9 Oct 2023 05:00h - 07:00h UTC

Event report


  • Abdullah Alswaha, Minister, MCIT, Saudi Arabia
  • Bjørn Berge, Deputy Secretary General, Council of Europe
  • Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Secretary-General, International Telecommunication Union
  • Eliamani Laltaika, Judge, High Court of Justice, Tanzania
  • Jun Murai, Dean, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University
  • Junji Suzuki, Minister, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan
  • Sigbjørn Gjelsvik, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Norway
  • Tripti Sinha, Chairwoman, ICANN Board
  • Vera Jourova, Vice President, European Commission for Values and Transparency
  • Vint Cerf, Chair, IGF Leadership Panel

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report

Abdullah Alswaha, Minister, MCIT, Saudi Arabia

The current digital situation presents various risks to net zero targets, job growth, and international trade. Fragmentation and international trade barriers are costing the global economy close to 7%, leading to a loss of more than 100 million jobs. Urgent action is needed to address these issues.

To tackle these challenges, an inclusive and innovative internet governance framework based on multistakeholderism is proposed. This approach aims to involve various stakeholders in decision-making processes related to internet governance, ensuring diverse perspectives and expertise are considered.

Global connectivity by 2030 is also crucial, with an estimated cost of around half a trillion dollars to connect the 2.6 billion people who currently lack internet access. This investment reflects the importance of accessible connectivity for sustainable development and inclusive growth.

Regarding regulation, there is a call for innovative regulation that supports new technologies and practices while ensuring necessary safeguards and regulatory frameworks are in place. Moving beyond traditional approaches of “regulate and innovate” or “innovate and regulate” is emphasized.

The importance of multi-stakeholderism in internet governance is highlighted, with the involvement of governments, private sector entities, civil society organizations, and individuals seen as crucial for inclusivity and effectiveness.

Additionally, there is a commitment to safeguarding the economy and investing in science and technology. A significant financial pledge of $5 trillion has been made to protect and support the global economy. Furthermore, $20 billion is dedicated to accelerating progress in science and technology research, including the development of vaccines.

In conclusion, the analysis underscores the risks posed by the current digital situation to net zero targets, job growth, and international trade. An inclusive and innovative internet governance framework based on multistakeholderism is proposed. Global connectivity by 2030 is necessary, requiring a significant financial investment. Innovative regulation and multi-stakeholderism in internet governance are crucial. Lastly, there is a commitment to safeguarding the economy and investing in science and technology research.

Junji Suzuki, Minister, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan

The Internet has revolutionised the way we live, work, and communicate, becoming an indispensable infrastructure for our daily lives and economic and social activities. It has opened up a world of opportunities, allowing us to access a wide array of services and content from around the world. This availability of diverse expressions, knowledge, and news has greatly contributed to the dissemination of information and the development of global communication.

However, alongside the numerous benefits that the Internet brings, there are also challenges and concerns that need to be addressed. The spread of illegal and harmful information is a major issue, as it can have detrimental effects on individuals and society as a whole. Cybercrimes, such as phishing scams and cyberattacks, pose significant threats to both individuals and businesses. These concerns highlight the need for effective measures to mitigate the risks and protect users and their sensitive information.

It is crucial for the Internet to be democratic, inclusive, and accessible to all. The benefits of the Internet can only be fully realised when there is equal access and opportunity for everyone. Achieving this requires ensuring that telecommunication infrastructure is readily available to all, especially in underserved areas and marginalised communities. By promoting internet accessibility and digital inclusion, we can bridge the digital divide and empower individuals to participate fully in the digital economy and society.

In light of these challenges and opportunities, Japan has embraced its role as the host country for the Internet Governance Forum. This is the first time Japan is hosting this influential forum, and it demonstrates their commitment to actively contribute to discussions and initiatives aimed at shaping the future of the Internet. Through collaboration and partnerships, Japan aims to foster a safe and inclusive digital environment that benefits all users.

In conclusion, while the Internet has transformed our lives and brought many benefits, there are also concerns that need to be addressed. The spread of harmful information, cybercrimes, and cyberattacks pose significant challenges, highlighting the importance of effective regulation and security measures. Additionally, ensuring that the Internet is accessible and inclusive to everyone is crucial for harnessing its full potential. Japan’s role as the host country for the Internet Governance Forum signifies their dedication to shaping a better digital future.

