Open Geneva Hackathon 2016

16 Apr 2016 - 18 Apr 2016

Geneva, Switzerland

The Open Geneva Hackathon 2016, on 16-18 April at Campus Biotech, Geneva, brings together multidisciplinary teams to tackle important challenges in global health using geospatial and other sources of open data, in a spirit of open innovation and social progress. Results from the Hackathon will be showcased at the Geneva Health Forum and the 25th anniversary of the système d’information du territoire à Genève.

The Open Geneva Hackathon 2016 is organised by THE Port, Geneva Creativity Centre, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG), système d’information du territoire à Genève (SITG) and transports publics genevois (TPG) in collaboration with Campus Biotech, Citizen Cyberlab, Geneva Health Forum, République et Canton de Genève, Union Industrielle Genevoise (UIG), Office de Promotion des Industries et des Technologies (OPI), Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale (HES-SO) Genève and Université de Genève.

Selected candidates will be assigned a hackathon topic and work in teams of 6-10 members. Topics are developed by the organisers through close discussions with topic setters who may be researchers, hospital staff or humanitarian aid workers. Examples of topics from previous hackathons organized by THE Port include: building a low-cost high-tech infant incubator; quantitative analysis of counterfeit medicine; improving human contact between doctors and patients; infrastructure-less navigation in hospitals.

Source and more information are available on the Hackathon website.
