The digital economy in the age of AI: Implications for developing countries (UNCTAD)

6 Dec 2023 15:00h - 16:30h UTC

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Disclaimer: This is not an official record of the UNCTAD eWeek session. The DiploAI system automatically generates these resources from the audiovisual recording. Resources are presented in their original format, as provided by the AI (e.g. including any spelling mistakes). The accuracy of these resources cannot be guaranteed. The official record of the session can be found on the UNCTAD website.

Full session report

Teki Akuetteh

The discussion centered around the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on developing nations, particularly African countries. It highlighted the transformative influence of AI technologies on African economies, addressing issues related to poverty, social impact, and sustainability. However, challenges were also identified, such as the high costs associated with AI development and the influence of big tech companies. The need for global cooperation, equitable access to resources, and supportive infrastructure were emphasized. Recognizing and compensating data contributors, careful regulation, and inclusivity were also deemed crucial for responsible and equitable AI development in developing nations.

Uma Rani

Uma Rani, an employee at the International Labour Organization (ILO), strongly advocates for digital worker rights. She has conducted extensive research on the impact of AI in developing countries, shaping her belief in the importance of protecting workers in the digital era. However, some perceive her as biased due to her background as a development economist and her work in the platform economy.

The adoption of AI in workplaces has not yet reached a large scale, but there has been significant investment in AI-related tools. This has led to the automation or outsourcing of tasks in various industries, raising concerns about the replacement of specific tasks rather than entire jobs. This argument suggests that AI adoption may result in increased productivity and efficiency, but there is a risk of certain tasks becoming obsolete.

One of the worries associated with AI adoption is the potential de-skilling of highly educated workers. In some cases, individuals with advanced degrees are assigned mundane tasks related to AI development, such as cleaning and feeding data to AI systems. Additionally, examples exist of IT graduates working on removing objectionable material from the web, which indicates a potential waste of their expertise and skills.

Content moderators, who are responsible for moderating online content, often experience psychosocial impacts and are unable to discuss their work due to non-disclosure agreements. This lack of communication and support can lead to the internalization of stress and negative mental health consequences. There have been calls for authorities to intervene and address these issues surrounding content moderation, as exemplified by a case involving Meta in Kenya.

Understanding the data value chain is crucial, and Uma Rani argues that worker empowerment can be achieved by fighting for data rights. She emphasizes the need for complete transparency in the collection, cleaning, analysis, and outcome of data. This would ensure that workers have control and ownership over the data they contribute. Furthermore, discussions on fiduciary or data trust have been initiated, asserting the right of everyone to the data they contribute and its usage.

Transparency in algorithms is also a key concern. It is argued that algorithm transparency is necessary to address fair practices and equity issues. By providing transparency, biases and potential discrimination embedded in algorithms can be identified and mitigated. This contributes to a more just and equitable use of AI and data-driven technologies.

The development of AI requires ethical regulation, as insufficient attention is currently being given to the process. The argument asserts the importance of considering ethical implications in the development and use of AI to ensure it aligns with societal values and upholds ethical standards. This includes addressing issues such as privacy, bias, and accountability.

Contrary to the widespread fear of job displacement, it is highlighted that artificial intelligence and emerging technologies do not necessarily result in job losses for developers and computer programmers. While AI has streamlined and facilitated certain programming tasks, human developers are still required for further development and innovative thinking. The argument suggests that rather than replacing jobs, AI can enhance and support the work of developers and programmers.

In light of technological advancements, there is a need to revisit and reframe industrial and employment policies. The advent of AI and platforms like GitHub has led to a shift from formal jobs to more informal arrangements. This raises concerns about de-skilling and the need to develop products that benefit our own societies and economies. Policies should be updated to provide support and address the challenges posed by technological revolutions.

Finally, the ethical development and use of AI is crucial. There is a risk that AI could be used for monitoring, surveillance, and work intensification, leading to worse working conditions. It is argued that clear regulation of AI is necessary to protect workers throughout its development and use. This includes safeguarding against unethical practices, ensuring privacy, and promoting fairness and respect for worker rights.

Overall, the expanded summary highlights the various arguments and perspectives concerning digital worker rights, AI adoption, the data value chain, algorithm transparency, ethical regulation, and the impact of AI on job displacement. Noteworthy observations include the need for worker empowerment, the importance of revisiting industrial and employment policies, and the risks and challenges associated with AI’s development and use.

Jovan Kurbalija

The analysis of perspectives on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact reveals several interesting and important insights.

One perspective emphasizes the significance of accessible and distributed knowledge worldwide. This viewpoint highlights the belief that knowledge is still fairly distributed worldwide. It is argued that AI should be found not just in big centers but also in niches, flea markets, and favelas. The aim is to make AI accessible to all, regardless of their location or resources. This perspective aligns with the principles of reducing inequalities and promoting industry, innovation, and infrastructure.

Another viewpoint raises concerns about the risks associated with AI. One such risk is “knowledge slavery,” where a centralized system could codify and control access to historical and current knowledge. This perspective acknowledges that while AI has a higher chance of resulting in positive impacts, there are significant risks that need to be addressed urgently. It particularly highlights the immediate risks of AI exacerbating the digital divide and leading to knowledge slavery.

The analysis also reveals concerns about monopolies and misinformation in the AI space. It is argued that these issues pose a bigger immediate risk than extinction. Monopolies can curtail fair market competition, while misinformation can generate false identities. This perspective emphasizes the importance of peace, justice, and strong institutions in combating these challenges.

Another intriguing observation is the mention of fear-mongering surrounding AI. The argument is made that fear-mongering can create unnecessary confusion and diversion from addressing the real issues related to AI’s understanding and usage. It is suggested that a more measured and informed approach is required.

The analysis also brings up the need for open, honest, and frank discussions about AI. Currently, discussions around AI and its implications are often steeped in secrecy and confusion. Transparency is highlighted as crucial for gaining a better understanding of the technology and its processes.

Additionally, it is noted that AI systems have evolved over time. From attempts to codify human logic, AI has transitioned to a basis on probability due to the complexity of human logic. It is mentioned that AI systems are not capable of simple mathematics as they are not based on logic but on probability.

The analysis also touches upon the need for clarity in regulations and law regarding the digital space. It is argued that there should be more clarity in regulations and laws governing the digital space, particularly in addressing cybercrimes and establishing punishment systems.

In conclusion, the analysis of perspectives on AI and its impact reveals a complex landscape. While some highlight the importance of accessible and distributed knowledge, others raise concerns about the risks associated with AI, such as knowledge slavery and the digital divide. The need for open discussions, addressing monopolies and misinformation, and clarity in regulations is also emphasized.

