Unlocking the power of e-Commerce for SMEs: Successes, Challenges and Opportunities (eTrade for Women and LUDMARC)

5 Dec 2023 13:00h - 14:00h UTC

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Full session report

Natalia Facciolo

The analysis provided focuses on two main themes: digital transformation and women in tech in Argentina. Natalia, the owner of Ludmark, shares her experience of implementing e-commerce in her business, which was established in 2007. The transition to digital was a significant change for Ludmark, requiring a shift in mindset, platform adjustment, and new service delivery methods. Trust-building factors, such as product delivery and payment methods, also needed to be reconsidered.

Natalia stresses that the digital transformation was an ongoing process, rather than a one-time event. She emphasizes the importance of investing in knowledge acquisition and collaborating with individuals who possess technical expertise to ensure a successful transformation. This highlights the need for continuous learning and adaptation in the face of evolving digital technologies.

In terms of gender equality, Natalia expresses support for women in tech and digital transformations. She emphasizes the importance of connecting with other women on a similar journey and acknowledges the value of her participation in the E-Trade for Women masterclass, which provided her with useful tools for her e-commerce journey. However, the analysis also highlights the prevalent gender inequality in business, with only 2% of women receiving financial assistance in digital businesses. This underscores the need for greater support and opportunities for women entrepreneurs in Argentina.

Additionally, the analysis suggests a need for more role models and financial tools for women in business. It emphasizes the importance of women acquiring skills such as preparing business pitches and selling ideas to overcome gender-based challenges. Furthermore, women are seeking more training opportunities in business, as indicated by the positive sentiment towards increased business training.

Lastly, the analysis draws attention to the scarcity of technology and internet access in Argentina. Many places in the country lack Wi-Fi or reliable internet connections, which poses a significant barrier to digital transformation and business growth.

In conclusion, the analysis highlights the challenges and opportunities related to digital transformation and women in tech in Argentina. Natalia’s experience illustrates the adjustments required for successful digital transformation, while also highlighting the need for continuous learning and collaboration. The gender imbalance in business, along with the scarcity of technology and internet access, present significant obstacles for women entrepreneurs. However, the recognition of the need for more role models, financial tools, and business training for women indicates a growing awareness of the importance of gender equality in the digital world.

Kamikazi Yeetah

The analysis highlights the various barriers that women face in accessing resources, digital skills, networks, and opportunities. These barriers greatly hinder their ability to thrive in the digital era. Women may encounter challenges in accessing financial resources needed to invest in technology and build digital businesses. Additionally, they may also face difficulties in accessing the necessary technological infrastructure, such as reliable internet connectivity and devices.

A significant barrier for women is the lack of digital skills and knowledge. Many women may not have had the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills to navigate and utilise digital tools effectively. This lack of proficiency in digital technology can further limit their access to employment opportunities and hinder their participation in the digital economy.

Another key obstacle identified is the fear of technology and the lack of visible role models in the field. Many women may feel apprehensive about embracing digital technologies due to the potential challenges and barriers associated with them. The absence of successful women entrepreneurs in the technology sector can lead to a lack of confidence and lower adoption rates among other women.

To mitigate these barriers, it is crucial to focus on increased education, training, and visibility of successful women in technology. By providing women with the necessary knowledge and skills through education and training programmes, they can become better equipped to overcome the digital divide. Initiatives in Rwanda have already begun addressing this issue by offering training programmes that teach women about e-commerce. As a result, some e-commerce businesses, such as Mulkadi and Olado, have started utilising these digital tools in Rwanda, showcasing positive progress in overcoming barriers.

In conclusion, women face several obstacles in accessing resources, digital skills, networks, and opportunities. These barriers, including limited financial resources, technological infrastructure, digital skills, and fear of technology, hinder their ability to fully participate in the digital era. However, by focusing on education, training, and increasing the visibility of successful women in technology, progress can be made in breaking down these barriers. Initiatives such as e-commerce training programmes in Rwanda provide an encouraging example of how these challenges can be overcome. It is crucial to continue implementing such solutions to empower women and ensure their active participation in the digital economy.

