enable students to develop skills that are necessary for the future.

On the other hand, some teachers express fear about integrating technology into education. They are concerned about the potential consequences and challenges that may arise from the use of AI in the classroom. Their fear stems from the uncertainty surrounding how AI technology will impact traditional teaching methods and whether it will ultimately replace the need for human educators. These teachers highlight the need for proper training and support in incorporating AI technology into teaching practices.

Another point of discussion is the risk of corporations and technology moving to regions with lax regulations. The argument is based on the historical pattern that when laws are less stringent, corporations tend to pivot to those places. This raises concerns about the need for strong regulations in order to prevent companies from exploiting AI technology in areas where regulations are inadequate.

Furthermore, the challenge of implementing AI regulatory legislation on a national level to match an international standard is acknowledged. The argument stresses the importance of ensuring that AI regulatory legislation is robust enough to address the potential impacts of AI technology while maintaining compatibility with international standards. This would help in promoting the responsible development and use of AI technology in various sectors.

Moreover, there are concerns about AI's impact on jobs and employment. It is argued that AI technology has the potential to replace many jobs, leading to unemployment in certain industries. The example of Duolingo laying off employees due to advancements in AI technology is cited as evidence. These concerns raise questions about the need to re-evaluate the existing workforce and develop strategies to mitigate potential job displacement caused by AI.

Lastly, the discussion touches upon the need to protect personal data from AI manipulation. It is highlighted that certain AI systems, such as those used on Instagram, can train on existing photos and profiles, raising concerns about privacy and data manipulation. The suggestion is made to enact new laws that draw clear boundaries and provide legal protection against AI manipulation of personal data on the internet.

In conclusion, this discussion highlights the different perspectives and concerns regarding the integration of AI technology in education and beyond. The arguments range from supporting the complete access to AI technologies in education to expressing fear about its integration. The potential impact on jobs, risk of corporations exploiting lax regulations, and the need for protecting personal data from AI manipulation are also important considerations in the development and regulation of AI technology.

Axel Oster

The analysis explores the implementation of AI in education and provides valuable insights into various aspects surrounding its use. It addresses the issue of students misusing AI to complete basic assignments, highlighting their reliance on AI for simple tasks, despite the potential limitations of the generated answers. The analysis also highlights the benefits of AI in education, particularly in research, where AI can provide fast and thorough answers, enhancing the efficiency of research activities.

Another important aspect is the use of AI to create a safe space for students to ask questions without fear of judgement, promoting student engagement. The analysis also stresses the importance of educators being well-informed about AI to adequately prepare students for future professions. It points out the disparity between teachers and students in terms of AI knowledge, suggesting that teachers need to be equipped with the necessary understanding of AI to effectively educate students.

Moreover, the analysis emphasizes the significance of student involvement in education transformation, as they are the ones being educated and will shape the future. It also acknowledges the uncertain future impact of AI, while noting the optimism of Axel Oster and his friends about its potential.

The analysis concludes by advocating for the responsible use of AI in education, suggesting that it should be employed as an assistant rather than a tool for cheating on assignments. It also discusses the potential job replacement aspects of AI, recognizing that certain functions may be automated but highlighting the resistance to these changes due to the preference for human interaction in certain services.

Overall, the analysis provides a comprehensive overview of AI in education, covering various dimensions and addressing both positive and negative aspects. It promotes the need for responsible implementation, teacher education, and student involvement, while considering the potential impact and challenges of AI in the future.


Alexandra Reeve Givens

Speech speed

236 words per minute

Speech length

3261 words

Speech time

830 secs



Speech speed

194 words per minute

Speech length

503 words

Speech time

155 secs


Axel Oster

Speech speed

232 words per minute

Speech length

1235 words

Speech time

320 secs


Himanshu Gupta

Speech speed

191 words per minute

Speech length

1561 words

Speech time

490 secs


Moderator - Haslinda Amin

Speech speed

160 words per minute

Speech length

1133 words

Speech time

424 secs


Speech speed

160 words per minute

Speech length

3571 words

Speech time

1338 secs