Sharing Economy and its Social Challenges
The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Permanent Mission of Belgium in Geneva will hod a high-level seminar on the ‘Sharing Economy and its Social Challenges’, on 21 November 2017, in Geneva, Switzerland.
The seminar will have two key note speakers, delivered by Prof. Jeremias Prassl (University of Oxford) and Mr Sangeet Paul Choudary, author of ‘Platform Scale/Platform Revolution’. The key notes will be followed by a panel debate including representatives of the governments of Belgium and Singapore, the ILO, the World Economic Forum, Uber, as well as representatives of workers’ and employers’ organisations.
This event will serve as an input into the ILO’s Global Commission on Future of Work, which is the second stage of the Future of Work Centenary Initiative.
For more information, visit the event webpage.