UNIDIR Cyber Stability 2019: Strenghtening Global Engagement

6 Jun 2019

New York, USA

The event is organised by the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) and will be held on 6 June 2019 at the United Nations’ Headquarters in New York, United States.

Recently, two new forums were established by the decisions of the General Assembly in 2018: a new Group of Governmental Experts and an Open-Ended Working Group. These initiatives open the door to the international community and strengthen the norms, principles and rules of responsible behavior to strengthen cooperation and contribute to the prevention and peaceful settlement of conflict.The discussions will focus on the assessment of digital transformation and its repercussions on the security and stability landscape. The speakers will also try to identify key trends to migitate ICT-related security challenges by exploring the dynamics of multistakeholder participation and cooperation.

The registration deadline is 27 May 2019. Please visit the dedicated website for more information about the event and to access the event’s agenda.