Isabelle Kumar

During the discussion, the speakers delved into various aspects of AI and its impact on our lives. They highlighted that AI is already transforming our lives and that its landscape is continuously changing. This points towards the fact that we are just at the beginning stages of this technological advancement, and significant progress is expected in the future.

The crucial nature of the current stage of AI development was emphasized. The decisions being made now will deeply affect our collective futures. This insight underscores the need for careful consideration and strategic decision-making to ensure that AI is harnessed for the benefit of all.

Furthermore, the speakers stressed the need for equity in AI development, particularly in relation to developing nations. They discussed how developing nations can position themselves to participate fully in the AI revolution rather than being left marginalized. This calls for efforts to bridge the gap and provide equal opportunities for all countries to leverage AI for their progress and development.

Another important point of discussion was the potential impact of AI systems on existing inequalities and biases. It was essential to harness the potential of AI systems while ensuring that they do not exacerbate or create new forms of inequalities. This highlights the need for responsible development and implementation practices that consider the social impact of AI technologies.

The speakers also explored the essential and controversial topic of AI governance. The discussion focused on questions and debates surrounding AI governance, such as who should be involved in decision-making processes and how to strike a balance between regulation and innovation. Establishing a multi-stakeholder and international framework for AI governance was identified as crucial to fostering responsible and ethical AI practices on a global scale.

The importance of upholding worker rights in the context of AI, specifically in the content moderation industry, was also highlighted. The speakers pointed out that workers in this industry often sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), which can lead to psychosocial impacts due to their inability to discuss their work with family and friends. The need to prioritize worker rights and ensure decent working conditions in AI-related industries emerged as an important ethical concern.

Lastly, the speakers discussed the unique challenges and varying stages of digital infrastructure in Africa in relation to AI regulation. As Africa consists of 55 countries, each with its own level of digital advancement, it was emphasized that there cannot be a one-size-fits-all approach to AI rules for the continent. This observation underscores the importance of tailoring AI regulations to the specific context and needs of each African country.

Overall, the discussion shed light on the transformative power of AI and the need for responsible, equitable, and inclusive approaches to its development and implementation. It highlighted the importance of considering the potential social, economic, and ethical implications of AI technologies, as well as the necessity of multi-stakeholder collaboration and international cooperation in governing AI.

Gabriela Ramos

Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director General for Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO, has highlighted the unique mandate of UNESCO in relation to emerging technologies. She emphasises the need to view these technologies through ethical lenses, considering their potential impact on society. UNESCO has developed a recommendation on the ethics of artificial intelligence, which was adopted by 193 countries in 2021. The recommendation aims to ensure that AI technologies are aligned with human rights, human dignity, fairness, and inclusiveness.

Ramos expresses concern about the misuse and abuse of AI technologies, which could pose existential threats. Therefore, she emphasises the importance of governance and regulations for the development, usage, and potential pitfalls of AI technologies. The recommendation serves as a guideline for policymakers and stakeholders to navigate the ethical dimensions of AI.

In addition to ethical considerations, the recommendation also addresses the underrepresentation of women in the development of AI technologies. It specifically calls for affirmative action and investment in businesses that are led by women. Currently, women make up only 22% of professionals in the AI tech sector, and there are issues of recognition and discrimination against women in this field.

The recommendation acknowledges the transformative potential of technology in education and highlights the need for teachers to be trained to maximise its advantages. It recognises that technology is omnipresent and advancing rapidly, which poses challenges that need to be addressed in order to adapt effectively.

Countries around the world are concerned about staying competitive in terms of technology. During the initial phase of launching national AI strategies, the focus was mainly on technological competition. However, there is now a growing concern about the downsides of AI and the need to regulate its use. Governments are considering who should be in charge when something goes wrong with AI, what kind of liability regimes are needed, and what institutions should regulate AI. There is an ongoing debate on whether AI should be regulated by a regulatory institution, an institute, or a specific government body.

The recommendation also highlights the importance of introducing ethical guardrails in national AI strategies. Increasing emphasis is being placed on the ethical considerations surrounding the development and use of AI technologies. Effective institutions are seen as crucial for framing these technologies and ensuring they protect human rights and human dignity.

Importantly, the recommendation acknowledges the need for government investment and incentivisation in AI technologies. Governments are encouraged to invest in the competencies of their officials to better understand how these technologies work. The United States, for instance, has adopted various bills to organise and regulate the use of AI.

In conclusion, UNESCO’s recommendation on the ethics of artificial intelligence is a significant step towards promoting the responsible development and use of AI technologies. It emphasises the alignment of AI with human rights, dignity, fairness, and inclusiveness. The recommendation calls for governance and regulations, investment in AI technologies, and the underrepresentation of women in the field. It highlights the importance of training teachers to maximise the advantages of technology in education and addresses the challenges posed by the rapid advancement of technology. The recommendation also recognises the need to regulate AI and protect human rights and dignity through effective institutions. Overall, it provides a comprehensive framework for navigating ethical considerations in the development, implementation, and regulation of AI technologies.


In the discussions surrounding the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the participants have delved into various aspects. One area of interest is the historical development of AI and how it has progressed over time. Understanding the origins and transformation of AI into the technology we witness today is a subject of curiosity.

Another focal point is the impact of AI development on data requirements. A 2019 article from the Harvard Business Review predicts that future advancements in AI will rely less on extensive datasets and place more emphasis on top-down reasoning. This implies that AI algorithms could become more proficient in making complex decisions based on high-level knowledge and reasoning, thereby reducing the need for vast amounts of data.

However, alongside the potential benefits of AI, concerns have been raised about the potential de-skilling of workers, particularly in developing countries. Many nations are actively promoting job opportunities and skills development in tech-related fields to keep pace with the demands of the digital economy. Conversely, developed countries have implemented policies to re-skill their workforce, acknowledging the need to adapt to the changing landscape of AI and technology.

The discussions underscore the importance of striking a balance between AI advancements and the need for quality education and infrastructure development. While AI has the potential to reshape industries and enhance efficiency, it is crucial to ensure that the workforce is equipped with the necessary skills to thrive in an AI-driven world. This aligns with the objectives of Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education and Sustainable Development Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.

In conclusion, the discussions have examined the evolution of AI by exploring its historical development, impact on data requirements, and concerns about worker de-skilling. They highlight the significance of fostering quality education and infrastructure development to harness the benefits of AI while preparing the workforce for the accompanying changes.

Pedro Manuel Moreno

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionise industries, enhance efficiency, and support innovation across various sectors. It offers innovative pathways to address global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change, and resource management. The applications of AI range from advanced data analytics and automation to augmenting human capabilities in healthcare, agriculture, and education. This highlights the positive impact AI can have on society and its potential to drive progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.