Vint Cerf, Chair, IGF Leadership Panel

The analysis focuses on various aspects of internet governance and the importance of innovation in shaping the future of the internet. It emphasises the need for deliberations and productive discussions to drive positive change in the online landscape.

One key argument is the importance of making the internet a productive environment. This involves suppressing misinformation and promoting useful content as essential aspects of internet governance. The speakers emphasise the importance of implementing accountability and agency to ensure a secure network. Prioritising these factors can transform the internet into a more reliable and trustworthy space.

Another point highlighted is the upcoming Digital Governance compact work, facilitated by Rwanda and Sweden. This initiative is highly anticipated due to its potential impact on the future of the internet. The co-facilitators in Rwanda and Sweden are open to input on their work, suggesting a collaborative approach to shaping digital governance. The outcomes of this work are eagerly awaited, with expectations of significant improvements in internet governance.

The significance of national and regional Internet Governance Forum (IGF) meetings is also emphasised. These meetings are crucial in shaping global internet governance policies. They provide a platform for stakeholders to come together, exchange ideas, and discuss important issues related to internet governance. By fostering collaboration and regional cooperation, these meetings contribute to the development of effective policies and strategies for the future of the internet.

The Leadership Panel encourages participants to go beyond the current state of the internet and start planning for the future. They share the same vision as the IGF participants and emphasise the need to strategise for objectives beyond the present circumstances. By thinking ahead and working towards a common goal, a more inclusive and secure internet environment can be achieved.

The venue for IGF 2023 is Kyoto, a city renowned for its historical significance and beauty. The choice of this location has been commended, as it not only provides a picturesque setting for the event but also signifies the importance of preserving cultural heritage while discussing the future of the internet.

In conclusion, the analysis emphasises the importance of innovation, deliberations, and making the internet a productive environment. It highlights the need for internet governance to address key issues such as misinformation, accountability, and security. The upcoming Digital Governance compact work facilitated by Rwanda and Sweden is expected to have a significant impact on the future of the internet. The significance of national and regional IGF meetings in shaping global internet governance is recognised, and participants are encouraged to plan for the future beyond the current state of the internet. The choice of Kyoto as the venue for IGF 2023 reflects the commitment to preserving cultural heritage amidst discussions about the digital future.

Sigbjørn Gjelsvik, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Norway

Norway is actively demonstrating its support for the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and its core principles of accessibility and inclusiveness. The Norwegian government has officially announced its bid to host the IGF in 2025, highlighting Norway’s dedication to fostering an open and inclusive internet environment. Norway recognizes the transformative power of digital technology in driving development and is determined to work with partners and stimulate investment in developing countries to facilitate the implementation of digital technology. They firmly believe in upholding human rights and privacy, extending this commitment to the digital realm. Norway is proactively working to establish regulations that ensure responsible technological innovation and to maintain a non-discriminatory internet environment. Additionally, Norway is actively seeking innovative solutions to reduce the environmental impact of digital infrastructure and harness the potential of digital technology to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Overall, Norway’s commitment to an open and inclusive internet environment, sustainable development, and responsible technological innovation is evident in their various initiatives and actions.

Eliamani Laltaika, Judge, High Court of Justice, Tanzania

The importance of involving the judiciary in discussions about Internet governance was highlighted. It was argued that judges need to have a thorough understanding of Internet governance to make informed decisions. The lawmaking process concludes with the judiciary, as everything discussed in Internet governance remains theoretical until a judge interprets it. Therefore, judges must be well-versed in various aspects of Internet governance to make effective decisions.

A proposal was made for a judiciary track in the IGF Secretariat to include judges in discussions and decision-making processes related to Internet governance. This would provide judges with a specific platform to engage with experts, share insights, and gather knowledge about Internet governance.

Attendees were encouraged to invite judges from their countries and advocate for their involvement in national and UN IGFs. This initiative aims to promote the importance of judicial participation in Internet governance discussions on a broader scale.

