Webinar: Data for change: listening to the voices of children about their experiences online

20 Apr 2023


How does the Safe Online initiative support the development of evidence-based solutions to make the internet safe for children?

During this webinar, Serena Tommasino from the Safe Online Initiative at the End Violence Partnership will highlight the importance of evidence generation to inform prevention, response and cross-sectoral efforts from the Safe Online $71 million investment portfolio with impact in more than 80 countries globally.

This includes sharing the key findings from the large-scale research project Disrupting Harm, implemented in 13 countries in Africa and Asia between 2019-2022 and currently ongoing in 11 additional countries between 2022-2025 that will be showcased by Daniel Kardefelt-Winther from UNICEF Innocenti. The session will demonstrate ways that data and evidence can inform policy change and tech industry practices.