However, the pervasive integration of AI into our lives also raises critical questions and concerns. Privacy, data security, and the ethical use of technology become paramount as AI becomes more widespread. The unchecked expansion of AI technologies can potentially compromise personal privacy, leading to breaches in data security. There is a growing need to address these ethical considerations to ensure that AI is used responsibly and for the benefit of all.

Moreover, there is a negative aspect to the development of AI. There are concerns that AI may disrupt labour markets, leading to the displacement of traditional jobs and creating new forms of inequality. The potential impact on employment raises questions about how society will adapt to these changes and ensure decent work and economic growth, as stated in SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. Additionally, the dominance of countries like the United States, China, and the United Kingdom in AI research, patent ownership, and data control exacerbates global inequalities and deepens digital divides. This further highlights the need to address these disparities and foster inclusivity to mitigate the potential adverse effects of AI development.

Furthermore, the unchecked expansion of AI technologies also has potential environmental implications. The environmental impacts of AI are yet to be fully understood, and there is a need for careful consideration of the potential consequences. It is crucial to ensure that the development of AI is aligned with SDG 13: Climate Action and does not contribute to further environmental harm.

In conclusion, while AI holds tremendous potential to revolutionise industries, enhance efficiency, and tackle global challenges, its integration must be accompanied by careful considerations. The ethical use of technology, privacy, data security, and environmental impacts need to be addressed to ensure the responsible and inclusive development of AI. Involving developing countries in discussions about AI is vital to foster inclusivity and avoid excluding them from shaping the future. By addressing the challenges and considering the potential risks, we can harness the full potential of AI while minimising its negative impacts.

Paul-Olivier Dehaye

The analysis of the arguments from the speakers reveals several key points about artificial intelligence (AI). Overall, AI is seen as a powerful tool that can be applied in both positive and negative ways. It has the potential to revolutionise reasoning and knowledge and can be compared to the cognitive architecture for the world. This implies that AI has the ability to pull and push fragments of reasoning, similar to how the internet allows us to fetch and disseminate information. The potential of AI to manipulate cognitive elements like reasoning suggests that it can be a transformative force in various aspects of society.

One of the key concerns raised by the speakers is the need for inclusive entry into the new age of AI. There is a risk that many people may be de-skilled by new technologies, highlighting the urgency to act in order to ensure that the benefits of AI are accessible to all. This suggests the importance of adopting a collective perspective and taking proactive measures to protect and empower individuals in the face of AI advancements.

The speakers emphasise the need to protect data about social relations and the way people trust each other. They propose adopting a collective approach to safeguarding this information and creating systems that can be controlled by individuals themselves. By doing so, the speakers argue that it is possible to foster a culture of trust and ensure the responsible use of data in AI systems.

The analysis also highlights the significance of data exclusivity in AI. The speakers argue that small groups and populations can collect and curate data to build intelligence. This suggests that the inclusivity of AI can be enhanced by allowing broader access to curated data, rather than relying solely on large entities and corporations.

In addition, the speakers propose the concept of a circular economy of intelligence. This entails leveraging expertly curated data from smaller groups and populations to drive local and focused intelligence. By encouraging and supporting the development of such localised intelligence, AI can contribute to the goal of decent work and economic growth.

The analysis also emphasises the need for computing power and data processing to be made accessible to developing countries. The speakers argue for the establishment of a transparent and inclusive platform where individuals from around the world can process data according to rules and traceability. This would enable greater participation from developing countries and promote a fair distribution of AI capabilities.

Technical knowledge in data protection and management is highlighted as essential in order to avoid falling into dynamics dictated as the only technical way of doing things. Emphasising the importance of technical expertise, the speakers suggest that a comprehensive understanding of data protection and management is crucial for responsible and effective AI implementation.

Legal expertise is also emphasised as necessary for protecting datasets and preventing the capture of scientific outputs by larger entities. The speakers mention the French initiative called ‘Usage Rights’, which focuses on preserving scientific outputs and preventing their exploitation by big corporations. This highlights the need for legal frameworks that can safeguard the interests of individuals and promote peace, justice, and strong institutions in the context of AI development.

Transparency is a recurring theme throughout the analysis. The speakers argue that AI systems should be more transparent, with user participation and engagement in the design process. This can be facilitated by allowing users to export their data and observe how they interact with AI systems. Transparency in sourcing and methodologies used in AI systems is also underscored as a critical factor in building trust and accountability.

The analysis also draws attention to the potential of AI to advance fields beyond its own domain. The blend of human and machine intelligence observed in advanced mathematics is seen as the new core of intellectual endeavours. This suggests that the integration of AI and human intelligence can have far-reaching implications, particularly in the fields of education, industry, innovation, and infrastructure.

In conclusion, the analysis of the speakers’ arguments sheds light on various aspects of AI and its impact on society. The key takeaways include the transformative power of AI, the need for inclusive entry into the AI age, the importance of protecting data and adopting a collective perspective, the significant role of data exclusivity and circular economy of intelligence, the importance of accessible computing power and data processing, the need for technical and legal expertise, the value of transparency in AI systems, and the potential of AI to influence multiple fields.



Speech speed

130 words per minute

Speech length

379 words

Speech time

174 secs


Enquiry about the evolution of AI

Topics: AI, Evolution

The risk of de-skilling, particularly in developing countries

Supporting facts:

  • Many developing countries are pushing for job and skills development in tech related fields
  • Developed countries have policies in place to re-skill their workforce

Topics: AI, digital economy, skill development

The impact of AI development on the need for data

Supporting facts:

  • A 2019 Harvard Business Review article predicted that future AI development will rely less on vast amounts of data, and more on top-down reasoning

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, data


In the discussions surrounding the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the participants have delved into various aspects. One area of interest is the historical development of AI and how it has progressed over time. Understanding the origins and transformation of AI into the technology we witness today is a subject of curiosity.

Another focal point is the impact of AI development on data requirements. A 2019 article from the Harvard Business Review predicts that future advancements in AI will rely less on extensive datasets and place more emphasis on top-down reasoning. This implies that AI algorithms could become more proficient in making complex decisions based on high-level knowledge and reasoning, thereby reducing the need for vast amounts of data.

However, alongside the potential benefits of AI, concerns have been raised about the potential de-skilling of workers, particularly in developing countries. Many nations are actively promoting job opportunities and skills development in tech-related fields to keep pace with the demands of the digital economy.

Conversely, developed countries have implemented policies to re-skill their workforce, acknowledging the need to adapt to the changing landscape of AI and technology. The discussions underscore the importance of striking a balance between AI advancements and the need for quality education and infrastructure development.

