MIKTA Diplomacy: New dynamism or more of the same?

Mexico, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Turkey, and Australia have recently developed a cooperation scheme within the framework called MIKTA. MIKTA countries totalise a population of over 500 million people, a GDP of 5.6 billion USD and 1.5 trillion in trade. They represent open economies; have strong domestic markets, moderate inflation and populations with rising purchasing power; are developing resilient economies with potential for high growth rates, while consolidating democratic processes. They are all “bridge countries” in their respective regions. MIKTA is based on a common interest in strengthening multilateralism by supporting worldwide efforts for stability and prosperity, facilitating pragmatic and creative solutions to regional and international challenges and implementing the needed reforms in global governance structures.

MIKTA countries and DiploFoundation will convene a seminar to provide the opportunity for the academic and diplomatic community to share views and perspectives on how MIKTA can influence the agenda of International Geneva in the diverse issues addressed such as health, humanitarian affairs, trade and UN reform.


10.00 – 10.30 Coffee

10.30 – 10.40 Welcoming remarks

10.40 – 11.30 Geneva-based diplomacy and MIKTA initiatives

  • Trade and development (Professor Raymond Saner, International Relations & International Management Sciences Po, Paris & University of Basle)
  • Humanitarian affairs and disaster reduction (Ambassador Toni Frisch, former Head of the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit) 
  • Governance and UN reform (Dr Petru Dumitriu, Lecturer in Multilateral Diplomacy – DiploFoundation and Permanent Observer of the Council of Europe to the United Nations Office in Geneva)
  • Health diplomacy (to be confirmed)

11.30 – 12.00 Discussion (moderated by Dr Jovan Kurbalija, director of DiploFoundation)

12.00 – 12.15 Concluding remarks and way forward

12.15 – 13.30 Lunch


We hope you will join us for the seminar. Please confirm your participation by registering online or sending an e-mail to [email protected].
