ISOC Intercommunity 2015

7 Jul 2015 - 8 Jul 2015

InterCommunity 2015 will be held on 7-8 July 2015 as a global meeting of the Internet Society, on the Internet, for the Internet. Join 70,000+ of ISOC’s global members, 108 Chapters, 135 Organization members and experts across the world as thet meet one another, virtually, thanks to the power of the Internet.

InterCommunity 2015, Internet Society’s first virtual meeting of the entire community, is being designed to celebrate the Internet’s ability to rise beyond boundaries and bring people together.

‘This meeting will set a new precedent and will showcase how the Internet can facilitate engagement and connections across distance and time,” noted Bob Hinden, Chairman of the Internet Society Board of Trustees. “The Board of Trustees welcomes this highly interactive opportunity to connect with and hear from our global community and to participate in a truly worldwide exchange of views using the technology we all care so much about.’

The InterCommunity 2015 will be hosted from SkyCity in Auckland, co-located with the InternetNZ NetHui conference. Forums will be set up across Asia, Africa, Latin America, North America and Europe that will be interconnected as part of this global meeting. The Internet Society Board of Trustees, President and CEO Kathy Brown, and limited support staff will be present in Auckland, while the Executive team and staff will be positioned at regional events closest to their base cities.

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