While AI has the potential to reshape industries and enhance efficiency, it is crucial to ensure that the workforce is equipped with the necessary skills to thrive in an AI-driven world. This aligns with the objectives of Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education and Sustainable Development Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.

In conclusion, the discussions have examined the evolution of AI by exploring its historical development, impact on data requirements, and concerns about worker de-skilling. They highlight the significance of fostering quality education and infrastructure development to harness the benefits of AI while preparing the workforce for the accompanying changes.


Gabriela Ramos

Speech speed

185 words per minute

Speech length

1571 words

Speech time

509 secs


Gabriela Ramos is the assistant director general for social and human sciences at UNESCO

Supporting facts:

  • This is the sector that has a very interesting and unique mandate
  • UNESCO looks at the emerging technologies through the ethical lenses

Topics: UNESCO, Social and Human Sciences

UNESCO developed a recommendation on the ethics of artificial intelligence

Supporting facts:

  • The recommendation was negotiated and adopted by 193 countries in 2021
  • The implementation of the recommendation is now being deployed

Topics: Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, UNESCO

The development, usage and misuse of AI technologies need governance and regulations.

Supporting facts:

  • The recommendation by UNESCO was adopted by 194 countries
  • The development of these technologies is highly concentrated in few countries and firms
  • There is a lack of representation in the data
  • Misuse and abuse of AI could lead to existential threats

Topics: AI Technologies, Governance, Regulations

AI technologies should be developed to enhance human rights, dignity, fairness and inclusiveness.

Supporting facts:

  • The adoption of the recommendation provides a general narrative to improve the delivery of these technologies
  • The accountability mechanisms, transparency, rule of law, and explainability are crucial

Topics: AI Technologies, Human Rights, Fairness, Inclusiveness

Government should incentivise and invest in AI technologies.

Supporting facts:

  • The recommendation includes policies, regulations, and legislations

Topics: AI Technologies, Investment, Government

The underrepresentation of women in the development of AI technologies needs to be addressed.

Supporting facts:

  • Women make up 22% of professionals in the AI tech sector
  • These technologies have issues with regards to recognition and discrimination against women
  • The recommendation specifically calls for affirmative action and investment in businesses that are led by women

Topics: AI Technologies, Gender Equality, Women

Teachers need to be trained to maximize the advantages of technology

Supporting facts:

  • Technology is omnipresent and advancing rapidly

Topics: Technology in education, Professional Development for teachers

During the initial phase of launching national AI strategies, the focus was mainly on technological competition

Supporting facts:

  • Countries were concerned about how much investment, skills and infrastructure they need to stay competitive in terms of technology

Topics: AI Strategies, Technological Competition

There is a growing concern about the downsides of AI and the need to regulate its use

Supporting facts:

  • Governments are now considering who should be in charge when something goes wrong with AI, what kind of liability regimes are needed and what institutions should regulate AI

Topics: AI Ethics, AI Regulation

Identifying the institutions that should regulate AI is a key focus

Supporting facts:

  • There is a debate on whether AI should be regulated by a regulatory institution like the ones for telecom or electricity, an institute, or the Federal Drug Administration

Topics: AI Regulation, Institutional Innovation

Need for effective institutions to regulate AI

Supporting facts:

  • Governments need to understand how these technologies work.
  • Countries are using these technologies to administer their welfare systems or their health systems or education system.

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Governance, Regulations

Importance of investing in competent governments

Supporting facts:

  • There is a need to invest in the competencies of governments to understand how these technologies work.
  • In the US, they have adopted many bills to organize this work.

Topics: Government, Investment


Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director General for Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO, has highlighted the unique mandate of UNESCO in relation to emerging technologies. She emphasises the need to view these technologies through ethical lenses, considering their potential impact on society.

UNESCO has developed a recommendation on the ethics of artificial intelligence, which was adopted by 193 countries in 2021. The recommendation aims to ensure that AI technologies are aligned with human rights, human dignity, fairness, and inclusiveness. Ramos expresses concern about the misuse and abuse of AI technologies, which could pose existential threats.

Therefore, she emphasises the importance of governance and regulations for the development, usage, and potential pitfalls of AI technologies. The recommendation serves as a guideline for policymakers and stakeholders to navigate the ethical dimensions of AI. In addition to ethical considerations, the recommendation also addresses the underrepresentation of women in the development of AI technologies.

It specifically calls for affirmative action and investment in businesses that are led by women. Currently, women make up only 22% of professionals in the AI tech sector, and there are issues of recognition and discrimination against women in this field.

The recommendation acknowledges the transformative potential of technology in education and highlights the need for teachers to be trained to maximise its advantages. It recognises that technology is omnipresent and advancing rapidly, which poses challenges that need to be addressed in order to adapt effectively.

Countries around the world are concerned about staying competitive in terms of technology. During the initial phase of launching national AI strategies, the focus was mainly on technological competition. However, there is now a growing concern about the downsides of AI and the need to regulate its use.

Governments are considering who should be in charge when something goes wrong with AI, what kind of liability regimes are needed, and what institutions should regulate AI. There is an ongoing debate on whether AI should be regulated by a regulatory institution, an institute, or a specific government body.

The recommendation also highlights the importance of introducing ethical guardrails in national AI strategies. Increasing emphasis is being placed on the ethical considerations surrounding the development and use of AI technologies. Effective institutions are seen as crucial for framing these technologies and ensuring they protect human rights and human dignity.

Importantly, the recommendation acknowledges the need for government investment and incentivisation in AI technologies. Governments are encouraged to invest in the competencies of their officials to better understand how these technologies work. The United States, for instance, has adopted various bills to organise and regulate the use of AI.

In conclusion, UNESCO’s recommendation on the ethics of artificial intelligence is a significant step towards promoting the responsible development and use of AI technologies. It emphasises the alignment of AI with human rights, dignity, fairness, and inclusiveness. The recommendation calls for governance and regulations, investment in AI technologies, and the underrepresentation of women in the field.

It highlights the importance of training teachers to maximise the advantages of technology in education and addresses the challenges posed by the rapid advancement of technology. The recommendation also recognises the need to regulate AI and protect human rights and dignity through effective institutions.

Overall, it provides a comprehensive framework for navigating ethical considerations in the development, implementation, and regulation of AI technologies.


Isabelle Kumar

Speech speed

167 words per minute

Speech length

2805 words

Speech time

1008 secs


AI is significantly transforming our lives and its landscape is continuously changing.

Supporting facts:

  • AI is already transforming our lives and we’ve only just taken the first few steps first few tentative steps in this technology which is really a never evolving landscape.

Topics: AI technology, Technology changes

We are at a crucial point in AI development, and the decisions being made will deeply affect our collective futures.

