Youth-Driven Tech: Empowering Next-Gen Innovators | IGF 2023 WS #417

11 Oct 2023 08:30h - 10:00h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • James Amattey, Technical Community, African Group
  • Denise Leal, Private Sector, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
  • Man Hei Connie Siu, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
  • Shradha Pandey, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
  • Nicolas Fiumarelli, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report


The audience member at the event was seeking insights into the resources that policymakers can provide to young people advocating for sustainability through technological innovation, apart from financial support. They strongly believe that policymakers should go beyond financial aid to encourage and support the sustainable pursuits of young people in the field of technology. The audience member wanted to know about other types of resources and support that can empower the youth in their pursuit of sustainability.

During the discussion on youth participation in the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), the importance of learning and capacity building was emphasized. The speaker, who is the chairman of the World Summit Award and the Young Innovators Award, stressed the need for learning and building capacities to actively participate in the IGF. This was particularly highlighted in the context of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The audience member supported the notion that more resources are needed to enable meaningful impact in the IGF.

Another point of discussion revolved around involving youth in the police process and bridging the gaps between them and decision-makers. Andrea Palomino’s project, “Youth for Our Data Future,” aims to achieve this by including youth in the police process. This initiative was positively acknowledged by the audience, who expressed gratitude for the proposed project. Building stronger connections and involvement between youth, decision-makers, and the community can contribute to achieving sustainable cities and communities, aligned with SDG 11.

Overall, the discussions highlighted the audience’s interest in exploring various dimensions of youth empowerment in sustainability and technological innovation. The importance of non-financial support from policymakers, such as resources, capacity-building initiatives, and inclusive participation frameworks, was emphasized. The audience showed appreciation for the dialogue and supported the proposed initiatives focused on youth engagement and bridging gaps between them and decision-makers.

However, it is important to note that the sentiment expressed by the audience members was typically neutral or positive. No specific negative sentiments or arguments were mentioned in the provided data.

Atanas Pahizire

The speakers in the discussion shed light on the importance of youth empowerment and its role in fostering innovation. They highlight the Pan-African Youth Ambassadors on Internet Governance initiative as an example of empowering young people. The initiative has successfully trained over 1,000 young individuals in Africa in five different languages, emphasising the significance of digital literacy and capacity building in enabling youth to contribute to the future of the Internet.

The discussion also emphasises that youth should have a voice in regulatory consultations on artificial intelligence (AI) and data protection. Recognising that youth are the major users of digital technology and will be future leaders, incorporating their perspectives and insights in regulations is essential.

Financial resources are another crucial aspect of empowering youth and fostering innovation. The discussion highlights that having ideas is not enough; young innovators need access to adequate financial resources to turn their ideas into reality.

Moreover, the speakers argue that policies should focus on genuinely empowering young people, rather than just including them as a token gesture. This means involving youth in decision-making processes and ensuring their participation in shaping policies that directly affect them.

Administrative burdens and visa issues are identified as challenges faced by young entrepreneurs, hindering their ability to innovate and collaborate internationally. The speakers call for reducing administrative burdens and improving immigration policies to create a more conducive environment for young entrepreneurs and support inter-regional collaboration.

Despite these challenges, the discussion highlights the resilience and determination of youth to participate and foster sustainable innovation. They encourage young individuals from different fields to continue fighting for their beliefs and building sustainability, even in less than ideal circumstances.

In summary, the discussion underscores the importance of empowering youth and fostering innovation. This includes digital literacy, access to financial resources, meaningful inclusion in policymaking processes, and addressing administrative hurdles for young entrepreneurs. Despite challenges, the speakers find hope in the resilience of youth to create sustainable innovation and advocate for their needs.

Theorose Elikplim

During an event attended by Theo from the Ghana Youth IGF, multiple speakers covered a range of important topics. A more detailed summary of the event reveals that the speakers highlighted various key points and presented arguments backed by evidence, drawing insightful conclusions.

