8 Dec 2023 14:00h - 15:00h UTC

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Full session report

Michele Lawrence Jawando

Omidyar Network, founded by Pierre and Pam Omidyar, is a social change venture working towards reimagining critical systems and developing more inclusive and equitable societies. They have a positive sentiment and are focused on creating a positive social impact.

One of the main areas of focus for Omidyar Network is the responsible use of technology. They believe that technology should be used for the benefit of many and aim to ensure that technology is developed and deployed in a responsible and inclusive manner. They recognize the potential for technology to assist with communication, identify illnesses, target relief efforts, and manage natural disasters. They argue that artificial intelligence (AI) can unlock transformative technology and have a positive impact on society.

Another core focus area for Omidyar Network is reimagining capitalism. They work to address global wealth inequality and build a more equitable economic system. Their argument is that philanthropy can serve as a check on private interests and bridge the gap between public needs and private interests. They believe that philanthropy has the freedom to support bold ideas and help bring them into fruition, without being constrained by the same responsibilities as elected officials and private companies.

Omidyar Network also emphasizes the importance of building cultures of belonging. They believe that investment in relationships, cultural connections, and conversations across differences can create inclusive and welcoming communities. Their argument is that diverse voices are needed to shape the future of artificial intelligence, and stakeholder convenings and engagement from various sectors are crucial for inclusive and equitable AI development.

The analysis also highlights the importance of data inclusivity. Omidyar Network supports initiatives that promote inclusive and responsible development of AI, taking into account a wider range of voices and community needs. They believe that data should include and value every individual and community, in order to avoid erasing whole identities and people as we move towards a technological future.

The analysis points out that there is a risk of the digital divide turning into an AI chasm. This indicates concerns that certain individuals and communities may be left behind as technology rapidly advances. The analysis also recognizes the current data paradigm that prioritizes profit over societal outcomes and public interest, suggesting a need for a shift in this approach.

The panel discussion and observations during the analysis noted the importance of mentorship, diversity in leadership roles, male allies, and challenging board compositions for gender equity and inclusivity in the tech industry. The analysis also emphasized the need for accountability and audits in the development and deployment of AI.

In conclusion, Omidyar Network is a social change venture founded by Pierre and Pam Omidyar that aims to reimagine critical systems and develop more inclusive and equitable societies. They focus on the responsible use of technology, reimagining capitalism, and building cultures of belonging. They believe in the power of philanthropy to bridge the gap between public needs and private interests. They emphasize the importance of diverse voices and stakeholder convenings in shaping the future of AI. They advocate for data inclusivity and valuing every individual and community. The analysis raises concerns about the digital divide and the current data paradigm, and highlights the importance of mentorship, diversity, and male allies in the tech industry. Overall, the analysis supports the positive impact and relevance of Omidyar Network’s work.

Isabelle Kumar

Isabelle Kumar greatly appreciates the work of the Omidyar Network, a social change venture that aims to reimagine critical systems in our lives and the ideas that govern them. The Omidyar Network’s goal is to build more inclusive and equitable societies by addressing wealth disparities and creating cultures of belonging, in line with the objectives of SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities and SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

Isabelle believes that philanthropy plays a central role in creating a responsible and equitable future in the field of technology. The Omidyar Network actively engages in shaping a responsible technological future through its initiatives, which align with the objectives of SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

However, there is growing concern regarding bias and lack of diversity in the AI and tech industry. Women’s representation in computer or mathematical fields is only a third, highlighting the gender disparity in these sectors. The lack of diversity is also evident in the composition of boards, such as the all-male, all-white OpenAI board. This underrepresentation raises questions about the inclusivity and fairness of the industry, connecting with the objectives of SDG 5: Gender Equality and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities.

Discussion of not only the immediate harms, but also the existential risks posed by AI is crucial. With 54 countries having elections next year, the potential impact of AI misinformation on these elections requires attention. Additionally, the rise in interaction with AI chatbots can contribute to feelings of loneliness and isolation. These observations highlight the need for a comprehensive approach to address the broader implications of AI, intersecting with SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

Promoting diversity and inclusion requires the active involvement of both women and men. Isabelle emphasizes the importance of bringing in more male allies to create an inclusive environment and change the dynamics. This approach aligns with the objectives of SDG 5: Gender Equality and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities.

Diverse leadership in business and entrepreneurship is also emphasized as it leads to better results. Having diverse leadership boards and women-led businesses not only contribute to achieving the goals of SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth but also help create more resilient and inclusive economies.

Isabelle particularly admires the leadership skills of Michele Lawrence Jawando within the Omidyar Network. Michele is commended for her strong empathetic skills and efforts to amplify the voices of others. Her leadership style resonates with the objectives of SDG 5: Gender Equality and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities.

Overall, Isabelle regards the work done by the Omidyar Network as vital and will closely follow their initiatives. The impact of their actions aligns with the objectives of SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

In summary, Isabelle Kumar appreciates the Omidyar Network’s commitment to building more inclusive and equitable societies by addressing wealth disparities and fostering cultures of belonging. She believes that philanthropy is instrumental in creating a responsible and equitable technological future. However, she acknowledges the need to address bias and lack of diversity in the AI and tech industry. Isabelle emphasizes the importance of discussing both the immediate harms and existential risks associated with AI. Promoting diversity and inclusion requires the involvement of male allies, while diverse leadership in business and entrepreneurship leads to better outcomes. Isabelle also recognizes and admires the impressive leadership skills of Michele Lawrence Jawando within the Omidyar Network.


Isabelle Kumar

Speech speed

168 words per minute

Speech length

1158 words

Speech time

412 secs


Michele Lawrence Jawando

Speech speed

174 words per minute

Speech length

4318 words

Speech time

1489 secs