ITU-T SG13 on Future Networks (FNs)

16 Jul 2018 - 28 Jul 2018

Geneva, Switzerland

The meeting of the International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) Study Group 13 (SG13) on future networks (FNs) will take place between 16-27 July 2018 at the ITU Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

The ​SG13 has led the ITU’s standardisation work on next-generation networks (NGNs) and now caters to the evolution of NGNs, while focusing on FNs and network aspects of mobile telecommunications. The group is standardising FNs with the objectives of service, data, environmental and socio-economic awareness.

Key highlights of the meeting’s agenda include an opening plenary on the morning of 16 July; a one-day ‘Bridging the Standardization Gap (BSG)’ hands-on training session on 17 July; the third annual ITU International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT)-2020/5G workshop and demo day on 18 July; and a presentation for SG13 newcomers to be delivered by the SG13 mentor, Marco Carugi on 20 July. 

For more information, visit the group’s website.