One speaker discussed the significance of digital literacy in empowering the youth in Ghana, emphasizing the need to provide access to digital skills and education to bridge the digital divide. They argued that by equipping young people with necessary knowledge and tools, they can actively participate in the digital economy and contribute to the country’s development.

Another speaker focused on the importance of online safety and security, highlighting the growing risks and threats faced by young people in the digital age, such as cyberbullying, identity theft, and online scams. They suggested implementing effective policies and raising awareness about digital safety to protect the youth and ensure their online well-being.

Furthermore, a discussion on the role of social media in youth activism was explored. The speaker acknowledged the power of social media platforms in enabling young people to raise their voices and advocate for social change. They provided examples of successful youth-led movement campaigns driven by online activism, emphasizing the need to harness these platforms for positive societal impact.

Additionally, a speaker talked about the potential of technology in contributing to sustainable development. They discussed how innovation and digital solutions can address environmental challenges and enhance access to healthcare, education, and other essential services. They called for collaborations between policymakers, tech entrepreneurs, and the youth to develop and implement sustainable technology solutions.

In conclusion, the event provided valuable insights into various relevant topics, including the importance of digital literacy, online safety, youth activism through social media, and the role of technology in sustainable development. By understanding and addressing these issues, it is possible to empower the Ghanaian youth and pave the way for a more inclusive and prosperous future.

Nicolas Fiumarelli

Innovation is essential for progress and is often synonymous with technological advancement. It has the potential to solve complex problems and enhance the quality of life. The private sector plays a crucial role in driving technological advancements and shaping economic pursuits.

However, in the digital age, there are barriers to innovation. Unequal access to the internet is a significant challenge, as a large portion of the population still does not have access to it. This creates a digital divide, where many people are unable to unlock the knowledge and opportunities that the internet provides.

Overregulation is another barrier that can inhibit experimentation and restrict the free flow of information. Striking a balance between regulation and innovation is crucial. It is important to govern the internet in a fair and inclusive manner that facilitates technology and opportunities for all.

Global collaboration is essential in championing a free and innovative internet. Collaboration across nations and generations is necessary to address the complexity of the challenge. The UIGF Uruguay, for example, is committed to advocating for a free, fair, and innovative internet.

Sustainability is not just about collaboration and innovative ideas, but also about considering the environment. It is important to prioritize long-term ecological wealth over immediate corporate gains. Corporate legacy should recognize the profitability of sustainability.

Global equity is crucial for progress. Progress should not only benefit the privileged few but should be inclusive and benefit everyone. This requires a shift towards a more equitable society, where opportunities and benefits are accessible to all.

Youth have an essential role to play in internet governance and innovation. Their fresh and innovative perspective can lead to the creation of new ideas and solutions. Supporting mentorship programs that target young individuals in internet governance is important to foster their involvement and provide guidance as they navigate the digital landscape.

Youth can also drive sustainable practices in the tech industry. They are often more environmentally conscious and can integrate sustainable practices from the beginning. Their involvement can contribute to a more sustainable and responsible approach to technological development.

In conclusion, innovation is crucial for progress and technological advancement. However, barriers such as unequal access to the internet and overregulation hinder innovation in the digital age. Governing the internet in a fair and inclusive manner is important to facilitate technology and opportunities. Global collaboration is needed to champion a free and innovative internet, while also considering sustainability and the environment. The involvement of youth in internet governance and their drive towards sustainability is essential. Supporting mentorship programs further enhances their involvement and development in this field.

Osei Kagyah

The speakers in the discussion highlighted the crucial role of youth participation and collaboration in driving innovation and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They emphasised that young people possess the energy and fresh perspectives necessary to bring about innovative solutions to complex global challenges. By actively involving young individuals, the speakers argued, societies can harness their potential and creativity to drive progress in various fields.

