UN Forum on Business and Human Rights 2018
Session reports
Note: All listed times are in the UTC time zone.
[Update] The Geneva Internet Platform is providing just-in-time reporting from digital policy related sessions.
The UN Forum on Business and Human Rights represents the world’s largest annual gathering on the topic, with more than 2 000 participants from government, business, community groups and civil society, law firms, investor organisations, UN bodies, national human rights institutions, trade unions, academia, and the media. The forum features panel discussions on topics related to the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework), as well as current business-related human rights issues.
The event will take place on 26-28 November 2018 in Geneva, and it will address the central topic of ‘Business respect for human rights – building on what works’.
Registration is available at the following link.
For more information about the event, visit the dedicated webpage.