Supporting facts:

  • We are at a crossroads today though and that’s why meetings like this is so important because decisions that are take being taken today are going to be of critical importance for the collective futures we’re going to live tomorrow.

Topics: AI evolution, Future technology implications

Need for equity in AI development.

Supporting facts:

  • Our first session now is going to look at ai through the prism of equity and that is just crucial where developing nations fit in and how they can best position themselves to be excluded and not marginalized in this ai revolution.

Topics: Developing nations in AI, AI revolution

AI systems need to be harnessed so that they do not exacerbate existing inequalities or create new ones.

Supporting facts:

  • How we harness the potential of ai systems while ensuring that they do not exacerbate already existing inequalities and biases or even create new ones has to be central to our discussions.

Topics: AI systems, Inequalities

AI governance is essential and controversial.

Supporting facts:

  • We’re going to examine the essential and hotly debated questions and almost controversial in some respects of ai governance.

Topics: AI governance, Politics of AI

The need for a multi-stakeholder and international framework for AI governance.

Supporting facts:

  • What a multi-stakeholder and international framework when it comes to ai governance what that might actually look like.

Topics: AI governance, International framework

It’s essential to uphold worker rights in content moderation

Supporting facts:

  • Workers in the content moderation industry sign NDAs, preventing them from discussing their work with family and friends, potentially causing psychosocial impacts.

Topics: Worker Rights, Content Moderation, AI


During the discussion, the speakers delved into various aspects of AI and its impact on our lives. They highlighted that AI is already transforming our lives and that its landscape is continuously changing. This points towards the fact that we are just at the beginning stages of this technological advancement, and significant progress is expected in the future.

The crucial nature of the current stage of AI development was emphasized. The decisions being made now will deeply affect our collective futures. This insight underscores the need for careful consideration and strategic decision-making to ensure that AI is harnessed for the benefit of all.

Furthermore, the speakers stressed the need for equity in AI development, particularly in relation to developing nations. They discussed how developing nations can position themselves to participate fully in the AI revolution rather than being left marginalized. This calls for efforts to bridge the gap and provide equal opportunities for all countries to leverage AI for their progress and development.

Another important point of discussion was the potential impact of AI systems on existing inequalities and biases. It was essential to harness the potential of AI systems while ensuring that they do not exacerbate or create new forms of inequalities.

This highlights the need for responsible development and implementation practices that consider the social impact of AI technologies. The speakers also explored the essential and controversial topic of AI governance. The discussion focused on questions and debates surrounding AI governance, such as who should be involved in decision-making processes and how to strike a balance between regulation and innovation.

Establishing a multi-stakeholder and international framework for AI governance was identified as crucial to fostering responsible and ethical AI practices on a global scale. The importance of upholding worker rights in the context of AI, specifically in the content moderation industry, was also highlighted.

The speakers pointed out that workers in this industry often sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), which can lead to psychosocial impacts due to their inability to discuss their work with family and friends. The need to prioritize worker rights and ensure decent working conditions in AI-related industries emerged as an important ethical concern.

Lastly, the speakers discussed the unique challenges and varying stages of digital infrastructure in Africa in relation to AI regulation. As Africa consists of 55 countries, each with its own level of digital advancement, it was emphasized that there cannot be a one-size-fits-all approach to AI rules for the continent.

This observation underscores the importance of tailoring AI regulations to the specific context and needs of each African country. Overall, the discussion shed light on the transformative power of AI and the need for responsible, equitable, and inclusive approaches to its development and implementation.

It highlighted the importance of considering the potential social, economic, and ethical implications of AI technologies, as well as the necessity of multi-stakeholder collaboration and international cooperation in governing AI.


Jovan Kurbalija

Speech speed

164 words per minute

Speech length

2058 words

Speech time

755 secs


Emphasizes on finding AI in niches, flea markets, places, favelas, and not in the big centers

Supporting facts:

  • Created his first AI system for international law in 1992.
  • Believes that knowledge is still fairly distributed worldwide.

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Distribution

Artificial Intelligence(AI) has a higher chance of resulting in good impact but also holds significant risk in causing knowledge slavery.

Supporting facts:

  • Jovan sees a 60% chance of AI having a positive impact.
  • The risk of ‘knowledge slavery’ indicates a situation where a centralized system could codify and control access to knowledge, both historical and current.

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Digital Divide, Knowledge Slavery

Immediate risks of AI, including exacerbation of the digital divide and knowledge slavery, are real and need urgent attention.

Supporting facts:

  • Digital divide is expected to increase in the short term.
  • Jovan mentions a concern where some big systems could codify and control our common heritage of mankind, including written and oral culture.

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Slavery, Digital Divide

There’s a difference between open source AI and open AI

Supporting facts:

  • Open AI is not open source AI
  • Lama and Falcon are examples of open platforms

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Open AI, Open Source AI

AI is in its core very simple and politicians should not be confused by its technical terminology

Supporting facts:

  • Politicians should understand their role as protectors of their peoples’ interests
  • Request for protection from a Nashville congressman for the local music industry

Topics: AI, Politics, Monopolies, Misinformation

Fear-mongering over AI’s understanding and usage should be avoided

Supporting facts:

  • Fear-mongering can create unnecessary confusion and diversion

Topics: AI, Fear-mongering, Politics

Providing computing power to developing countries.

Supporting facts:

  • The international organization, CERN, among others, can contribute towards this objective.
  • Swiss made an initiative announcement to give computing power to developing countries.

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Computing Power, Developing Countries

Creating an open-source, bottom-up platform for transparent, fair, inclusive data processing.

Supporting facts:

  • The platform’s users can be small actors from all over the world, including Kenya or a small village in Switzerland.
  • The Global Digital Compact can be announced along with this special project.

Topics: Data Processing, Open Source, Inclusivity, Transparency

The transparency of AI algorithms, particularly around weight allocation, is crucial

Supporting facts:

  • Weights in AI refer to the importance given to certain parameters or data in the decision-making process
  • Absolute transparency in this regard is currently lacking and needs to be improved

Topics: AI Transparency, Algorithmic Bias

There is a need for more open, honest, and frank discussions about AI

Supporting facts:

  • Currently, the discussion around AI and its implications is steeped in secrecy and confusion
  • A more transparent discussion about the technology and its processes will be beneficial for everyone involved

Topics: AI Ethics, AI Transparency

AI has evolved through iterations of AI winter, AI spring, AI summer, moving from attempts to codify human logic to a basis on probability due to the complexity of human logic

Supporting facts:

  • Charles Bonnet theorized 300 years ago that machines could think like humans
  • In 1956, AI was first introduced
  • Last 10 years have seen fast computers and a lot of data due to blockchain

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Probability, Human Logic, AI Evolution

AI systems are not capable of doing simple mathematics as they are not based on logic, but on probability

Supporting facts:

  • AI systems are inspired by the Austrian philosopher, Wittgenstein, who abdicated mathematical logic for probability

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics, Probability

Combining computing power, processing, probabilistic, symbolic logic and good chess skills can make every chess player achieve more than a grandmaster

Supporting facts:

  • Kasparov introduced playing games with one chess player and two computers, and the winners were two relatively unknown players

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Chess, Computing Power, Symbolic Logic


The analysis of perspectives on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact reveals several interesting and important insights. One perspective emphasizes the significance of accessible and distributed knowledge worldwide. This viewpoint highlights the belief that knowledge is still fairly distributed worldwide.

