Online discussion: Navigating Geneva’s digital policy landscape

23 Jun 2020


[Update] The conference report and recordings are now available.

Most Geneva-based institutions and organisations are now tackling digital aspects as part of their work. The Geneva digital policy landscape has therefore become richer and more diverse. How can we navigate this landscape and understand who is dealing with what, how to overcome policy silos, and how to build on the work and collaborate with other organisations to pursue common goals and solutions?

In addition to well-established digital policy areas such as cybersecurity, e-commerce, and human rights online, digitalisation is impacting other policy areas. Health aspects include the use of health data, which has become essential for public health and medical research. Digital technology can significantly address climate and environmental issues. The attainment of the sustainable development goals relies on the advancement and use of digital technology and digital solutions.  

Knowing how to navigate such a rich landscape is crucial in dealing with digital issues. What are the needs of the different stakeholder groups, namely the diplomatic community, international organisations, and the media? What would be a good approach to understanding policy issues, and how we navigate specific policy areas in Geneva, such as data, SDGs, cybersecurity, and e-commerce?

Join the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) online on Tuesday, 23rd June 2020, 13:00–15:00 CEST (11:00–13:00 UTC) for a timely discussion on how to navigate Geneva’s digital policy landscape.

For more information and to register, visit the dedicated webpage.