The discussions emphasized that understanding the rule of law in the digital space is as crucial as in the physical world. Topics such as Internet freedom, artificial intelligence (AI), and Web 3.0 were discussed. Advocates highlighted the need to uphold and enforce the rule of law in the digital realm, not just within traditional legal frameworks.

Overall, there is a positive sentiment expressed throughout the summaries, portraying a recognition of the significance of involving the judiciary in Internet governance. There is an evident understanding of the impact of Internet governance on legal systems and society. The proposed inclusion of judges in various aspects of Internet governance showcases a proactive approach towards informed decision-making and promoting justice in the digital age.

Jun Murai, Dean, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University

The year 2023 will be significant for the Internet community in Japan, as it will host several noteworthy events, including the ITF, APNIC meeting, and the Internet Governance Forum. This demonstrates Japan’s active involvement in shaping and influencing the future of the Internet globally. With a positive sentiment attached to this development, it is evident that Japan is eager to contribute to the advancement of Internet governance and infrastructure.

The growth of the Internet population over the years is a remarkable achievement. Starting from just 6% of the world’s population in 2000, it has now reached an impressive 70%. This growth highlights the increasing importance of the Internet in connecting people globally, fostering interaction, and promoting innovation and infrastructure development. The argument put forward here is undeniably positive, highlighting the tremendous progress made in bridging the digital divide and expanding online inclusion.

Japan’s experience with natural disasters, particularly the devastating earthquake that struck the Kansai area in 1995, has significantly influenced the recognition of the Internet’s value in disaster recovery and global collaboration. The Internet played a crucial role in Japan’s recovery, enabling effective communication, coordination, and assistance during the aftermath of the earthquake. This serves as a testament to the internet’s resilience and transformative power in times of crisis and reinforces the positive sentiment associated with its potential to support sustainable cities and communities.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes globally, including a greater reliance on the Internet. As remote work and video conferencing became the norm, the Internet played a vital role in ensuring continued connectivity, collaboration, and access to crucial information and services. This neutral argument acknowledges the accelerated understanding of the Internet’s importance in enabling remote work and maintaining good health and well-being during a global crisis.

The ethical and proper use of Internet technology is a topic of critical importance. Whenever advanced technology becomes available, it is essential to consider its ethical implications and ensure responsible usage. This neutral argument emphasizes the need to address Internet ethics and cybersecurity concerns to maintain a safe and secure digital environment. It highlights the significance of responsible technological deployment to sustain innovation, industry, and infrastructure in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

In conclusion, the expanded summary sheds light on the various facets of the Internet’s impact on Japan and the wider global community. Japan’s hosting of key Internet-related events in 2023 reflects its active engagement in shaping the future of Internet governance. The substantial growth in the Internet population showcases the progress made in promoting online inclusion. The Internet’s role in disaster recovery has been recognized through Japan’s experience with the 1995 earthquake, while the accelerated understanding and reliance on the Internet during the COVID-19 pandemic underscore its significance in maintaining connectivity and supporting remote work. The ethical and responsible use of Internet technology is also highlighted as a vital factor to ensure a safe and secure digital environment. Overall, these insights demonstrate the multifaceted influence of the Internet and the importance of continued dialogue and collaboration in its ethical development and global governance.

Bjørn Berge, Deputy Secretary General, Council of Europe

The discussions shed light on the significant importance of the internet as a transformative invention that has had a profound impact on various aspects of modern life. The internet has not only revolutionised communication but has also drastically changed lifestyles. It was widely acknowledged during the discussions that if the internet were to stop working, much of modern life would come to a standstill. This highlights the immense dependence that society has developed on internet connectivity.

Furthermore, the Council of Europe was recognised for its early recognition of the opportunities and threats posed by the digital world. As early as 1996, the Council of Europe began negotiations for the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, a pioneering initiative to address the rising challenges of cybercrime. It is noteworthy that 68 countries have joined the convention, demonstrating their commitment to combating cyber threats and ensuring peace, justice, and strong institutions in the digital domain.

The inclusive and multi-stakeholder approach of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was highly commended. The launch of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime itself involved the active participation of multiple stakeholders, highlighting the significance of collaborative efforts in addressing digital challenges. Furthermore, the Council of Europe’s support for the IGF reinforces its commitment to promoting an inclusive and multi-stakeholder approach to internet governance.