It is argued that AI should be found not just in big centers but also in niches, flea markets, and favelas. The aim is to make AI accessible to all, regardless of their location or resources. This perspective aligns with the principles of reducing inequalities and promoting industry, innovation, and infrastructure.

Another viewpoint raises concerns about the risks associated with AI. One such risk is “knowledge slavery,” where a centralized system could codify and control access to historical and current knowledge. This perspective acknowledges that while AI has a higher chance of resulting in positive impacts, there are significant risks that need to be addressed urgently.

It particularly highlights the immediate risks of AI exacerbating the digital divide and leading to knowledge slavery. The analysis also reveals concerns about monopolies and misinformation in the AI space. It is argued that these issues pose a bigger immediate risk than extinction.

Monopolies can curtail fair market competition, while misinformation can generate false identities. This perspective emphasizes the importance of peace, justice, and strong institutions in combating these challenges. Another intriguing observation is the mention of fear-mongering surrounding AI. The argument is made that fear-mongering can create unnecessary confusion and diversion from addressing the real issues related to AI’s understanding and usage.

It is suggested that a more measured and informed approach is required. The analysis also brings up the need for open, honest, and frank discussions about AI. Currently, discussions around AI and its implications are often steeped in secrecy and confusion.

Transparency is highlighted as crucial for gaining a better understanding of the technology and its processes. Additionally, it is noted that AI systems have evolved over time. From attempts to codify human logic, AI has transitioned to a basis on probability due to the complexity of human logic.

It is mentioned that AI systems are not capable of simple mathematics as they are not based on logic but on probability. The analysis also touches upon the need for clarity in regulations and law regarding the digital space. It is argued that there should be more clarity in regulations and laws governing the digital space, particularly in addressing cybercrimes and establishing punishment systems.

In conclusion, the analysis of perspectives on AI and its impact reveals a complex landscape. While some highlight the importance of accessible and distributed knowledge, others raise concerns about the risks associated with AI, such as knowledge slavery and the digital divide.

The need for open discussions, addressing monopolies and misinformation, and clarity in regulations is also emphasized.


Paul-Olivier Dehaye

Speech speed

174 words per minute

Speech length

2046 words

Speech time

704 secs


AI is a powerful tool that will be applied in both good and bad ways

Supporting facts:

  • AI is seen as a powerful transformational tool, not necessarily for good or bad
  • AI’s application and effects span far and wide, in good and bad ways

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Technological Impact

We need to act urgently to ensure that the entry into the new age is inclusive

Supporting facts:

  • Many people risk being de-skilled by new technologies
  • Adoption of a collective perspective on protecting information about populations, subpopulations, groups, social networks is required

Topics: Inclusion, Worker Rights, Technological Advancement

Technological field can be moved with small investments and curated data.

Supporting facts:

  • The exclusivity of data is very important. Small groups, small populations can collect and curate data to build intelligence.

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Data, Economy

It is possible to have a circular economy of intelligence that is more local and focused.

Supporting facts:

  • A circular economy of intelligence is possible, leveraging expertly curated data from smaller groups and populations.

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Economy, Local Development

Paul-Olivier Dehaye supports the suggestion to give computing power to developing countries and provide a platform for data processing

Supporting facts:

  • The suggestion was made to have a space for individuals from all around the world to come with a data model and do processing according to rules, traceability, etc.
  • This would be done in a transparent, fair and inclusive way

Topics: Data Processing, Developing countries, Computing Power

Paul-Olivier Dehaye believes in the need for technical know-how to avoid entering into dynamics narrated as the only technical way to do things

Supporting facts:

  • It was suggested that the technical expertise in data protection and management should be emphasized

Topics: Technical Knowledge, Data Processing

We need to build a culture of collective probing of AI systems

Supporting facts:

  • Uber drivers collectively reclaimed their data to calculate what they are owed

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Collective Action, Transparency

Data is pivotal in identifying how users interact with AI systems and should be evaluated collectively

Supporting facts:

  • ChatGPT allows users to export their data for observation

Topics: Data Use, Artificial Intelligence, User Experience

Transparency is crucial in AI systems, especially regarding the sourcing and methodologies used

Supporting facts:

  • Uber drivers were able to calculate what they owed using their reclaimed data

Topics: Transparency, Artificial Intelligence, Data Sourcing

Paul-Olivier Dehaye emphasizes the need to pay attention to the advances in mathematics, particularly the blending of traditional symbolic logic and probabilistic approach to combine human and machine intelligence.

Supporting facts:

  • Nobel Prize equivalent mathematicians are using the combination of symbolic logic and probabilistic approach for the formalization of proofs.
  • This blend of human and machine intelligence is seen as the new core of intellectual endeavors.

Topics: AI, Mathematics, Human-Machine Collaboration


The analysis of the arguments from the speakers reveals several key points about artificial intelligence (AI). Overall, AI is seen as a powerful tool that can be applied in both positive and negative ways. It has the potential to revolutionise reasoning and knowledge and can be compared to the cognitive architecture for the world.

This implies that AI has the ability to pull and push fragments of reasoning, similar to how the internet allows us to fetch and disseminate information. The potential of AI to manipulate cognitive elements like reasoning suggests that it can be a transformative force in various aspects of society.

One of the key concerns raised by the speakers is the need for inclusive entry into the new age of AI. There is a risk that many people may be de-skilled by new technologies, highlighting the urgency to act in order to ensure that the benefits of AI are accessible to all.

This suggests the importance of adopting a collective perspective and taking proactive measures to protect and empower individuals in the face of AI advancements. The speakers emphasise the need to protect data about social relations and the way people trust each other.

They propose adopting a collective approach to safeguarding this information and creating systems that can be controlled by individuals themselves. By doing so, the speakers argue that it is possible to foster a culture of trust and ensure the responsible use of data in AI systems.

The analysis also highlights the significance of data exclusivity in AI. The speakers argue that small groups and populations can collect and curate data to build intelligence. This suggests that the inclusivity of AI can be enhanced by allowing broader access to curated data, rather than relying solely on large entities and corporations.

