NANOG 63 – San Antonio, TX

2 Feb 2015 - 4 Feb 2015

NANOG is traveling to San Antonio, Texas, USA, for NANOG 63 which takes place on 2-4 February 2015. It will be hosted CyrusOne. This will be NANOG’s first visit to San Antonio and the second time CyrusOne has hosted a NANOG meeting.

The meeting will take place at the Marriott Rivercenter Hotel, where NANOG attendees will be provided a great opportunity to freshen up skills, learn advanced networking techniques, discover new applications, as well as discuss intriguing policy issues. In addition, the meeting venue provides ample space for the famous NANOG informal meetings, conversations, and a chance to meet with industry peers and leaders is made possible.

The NANOG Program Committee is dedicated to present attendees with quality presentations, track discussions, and tutorials.  The program will include presentations that cover technology already deployed or soon-to-be deployed in the Internet. The following topics are confirmed:

  • Selective Blackholing – How to use and Deploy
  • Beyond the Range of the Moment:  Ethical Response to Cybercrime
  • Ring AQA:  Blazing Fast Partial Outage Detection (free!)
  • Public Policy Approaches to IPv4-IPv6 Transition
  • ISP Interconnection and its Impact on Consumer Internet Performance
  • Tracks
    • ARIN Public Policy
    • NANOG Best Current Operational Practices
    • Security
    • Peering

In addition, the Program Committee is securing a Key-Note address for Monday morning, and a number of additional submissions are under review. NANOG Sponsored Events provide an opportunity for the social networking that NANOG is famous for.

For more information, including programme and agenda, visit the NANOG 63 webpage.