The importance of effective collaboration was also emphasised during the discussion. The speakers noted that collaboration is essential for addressing “the elephants in the room,” indicating that complex and longstanding issues require a collective effort to be resolved. By working together across different sectors and disciplines, it becomes possible to tackle these challenges more effectively and achieve meaningful progress towards the SDGs.

Furthermore, the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was highlighted as a significant platform for facilitating collaboration among young people from different countries. The IGF was recognised as a space where individuals can come together, share their ideas, and work collectively towards finding solutions to global problems. The forum’s inclusive nature allows young people to engage in international collaboration, exchange knowledge, and foster partnerships to drive positive change.

In conclusion, the speakers expressed a positive outlook on the role of youth and collaboration in shaping a better future. They underscored the importance of involving young individuals in innovation and problem-solving, highlighting their unique perspectives and fresh energy. Moreover, effective collaboration, both within and across diverse communities, was stressed as a crucial element in addressing global challenges comprehensively. The Internet Governance Forum was singled out as a platform that offers opportunities for young people to collaborate globally and contribute to achieving the SDGs. Overall, the discussion shed light on the necessity of youth participation and collaboration as key drivers for innovation and sustainable development.

Shradha Pandey

The involvement of youth in international discussions surrounding digital transformation has witnessed a significant increase, with young individuals playing a more substantial role and moving beyond mere token representation. These young members are actively contributing to strategic plans and priorities, developing new skills in leadership and strategy. This engagement has not only empowered grassroots communities but has also enabled youth to participate in high-level discussions.

One of the key arguments put forth by the youth community revolves around advocating for inclusive and sustainable innovation. It emphasizes the importance of incorporating rights-based approaches, environmental care, security, and sustainability into digital legislation and innovation. The involvement of youth members recognizes and addresses crucial issues related to trust, security, environmental sustainability, and accountability. They actively advocate for the integration of these aspects as inherent elements in the development and implementation of digital policies.

To foster innovation, it is essential to strengthen human resources, particularly those of young individuals, alongside allocating sufficient financial resources. Youth contributions in this context are based on volunteering their time, energy, effort, and hours. This highlights the need for adequate support and recognition of their input. Furthermore, the correct implementation of policies and the availability of financial resources are imperative for creating an environment conducive to youth-led innovation.

The youth community also stresses the significance of building digital skills and literacy. They argue that these skills should be an integral part of lifelong learning, with digital literacy being incorporated into formal education. By emphasizing the adoption of new technologies and fostering local development of digital content, the youth community aims to ensure that individuals are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the digital landscape effectively.

Lastly, investment in digital initiatives, projects, and infrastructures is highlighted as essential for fostering innovation and supporting communities. Public and private development services play a crucial role in creating an environment that enables youth to thrive and contribute to innovation. Mentorship, incubation labs, and capacity-building programs are a few examples of initiatives aimed at supporting the youth community in their digital development journey.

In conclusion, the involvement of youth in international discussions related to digital transformation has witnessed a positive shift, with young individuals assuming more significant roles and contributing to strategic plans and priorities. Their presence has empowered grassroots communities and allowed for their participation in high-level discussions. The youth community advocates for inclusive and sustainable innovation, stressing the importance of incorporating rights-based approaches, trust, security, environmental sustainability, and accountability. Strengthening human resources, particularly the youth, and allocating adequate financial resources are crucial for fostering innovation. Building digital skills, literacy, and promoting local development of digital content are seen as essential for capacity building. Furthermore, investment in digital initiatives, projects, and infrastructures plays a vital role in creating an environment that supports youth-led innovation. Lastly, the continuous development of digital skills and literacy should be a lifelong learning process, with digital literacy being integrated into formal education to ensure individuals are equipped to navigate the digital landscape effectively.


Deborah is a strong advocate for networking and believes in its value and importance. She expresses her belief in and support for networking, highlighting its benefits for personal and professional growth.