In addition, the speakers propose the concept of a circular economy of intelligence. This entails leveraging expertly curated data from smaller groups and populations to drive local and focused intelligence. By encouraging and supporting the development of such localised intelligence, AI can contribute to the goal of decent work and economic growth.

The analysis also emphasises the need for computing power and data processing to be made accessible to developing countries. The speakers argue for the establishment of a transparent and inclusive platform where individuals from around the world can process data according to rules and traceability.

This would enable greater participation from developing countries and promote a fair distribution of AI capabilities. Technical knowledge in data protection and management is highlighted as essential in order to avoid falling into dynamics dictated as the only technical way of doing things.

Emphasising the importance of technical expertise, the speakers suggest that a comprehensive understanding of data protection and management is crucial for responsible and effective AI implementation. Legal expertise is also emphasised as necessary for protecting datasets and preventing the capture of scientific outputs by larger entities.

The speakers mention the French initiative called ‘Usage Rights’, which focuses on preserving scientific outputs and preventing their exploitation by big corporations. This highlights the need for legal frameworks that can safeguard the interests of individuals and promote peace, justice, and strong institutions in the context of AI development.

Transparency is a recurring theme throughout the analysis. The speakers argue that AI systems should be more transparent, with user participation and engagement in the design process. This can be facilitated by allowing users to export their data and observe how they interact with AI systems.

Transparency in sourcing and methodologies used in AI systems is also underscored as a critical factor in building trust and accountability. The analysis also draws attention to the potential of AI to advance fields beyond its own domain. The blend of human and machine intelligence observed in advanced mathematics is seen as the new core of intellectual endeavours.

This suggests that the integration of AI and human intelligence can have far-reaching implications, particularly in the fields of education, industry, innovation, and infrastructure. In conclusion, the analysis of the speakers’ arguments sheds light on various aspects of AI and its impact on society.

The key takeaways include the transformative power of AI, the need for inclusive entry into the AI age, the importance of protecting data and adopting a collective perspective, the significant role of data exclusivity and circular economy of intelligence, the importance of accessible computing power and data processing, the need for technical and legal expertise, the value of transparency in AI systems, and the potential of AI to influence multiple fields.


Pedro Manuel Moreno

Speech speed

136 words per minute

Speech length

641 words

Speech time

283 secs


AI has the potential to revolutionize industries and enhance efficiency and support innovation

Supporting facts:

  • Applications range from advanced data analytics and automation to augmenting human capabilities in healthcare, agriculture and education.
  • AI offers innovative pathways to tackle global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change and resource management.

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Innovation, Efficiency

AI also presents complex ethical, social and economic considerations

Supporting facts:

  • The pervasive integration of AI into our lives raises critical questions about privacy, data security and the ethical use of technology.
  • There is growing concern about AI’s potential to disrupt labor markets, displace traditional jobs and create new forms of inequality.

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, Economy

The unchecked expansion of AI technologies could lead to unforeseen environmental impacts

Supporting facts:

  • The unchecked expansion of AI technologies could lead to unforeseen environmental impacts.

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Environment, Technology

The rapid growth of AI risks increasing already significant disparities in digitalization between and within countries

Supporting facts:

  • Countries at the forefront of AI development such as the United States, China and the United Kingdom are making significant strides whereas the least developed countries are struggling to keep pace.
  • U.S., China, the United Kingdom dominate AI research. They hold nearly half of all AI-related patents. Moreover, the United States and China collectively account for half of the world’s hyperscale data centers, over 90% of funding for AI startups, and 70% of all AI researchers.
  • Titans like Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, IBM, Meta, Microsoft, Alibaba, Tencent have privileged access to and control over data flows and digital service revenues which may exacerbate global inequities and deepen digital divides.

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Digital Divide, Inequality


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionise industries, enhance efficiency, and support innovation across various sectors. It offers innovative pathways to address global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change, and resource management. The applications of AI range from advanced data analytics and automation to augmenting human capabilities in healthcare, agriculture, and education.

This highlights the positive impact AI can have on society and its potential to drive progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. However, the pervasive integration of AI into our lives also raises critical questions and concerns.

Privacy, data security, and the ethical use of technology become paramount as AI becomes more widespread. The unchecked expansion of AI technologies can potentially compromise personal privacy, leading to breaches in data security. There is a growing need to address these ethical considerations to ensure that AI is used responsibly and for the benefit of all.

Moreover, there is a negative aspect to the development of AI. There are concerns that AI may disrupt labour markets, leading to the displacement of traditional jobs and creating new forms of inequality. The potential impact on employment raises questions about how society will adapt to these changes and ensure decent work and economic growth, as stated in SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Additionally, the dominance of countries like the United States, China, and the United Kingdom in AI research, patent ownership, and data control exacerbates global inequalities and deepens digital divides. This further highlights the need to address these disparities and foster inclusivity to mitigate the potential adverse effects of AI development.

Furthermore, the unchecked expansion of AI technologies also has potential environmental implications. The environmental impacts of AI are yet to be fully understood, and there is a need for careful consideration of the potential consequences. It is crucial to ensure that the development of AI is aligned with SDG 13: Climate Action and does not contribute to further environmental harm.

In conclusion, while AI holds tremendous potential to revolutionise industries, enhance efficiency, and tackle global challenges, its integration must be accompanied by careful considerations. The ethical use of technology, privacy, data security, and environmental impacts need to be addressed to ensure the responsible and inclusive development of AI.

Involving developing countries in discussions about AI is vital to foster inclusivity and avoid excluding them from shaping the future. By addressing the challenges and considering the potential risks, we can harness the full potential of AI while minimising its negative impacts.


Teki Akuetteh

Speech speed

133 words per minute

Speech length

1636 words

Speech time

740 secs


AI has transformed economies and improved issues around poverty in developing nations

Supporting facts:

  • Technologies have transformed the economies of African countries.
  • Technologies have improved issues around poverty, social impact, and sustainable issues.

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Developing Nations, Economic Transformation, Poverty Alleviation

African countries face challenges in AI development due to costs and influence of big tech companies

Supporting facts:

  • The cost for a seat at an AI producing company is an average of $200.
  • Many AI developing companies in Africa are being funded and supported by the big tech companies.

Topics: African AI Development, Technology Monopoly, AI Production Costs

Developing nations need global cooperation for benefiting from AI

Supporting facts:

  • To develop beneficial AI tools, companies in developing nations have to leapfrog on these resource tools, which control these resources.
  • AI is a profit-making issue, and it’s a very critical resource where globally everybody that is contributing to these resources can effectively benefit.