Ariunaa Adiya

Mongolia, a country heavily dependent on the mining sector, is actively pursuing digital transformation to diversify its economy. With the goal of becoming a digital nation by 2025, the government is taking steps to develop its services trade through digitalization. This move is driven by the recognition that the current dependence on mining is not sustainable in the long run.

One of the key supporting facts is that nearly 90% of Mongolia’s economy relies on the mining sector. This over-reliance on a single sector makes the country vulnerable to fluctuations in commodity prices and other external factors. By embracing digital transformation, the government aims to reduce this dependency and create a more resilient and diverse economy.

To achieve this, the government has shown a positive stance by engaging with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) for e-trade readiness assessment. This collaboration demonstrates Mongolia’s commitment to leveraging digital technologies for economic growth and development. Additionally, the government has launched 75 recommendations for readiness assessment, emphasizing the importance of proper preparation and planning for a successful digital transformation.

In order to realize the digitalization goals, the government needs to focus on developing e-skills, improving ICT infrastructure services, and promoting the adoption of e-payment systems. These factors are crucial in creating an enabling environment for digital innovation and ensuring that businesses and individuals can fully benefit from digitalization. By enhancing e-skills, the government can empower the workforce to adapt and thrive in the digital era. Furthermore, investing in robust ICT infrastructure is essential for providing reliable and accessible digital services to all parts of the country. Lastly, promoting the use of e-payment systems will facilitate seamless financial transactions, making it easier for businesses to operate and for citizens to engage in online transactions.

It is noteworthy that Mongolia’s pursuit of digital transformation aligns with its commitment to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 8 and 9. SDG 8 focuses on promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, while SDG 9 emphasizes the importance of building resilient infrastructure and promoting innovation. By diversifying its economy through digitalization, Mongolia aims to achieve these SDGs and create a more sustainable and prosperous future.

Overall, Mongolia’s active pursuit of digital transformation is a positive step towards diversifying its economy and reducing its dependence on the mining sector. By embracing digital technologies and focusing on key areas of development, such as e-skills and ICT infrastructure, the country can create new opportunities for economic growth and development. This move towards becoming a digital nation aligns with Mongolia’s commitment to the SDGs, further underscoring its dedication to sustainable and inclusive economic progress.

Rie Namiki

GrocerVelle, a successful online grocery store launched in 2019, recently achieved great success through an acquisition. The founders of GrocerVelle shared their inspiring journey in the e-commerce industry, driven by the desire to meet consumer needs and provide a convenient one-stop solution for grocery shopping.

Amidst the pandemic, GrocerVelle experienced a significant surge in sales, contributing to the company’s growth. The team adeptly adapted to the changing circumstances, ensuring efficient service delivery during these challenging times. Additionally, GrocerVelle played a pivotal role in empowering women by actively hiring them and forming strategic partnerships with local farming businesses.

The discussion also delved into how women entrepreneurs can leverage digital tools to enhance their efficiency and expand their businesses. With technology constantly evolving, e-commerce entrepreneurs worldwide face both opportunities and challenges that require constant adaptation. The experiences shared shed light on the shared struggles and unique obstacles faced by e-commerce entrepreneurs in different regions.

The conversation then shifted to the macroeconomic aspect, exploring how digital transformation can be fostered in conventional businesses, specifically in Mongolia’s transition from its commodity-based economy. The panelists identified barriers and discussed strategies to facilitate cross-border e-commerce in Mongolia, a landlocked country.

Insights were also shared from ecosystem players, focusing on the context in Rwanda. Ita, an ecosystem player from Rwanda, highlighted the hurdles faced by women-led businesses in embracing digital transformation and identified key factors inhibiting women from harnessing the benefits of digital technologies. Lack of role models and fear of failure were significant challenges addressed.

The discussion concluded with a call to action for mindset shifts to encourage women entrepreneurs to embrace e-commerce and digital transformation. By overcoming barriers and fostering supportive ecosystems, greater participation and success for women in the digital economy can be achieved.

Overall, the panel discussion provided valuable insights into the journey of GrocerVelle and the experiences of e-commerce entrepreneurs. It emphasized the importance of adapting to changing circumstances, empowering women, and addressing barriers to digital transformation. These insights serve as a guide for entrepreneurs and policymakers seeking to promote e-commerce and women’s empowerment in their own contexts.