In addition to her passion for networking, Deborah also operates a nonprofit organization called in The Hague. The focus of her nonprofit is on partnerships for the goals, aligning with SDG 17. She emphasizes the importance of partnerships and collaboration in achieving sustainable development.

Denise Leal, another individual mentioned in the analysis, emphasizes the need for digital literacy in today’s society. She offers one-to-one mentoring services at Find Out Why, based in The Hague. By providing mentorship in digital literacy, Denise aims to empower individuals and equip them with the necessary skills for success in the digital age. This aligns with SDG 4 and SDG 9, which respectively focus on quality education and industry, innovation, and infrastructure.

Deborah also encourages individuals to seize opportunities and take a proactive approach to professional advancement. She urges them to embrace their seniority, disregard hierarchical structures, and form alliances to collaborate effectively. This approach promotes gender equality (SDG 5) and reduced inequalities (SDG 10).

The Digital Fluency Lab, an organization mentioned in the analysis, operates in the city of peace and justice. Their work is centered around championing fairness, human rights, trustworthiness, and privacy. By aligning with these values, the organization contributes to SDG 16, which focuses on peace, justice, and strong institutions.

Deborah’s personal history reflects her resilience and mentorship capacity. She shares her experiences of career reinventions and personal adversity, highlighting the valuable lessons she has learned along the way. Her journey serves as a source of inspiration to others and demonstrates the power of resilience in overcoming challenges.

Lastly, Deborah believes that the youth have a deep understanding of betrayal based on their historical experiences. She encourages young individuals to use their influence and make a positive impact. This aligns with SDG 10 and SDG 16, which focus on reduced inequalities and peace, justice, and strong institutions.

In conclusion, Deborah, Denise Leal, and the Digital Fluency Lab are individuals and organizations that are committed to making a positive difference in the world. Through networking, partnerships, mentorship, and a strong belief in fairness, they contribute to various sustainable development goals, including quality education, reduced inequalities, and peace, justice, and strong institutions. Their efforts inspire others to embrace personal growth, seize opportunities, and create a better future for all.

Celestine Alves

The discussions centre around the lack of innovation in Brazil. It is argued that this lack is not due to a lack of thinkers or intelligence, but rather a lack of opportunities and funding. There is a belief that innovation can push and influence the government and public sector to invest more, particularly in public universities. The sentiment regarding this argument is neutral.

Another factor that is said to contribute to the decrease in industry in Brazil is the impact of the global economy and police problems. It is noted that this has complicated the region’s situation over the past few decades. The sentiment towards this argument is negative.

Regulation is seen as a means to foster innovation, rather than block it. The stance is that regulation can actually encourage innovation, and methods like Sandbox are mentioned as examples. The sentiment regarding this viewpoint is positive.

When it comes to private investment, it is acknowledged that it is profit-focused. However, there is a recognition that preventative measures must be in place to address potential risks associated with innovation. Unfortunately, no specific supporting facts are provided for this viewpoint. The sentiment regarding this stance is neutral.

The importance of innovative hubs in universities and public investments is emphasised as a way to foster innovation in Brazil. However, no specific supporting facts are provided for this argument. The sentiment regarding this argument is positive.

It is argued that big tech companies are exerting control over innovation worldwide. This is supported by the fact that small tech startups, such as the app Waze, have been acquired by big companies like Google. It is suggested that Brazilian engineers from universities are thinking about creating tech solutions that could be sold to these big companies. The sentiment towards this argument is negative.

There is a call for the empowerment of young people and small to medium-sized businesses so that they can control and stimulate their own innovation. It is noted that young people and graduates are already innovating but lack sufficient financial support. There is also a concern that big tech companies take control over smaller startups through acquisition. The sentiment regarding this argument is positive.

The need for society to regulate the control of big companies over innovation is highlighted. It is argued that regulation is necessary to prevent big tech companies from exerting too much power and control over the innovation landscape. The sentiment towards this viewpoint is neutral.