Topics: Global Cooperation, AI Benefits

AI ecosystem should be a resource for everybody

Supporting facts:

  • The AI ecosystem is similar and different in terms of its structure and governance
  • Existing resources are recognized in economies
  • Suggests a similar structure to how the Internet is governed

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Accessibility, Resource Allocation

AI should be seen as an enabler not just a technology

Supporting facts:

  • AI is used to enable various sectors
  • AI regulator may not be an effective regulator for the sectors it enables like healthcare or education

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Vision, Regulation

Contributors of data sets to AI should be recognized and properly compensated

Supporting facts:

  • Suggests concept of a trust where contributors decide what data is made available and in what context

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Data contribution, Recognition, Compensation

The single action Teki Akuetteh thinks needs to take place is making AI resources equitably available to all

Topics: AI Equity, Inclusivity in AI


The discussion centered around the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on developing nations, particularly African countries. It highlighted the transformative influence of AI technologies on African economies, addressing issues related to poverty, social impact, and sustainability. However, challenges were also identified, such as the high costs associated with AI development and the influence of big tech companies.

The need for global cooperation, equitable access to resources, and supportive infrastructure were emphasized. Recognizing and compensating data contributors, careful regulation, and inclusivity were also deemed crucial for responsible and equitable AI development in developing nations.


Uma Rani

Speech speed

172 words per minute

Speech length

2537 words

Speech time

883 secs


Uma Rani believes in digital worker rights

Supporting facts:

  • Uma Rani works at the research department of the ILO and has done extensive research in the area of AI in developing countries

Topics: digital worker rights, platform economy, AI in developing countries

AI adoption in the workplace leads to more task replacement than job replacement

Supporting facts:

  • AI has not yet been adopted on a large scale in most workplaces
  • Tasks in many industries are being automated or outsourced to AI technologies
  • There’s been significant investment in AI-related tools

Topics: AI Adoption, Labor Market, Task Replacement

Content moderators are exposed to psychosocial impacts

Supporting facts:

  • Content moderators can’t talk about their work due to NDAs, leading to internalization of stress
  • There’s a case in Kenya involving Meta and content moderation

Topics: Content Moderation, Psychosocial Impact

Understanding the data value chain is crucial

Supporting facts:

  • Complete transparency is needed in the collection, cleaning, analysis, and outcome of data.
  • Worker empowerment can be achieved by fighting for data rights.

Topics: data value chain, data rights

Transparency in algorithms is crucial

Supporting facts:

  • Transparency in data and algorithms is needed to address fair practices and equity issues.

Topics: algorithm transparency, fair practices

AI development requires ethical regulation

Supporting facts:

  • Insufficient attention is being given to the development process of AI.
  • AI development should be regulated ethically.

Topics: AI development, ethical regulation

Artificial Intelligence and emerging technologies do not necessarily signify the end of jobs for developers and computer programmers

Supporting facts:

  • Programming and development tasks have been streamlined and facilitated by AI but cannot be fully replaced
  • ChatGPT can generate multiple solutions but a human developer is still required for further development
  • Existing layers of programming help speed up the process, but innovative thinking for development is still necessary

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, GitHub, Software Development, Employment

Ethical development and use of AI

Supporting facts:

  • There’s a huge risk of AI being used for monitoring and surveillance
  • AI could lead to work intensification and worse working conditions

Topics: AI, Ethics, Development


Uma Rani, an employee at the International Labour Organization (ILO), strongly advocates for digital worker rights. She has conducted extensive research on the impact of AI in developing countries, shaping her belief in the importance of protecting workers in the digital era.

However, some perceive her as biased due to her background as a development economist and her work in the platform economy. The adoption of AI in workplaces has not yet reached a large scale, but there has been significant investment in AI-related tools.

This has led to the automation or outsourcing of tasks in various industries, raising concerns about the replacement of specific tasks rather than entire jobs. This argument suggests that AI adoption may result in increased productivity and efficiency, but there is a risk of certain tasks becoming obsolete.

One of the worries associated with AI adoption is the potential de-skilling of highly educated workers. In some cases, individuals with advanced degrees are assigned mundane tasks related to AI development, such as cleaning and feeding data to AI systems.

Additionally, examples exist of IT graduates working on removing objectionable material from the web, which indicates a potential waste of their expertise and skills. Content moderators, who are responsible for moderating online content, often experience psychosocial impacts and are unable to discuss their work due to non-disclosure agreements.

This lack of communication and support can lead to the internalization of stress and negative mental health consequences. There have been calls for authorities to intervene and address these issues surrounding content moderation, as exemplified by a case involving Meta in Kenya.

Understanding the data value chain is crucial, and Uma Rani argues that worker empowerment can be achieved by fighting for data rights. She emphasizes the need for complete transparency in the collection, cleaning, analysis, and outcome of data. This would ensure that workers have control and ownership over the data they contribute.

Furthermore, discussions on fiduciary or data trust have been initiated, asserting the right of everyone to the data they contribute and its usage. Transparency in algorithms is also a key concern. It is argued that algorithm transparency is necessary to address fair practices and equity issues.

By providing transparency, biases and potential discrimination embedded in algorithms can be identified and mitigated. This contributes to a more just and equitable use of AI and data-driven technologies. The development of AI requires ethical regulation, as insufficient attention is currently being given to the process.

The argument asserts the importance of considering ethical implications in the development and use of AI to ensure it aligns with societal values and upholds ethical standards. This includes addressing issues such as privacy, bias, and accountability. Contrary to the widespread fear of job displacement, it is highlighted that artificial intelligence and emerging technologies do not necessarily result in job losses for developers and computer programmers.

While AI has streamlined and facilitated certain programming tasks, human developers are still required for further development and innovative thinking. The argument suggests that rather than replacing jobs, AI can enhance and support the work of developers and programmers. In light of technological advancements, there is a need to revisit and reframe industrial and employment policies.

The advent of AI and platforms like GitHub has led to a shift from formal jobs to more informal arrangements. This raises concerns about de-skilling and the need to develop products that benefit our own societies and economies. Policies should be updated to provide support and address the challenges posed by technological revolutions.

Finally, the ethical development and use of AI is crucial. There is a risk that AI could be used for monitoring, surveillance, and work intensification, leading to worse working conditions. It is argued that clear regulation of AI is necessary to protect workers throughout its development and use.

This includes safeguarding against unethical practices, ensuring privacy, and promoting fairness and respect for worker rights. Overall, the expanded summary highlights the various arguments and perspectives concerning digital worker rights, AI adoption, the data value chain, algorithm transparency, ethical regulation, and the impact of AI on job displacement.

Noteworthy observations include the need for worker empowerment, the importance of revisiting industrial and employment policies, and the risks and challenges associated with AI’s development and use.