Transparency and Human Rights in the Digital Age

Geneva, Switzerland

[Update] The Joint Learning Forum on Transparency and Human Rights in the Digital Age, organised by the Global Network Initiative and the Telecommunications Industry Dialogue, and hosted by the Geneva Internet Platform, saw the participation of industry, government, and civil society representatives in a discussion which took place in Geneva on 1 December.

The stakeholders discussed two key issues: the state of transparency reporting by companies and governments, and the interaction between companies and users in response to live events.

The event report is available here. Video recordings are also available: view the opening remarks, the first panel discussion, and the second panel discussion. A selection of photos are available at the photo gallery.

Event announcement

The Global Network Initiative and the Telecommunications Industry Dialogue invite you to join us for our Joint Learning Forum on Transparency and Human Rights in the Digital Age, hosted by the Geneva Internet Platform, on 1 December 2014, in Geneva, Switzerland.

The Global Network Initiative is a multi-stakeholder group of companies, civil society organizations (including human rights and press freedom groups), investors and academics, who have created a collaborative approach to protect and advance freedom of expression and privacy in the ICT sector.  The Telecommunications Industry Dialogue is a group of telecommunications operators and vendors who jointly address freedom of expression and privacy rights in the telecommunications sector in the context of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.  The GNI and the Industry Dialogue are engaged in a two-year collaboration, which aims to find a shared and practical approach to promoting freedom of expression and privacy rights around the world.   

The Geneva Internet Platform is an initiative of the Swiss authorities which fulfils the mission of an observatory, a capacity building centre (online and in situ), and a centre for discussion.  The GIP is operated by DiploFoundation.
During this event, members of the ICT industry, human rights organizations, policy experts, investors, and governments will offer perspectives and invite reflections on the following questions:  
• What do we mean by transparency? Why does transparency matter for protecting and respecting rights online?  
• What is the state of transparency reporting by companies and governments, and what’s missing? 
• How do companies communicate with users in response to live events? 
Confirmed speakers include:
  • Jovan Kurbalija, Geneva Internet Platform
  • Milka Pietikainen, Millicom
  • Mark Stephens, Global Network Initiative
  • Anna Lekvall, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden
  • Dan Bross, Microsoft
  • Annette Fergusson, Vodafone
  • Jens-Henrik Jeppesen, Center for Democracy & Technology
  • Bennett Freeman, Calvert Group

The event will be invitation-only, with a target audience of approximately 60 people. If you are interested in attending, please contact Ms Lisl Brunner at [email protected]

Another joint Learning Forum was organised by the Global Network Initiative and the Telecommunications Industry, hosted by LinkedIn, on 6 November, in Mountain View, California. More details are available here.