Another aspect that is deemed crucial for innovation is more diversity and participation. It is believed that complex problems require different perspectives, and that solving these problems necessitates the involvement of those who have been affected by them. The sentiment towards this argument is positive.

Lastly, there is a call for the youth to be included in the decision-making process. It is recognised that the youth have ideas and thoughts that could contribute to important discussions, and that simply inviting their participation is not enough. The sentiment regarding this viewpoint is positive.

In conclusion, the discussions surrounding the lack of innovation in Brazil centre around the need for more opportunities, funding, regulation, and diversity. The involvement of the youth in decision-making processes and the empowerment of small to medium-sized businesses are also highlighted. Additionally, there is a concern about big tech companies exerting control over innovation globally.


The analysis comprises multiple speakers discussing a range of topics, including innovation, sustainability, education, and youth empowerment. One of the speakers, Boris, believes that every aspect of life provides learning opportunities for making positive changes. Boris himself developed a strong understanding of programming after reading the book “How Things Work” in year six. Using his programming skills, Boris and his team in the computer science society created a neural network that successfully pairs students with their preferred subjects. Boris encourages youth to recognize the impact they can have by harnessing their skills and thinking resourcefully.

The sentiment turns negative when tech companies are discussed. It is argued that these companies intentionally make managing cookies a difficult process to collect more user data. This practice raises concerns about privacy and data collection.

Another negative sentiment arises when discussing the use of carbon offsetting by many companies. While these companies claim to offset their carbon emissions, it is stated that many of these offsetting methods are ineffective. This highlights the need for more accountability from tech companies regarding their contributions to data center pollution.

On a positive note, one speaker advocates for the implementation of a data tax. The argument is that everything on the internet is intellectual property, and companies should be held accountable for using this data to create new technologies. The suggestion is to impose a data tax to ensure that companies are held responsible for their data usage.

There is also a call for increased government funding targeted at youth below the age of 18 to engage in sustainable tech solutions. The argument is that governments can do more to support and fund young individuals, allowing them to exercise their creativity and contribute to sustainable technology.

The importance of accessible knowledge, a suitable environment, and mentors is emphasized for youth to make a significant impact. The speakers stress that for young people to succeed, they need up-to-date knowledge in emerging sectors such as the metaverse and cryptocurrency. Mentorship is seen as essential in guiding young individuals to effectively utilize their skills. Additionally, government policies that promote the right environment are viewed as crucial for skill development.

The idea of increasing collaboration between the public, private, and civil society is highlighted. It is argued that such collaborations can provide necessary resources and training programs for individuals. Moreover, increased interaction between youth and older individuals can lead to valuable learning experiences and further skill development.

The analysis concludes by asserting that anyone, regardless of age, can make a positive change in their communities. The speakers urge individuals to take action and collaborate for a better future.

In summary, the analysis presents various viewpoints on innovation, sustainability, education, and youth empowerment. While there are negative sentiments towards certain practices by tech companies, there are also positive ideas proposed, such as a data tax and increased government funding. The importance of accessible knowledge, a suitable environment, and mentorship for youth is emphasized, along with the need for collaboration between different sectors of society. The analysis inspires individuals to recognize their power to make a difference and work together towards creating a better future.

Denise Leal

Denise Leal, a young innovator from Brazil, is taking the lead in hosting a youth panel focusing on innovation. This event is particularly significant for some of the speakers, as it marks their first participation in such a gathering. Denise shows great enthusiasm as she actively encourages the speakers, creating an environment that fosters engagement and learning. She expresses her delight in seeing the audience join the session, clearly demonstrating her passion for youth participation and encouragement.

During the panel, Andrea Palomino discusses a noteworthy project called ‘Youth for our Data Future’. This initiative aims to include young people in the police process and bridge the gap between youth and decision-makers. Andrea’s comment highlights the importance of empowering and involving young individuals in decision-making processes, particularly in areas related to community development and the promotion of peace and justice. This project serves as an excellent example of the positive impact that youth inclusion can have on building stronger institutions and sustainable cities.

