Multilingual Internet (MLi) Group: London Summit

23 Feb 2015 - 24 Feb 2015

Key critical topics present unprecedented new threats and opportunities to all stakeholders in this new ecosystem. Virtually everyone stands to be impacted. And almost no one is adequately or remotely prepared. And ‘trust’ may end up being the most to be damaged unless the critical topics are properly addressed.

The critical topics will be discussed during the Multilingual Internet (MLi) Group Summit Series Around The World. The first event for 2015 is taking place in London on 23-24 February 2015.

At the London and other summits around the world, the MLi Group is tackling critical topics that go to the heart of trust in the new Internet and landscape ecosystem like cybersecurity, intellectual property and trademark protection, child protection online, banking and financial challenges, new roles and responsibilities of service providers, communications and branding, cloud services risks and opportunities, to name a few, all vis-a-vis the new Internet and landscape ecosystem with a key focus on emerging markets.

Upcoming MLi Group summit locations in Q1 and Q2, 2015 are: Geneva, Johannesburg, Istanbul, San Francisco (Silicon Valley). Others locations in Asia and Latin America in Q3 and Q4 are under consideration.  

A draft schedule and other information about the London summit is available here, while delegates can register here.
