North African Internet Governance Forum – NAIGF 2023

19 May 2023 - 21 May 2023

Tripoli, Libya

North African Internet Governance Forum programme page

The North African Internet Governance Forum (NAIGF) 2023 will take place on May 19, in Tripoli, Libya. The forum will bring discussion of local perspective regarding the future of Internet with the representatives from the IGF Secretariat, UNESCO and the ICANN

Overarching them of this years edition is: ‘Future of the Internet and virtual reality. Challenges and opportunities’. Proposed sessions will look at the issues of privacy and data protection, future of the Internet, Over the top’ (OTT) Internet services which are quite popular in Africa. Second day will look at the issues of cybersecurity, and a social change driven by the Internet

At the final session of this year NAIGF, representatives of the seven North African Governments will discus the ‘Tripoli Declaration’ on Harmonized Internet Governance Policy in North Africa