Yvette Uwimpaye

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed the way people shop, prompting a surge in online shopping. In response to this trend, a woman took advantage of the opportunity and decided to study economics at university, recognizing the benefit of understanding this field for her family’s e-commerce business. After completing her studies, she sought an internship within her family’s business, gaining valuable practical experience.

However, it was becoming a mother that truly inspired her entrepreneurial journey. As she started her own family, she realised the need for convenient online grocery shopping in Rwanda. This realisation motivated her to open an online grocery store to cater to the needs of other busy parents and individuals.

To ensure the success of her online grocery store, she adopted a strategic approach. She set a timeframe of four years to test the viability of her business, allowing enough time to gather data and assess its progress. This careful planning enabled her to be prepared for any potential obstacles, and she remained open to exploring alternative paths if her initial plan did not prove successful.

Despite her determination and vision, she faced initial discouragement from her family and encountered more criticism than support. People were sceptical of this new model of online shopping, preferring the traditional brick-and-mortar stores that they were familiar with. However, she remained persistent and believed in her e-commerce platform, determined to prove its worth.

In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a surge in online shopping, impacting various aspects of life and business. This woman’s story showcases the power of recognising opportunities and adapting to changing circumstances. Through her studies and personal experiences, she identified the need for online grocery shopping and took necessary steps to establish her own e-commerce venture. Despite facing initial discouragement, she persevered and turned her vision into a successful online grocery store, catering to the needs of busy individuals and parents in Rwanda. Her story serves as an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs in the e-commerce field, highlighting the importance of strategic planning, perseverance, and belief in one’s vision.

Priyanka Chetry

GrocerVelle, a company founded by Priyanka Chetry, had a strong focus on sustainability, local product promotion, and women’s empowerment. The company implemented plastic-free delivery as a way to minimize environmental impact and supported local producers and farmers by providing them with a platform to showcase and sell their products. Notably, GrocerVelle employed female delivery drivers, and 80% of its staff were women, contributing to women’s empowerment.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, GrocerVelle experienced a substantial surge in customer orders, with a remarkable 300% increase. This growth can be attributed to the shift in consumer behavior, with more people turning to online shopping during the lockdown. This heightened demand allowed GrocerVelle to expand its reach and solidify its position in the e-commerce market.

Despite the initial success, GrocerVelle faced financial challenges and required additional funds for further growth. As a result, the company was acquired by Azyla. This acquisition provided the necessary capital and resources to support GrocerVelle’s expansion plans.

Priyanka Chetry firmly believes in the potential of digital entrepreneurship to bring about positive change and drive economic growth in Cambodia. By leveraging digital tools and technologies, entrepreneurs can streamline their business operations, expand their customer base, and enhance productivity. Digital tools such as project management software, cloud-based storage, and video conferencing can significantly benefit businesses, while social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer opportunities for increased engagement, brand building, and customer loyalty. Moreover, digital platforms, including community forums and social media groups, enable women entrepreneurs to connect with like-minded individuals and foster a supportive network.

In addition to leveraging digital tools, women entrepreneurs can also benefit from specific networks and platforms that cater to their needs. E-Trade for Women, for example, provides a valuable platform for women entrepreneurs to share experiences, gain knowledge, and engage in collaborative efforts. The network offers mentorship, training, and facilitates access to new markets, fostering the growth and success of women-led businesses.

Overall, the story of GrocerVelle showcases the importance of sustainability, local product promotion, and women’s empowerment in driving a successful business. Additionally, it highlights the significant role that digital tools and networks can play in enhancing entrepreneurship, particularly for women, and fostering economic growth.


Ariunaa Adiya

Speech speed

140 words per minute

Speech length

542 words

Speech time

232 secs


Kamikazi Yeetah

Speech speed

111 words per minute

Speech length

658 words

Speech time

357 secs


Natalia Facciolo

Speech speed

124 words per minute

Speech length

705 words

Speech time

342 secs


Priyanka Chetry

Speech speed

157 words per minute

Speech length

1509 words

Speech time

578 secs


Rie Namiki

Speech speed

122 words per minute

Speech length

665 words

Speech time

326 secs


Yvette Uwimpaye

Speech speed

135 words per minute

Speech length

471 words

Speech time

209 secs