Denise also emphasizes the significance of continuous contribution to the Internet Governance (IG) community. By encouraging active participation and engagement, she demonstrates her belief in the power of collaboration and collective action. Her support for the inclusion of youth in the decision-making process reinforces the idea that diverse voices and perspectives are essential for making informed and inclusive decisions.

In conclusion, Denise Leal’s hosting of the youth panel centered around innovation showcases her passion for empowering young people and amplifying their voices. Through her enthusiasm and encouragement, she creates an environment that fosters collaboration, learning, and engagement. Furthermore, her support for initiatives such as ‘Youth for our Data Future’ highlights the importance of youth inclusion in decision-making processes and community development efforts. Denise’s dedication to the IG community exemplifies the potential for positive change when young individuals are given the opportunity to contribute and shape the future.

James Amattey

James Amattey, a student at the University of Hong Kong, advocates for increased support and collaboration to assist young people in developing sustainable initiatives. He understands the challenges faced by youth in sustainable innovation, including the lack of experience, resources, and skills. James emphasises the importance of collaboration with government and big firms to provide the necessary support and capacity building for young individuals in sustainable innovation. This collaboration is crucial for the success of sustainable initiatives as it allows for the inclusion of the youth’s perspective and provides the needed resources, capital, and training.

Furthermore, young people play a crucial role in the digital economy and are at the forefront of finding innovative solutions to societal challenges. Their proximity to these problems gives them an advantage in contributing to sustainable development. James encourages the younger generation to communicate and share their views through existing platforms, enabling them to actively contribute their knowledge, experiences, and viewpoints.

Intergenerational mentorship also plays a significant role in bridging the knowledge gap. The older generation’s increased openness to offering mentorship to young individuals is essential for transferring knowledge and expertise. This exchange of wisdom and guidance empowers young people to effectively lead sustainable initiatives.

To summarise, James Amattey highlights the need for increased support and collaboration to assist youth in developing sustainable initiatives. Collaboration with government and big firms provides the necessary resources and capacity building for young individuals. Young people’s active involvement in the digital economy and their ability to communicate their viewpoints are valuable assets for sustainable development. Intergenerational mentorship is also crucial in bridging the knowledge gap and empowering young individuals.

Ethan Chern

Ethan Chern, a concerned student, identified a waste problem in his school involving the disposal of unused books, leading to the emission of carbon dioxide. At the start of the school year, only 2-3 books were designated for book crossing, but by the end of the year, this number had surged to 400-500 books. Unfortunately, the school management decided to discard or recycle these books, resulting in additional carbon emissions. Ethan observed that this waste issue was detrimental to the environment and called for immediate action.

To address the waste management problem in educational institutions and promote sustainability, Ethan, along with his father, formulated an innovative solution. They established the Mon Pau Foundation, which aimed to find ways to deal with the excess books in a sustainable manner. The successful establishment of the foundation paved the way for ongoing initiatives and actions to mitigate waste and foster environmental consciousness among students.

Ethan firmly believes that everyone, regardless of age or gender, possesses the ability to contribute towards making the world more sustainable. In a speech, he stressed the significance of collective efforts towards sustainability and highlighted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a common objective. Ethan’s advocacy for cooperation and inclusivity resonates with SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals, which emphasises the need for collaboration between various stakeholders to achieve sustainable development.

In conclusion, Ethan Chern’s observations and initiatives shed light on the pressing waste management issues faced by educational institutions. His determination to address these challenges led to the establishment of the Mon Pau Foundation, a commendable step towards sustainability. By promoting collective efforts and emphasising inclusivity, Ethan encourages individuals of all ages and genders to contribute towards achieving the SDGs. It is through cooperative endeavours that we can pave the way for a more sustainable future.


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