Launch of the Joint Report “Digital Trade for Development”

7 Dec 2023 13:00h - 14:00h UTC

Table of contents

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Full session report

International bodies release joint report on digital trade and development opportunities

International organisations, including the IMF, OECD, UNCTAD, World Bank, and WTO, have collaboratively launched a comprehensive report on digital trade and its potential to foster development, particularly in developing countries. The report, unveiled during a panel discussion, scrutinises the multifaceted nature of digital trade and the necessary infrastructure, skills, and policies required to harness its benefits. It emphasises the need for reliable and affordable digital connectivity, the reduction of trade costs, and the creation of an enabling regulatory environment to spur on inclusive growth and resilience to economic shocks.

The report highlights the disparity in digital trade participation, noting that while digitally delivered services exports are growing globally, developing economies, especially least developed countries (LDCs), contribute minimally. This underscores the urgency for increased international cooperation and investment to bridge the digital divide. Aid for Trade commitments have risen, indicating a growing recognition of the need to support digital capacity in developing nations.

A key topic addressed is the Moratorium on Customs Duties on Electronic Transmissions, which has been in place since 1998. The report discusses the potential fiscal implications of lifting the moratorium, including the loss of customs revenue and the impact on the competitiveness of firms, particularly micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and women-owned businesses.

The panel also touched upon the importance of gender equality in digital trade, acknowledging that while women face unique challenges, digital platforms can offer them greater opportunities to engage in trade. A session dedicated to boosting women’s digital entrepreneurship was also highlighted, demonstrating a commitment to addressing gender disparities in the digital economy.

Throughout the discussion, the consensual nature of the report’s findings was emphasised, reflecting a unified stance among the diverse international organisations involved. The report’s recommendations and insights were presented as a collective voice, underscoring the importance of considering the document in its entirety rather than dismissing it based on individual disagreements.

Noteworthy observations from the panel discussion included the need to address market dominance by large tech companies, the role of competition policy in adapting to digital market structures, and the necessity for a holistic approach to policymaking that encompasses various regulatory domains. The report serves as a testament to the collaborative efforts of international organisations to provide guidance and support for the development of digital trade, with the ultimate goal of achieving a more inclusive and equitable global trading system.



Speech speed

166 words per minute

Speech length

1013 words

Speech time

365 secs


H.E. Alfredo Suecum

Speech speed

134 words per minute

Speech length

1284 words

Speech time

574 secs


Julia Nielsen

Speech speed

188 words per minute

Speech length

1600 words

Speech time

511 secs


Martin Sommer

Speech speed

154 words per minute

Speech length

278 words

Speech time

108 secs


Pierre Sauve

Speech speed

153 words per minute

Speech length

1494 words

Speech time

587 secs


Ralph Ossa

Speech speed

145 words per minute

Speech length

1722 words

Speech time

714 secs


Shamika N. Sirimane

Speech speed

172 words per minute

Speech length

1162 words

Speech time

406 secs