In addition to the discussions on the internet and cybercrime, attention was drawn to the Council of Europe’s efforts in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The Council is currently in the process of preparing an international treaty on the design, development, and use of AI systems. Negotiations on the content of the treaty are currently underway, with the aim of finalising it by May of next year. This demonstrates the Council’s proactive approach to addressing the ethical and legal implications of AI technology, striving to ensure that AI systems are developed and used in a responsible and accountable manner.

Overall, the discussions highlighted the critical role played by the internet in modern society and the need for international cooperation to address the challenges that arise from the digital world. The Council of Europe’s initiatives, such as the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and the ongoing efforts towards an AI treaty, underscore its commitment to promoting a safe, secure, and inclusive digital environment.

Vera Jourova, Vice President, European Commission for Values and Transparency

The analysis explores internet governance, regulation of artificial intelligence (AI), and the challenges of maintaining an open and accessible internet. One perspective highlighted is the growing prevalence of public models of internet governance, where the state controls and filters information flows. This trend is viewed negatively, as it limits individual freedom and access to diverse sources of information.

On a positive note, the analysis mentions the signing of the Declaration of the Future of the Internet by 70 countries. This Declaration aims to promote human rights in internet governance, indicating a recognition of the need for a rights-respecting framework.

In terms of AI regulation, the European Union (EU) is taking a proactive approach. The EU is finalizing the AI Act, which will give legal force to principles and regulate the use of AI. The EU is also seeking input from stakeholders through consultations on guiding principles for generative AI, ensuring alignment with ethics and societal needs.

The analysis also highlights the EU’s efforts to address disinformation. Through the Anti-Disinformation Code of Practice and the Digital Services Act, the EU aims to counter disinformation campaigns, particularly during upcoming democratic elections in 2024. The focus is on allowing individuals to make informed decisions and protecting them from manipulation by foreign entities.

Furthermore, the analysis emphasizes the challenge of maintaining an open and accessible internet that respects individual freedom and dignity. State-controlled internet governance models are seen as divisive and prone to spreading disinformation. The analysis calls for upholding the United Nations Charter to ensure that the internet remains an empowering platform that protects individuals’ rights.

In conclusion, the analysis provides insights into internet governance, AI regulation, and the importance of an open and accessible internet. While acknowledging negative developments, such as increasing state control and the challenge of disinformation, it also highlights positive initiatives, like the Declaration of the Future of the Internet and the EU’s stance on AI regulation. Overall, the analysis urges the protection of individual rights, informed decision-making, and the establishment of an ethical framework in the digital realm.

Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Secretary-General, International Telecommunication Union

Digital technology plays a significant role in global discussions, evident in its presence in platforms like G7, G20, G77, and UNGA. It is increasingly recognized as a crucial tool to address pressing global issues. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) reports that 70% of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can benefit directly from digital technology, highlighting its potential to positively impact global development.

However, progress towards achieving the SDGs is inadequate, with only 15% of the targets on track. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a technology with the potential to enhance the impact of digital technology on the SDGs. By harnessing the capabilities of AI, the potential for achieving the SDGs can be significantly amplified.

Digital exclusion remains a significant concern, with approximately 2.6 billion people lacking internet access, leaving them digitally excluded. This exclusion disproportionately affects women, vulnerable groups, and certain nations, magnifying existing inequalities. Addressing and ensuring digital inclusion for all is crucial to promoting a more equitable and sustainable world.

A forward-thinking approach to achieving digital inclusion is the adoption of a multistakeholder model, exemplified by the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). This model emphasizes collaboration among various stakeholders, including governments, the private sector, civil society, and the technical community. By embracing this approach, the WSIS aims to bridge the digital divide and promote digital inclusion.

Additionally, the multistakeholder model has influenced the development of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), which serves as a platform for global discussions on digital governance. The IGF has emerged as a crucial outcome of the WSIS, solidifying its role in shaping global digital governance issues. The discussions at the IGF and the WSIS Forum are interconnected and mutually beneficial for digital development, fostering dialogue, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among stakeholders.

Overall, digital technology is increasingly recognized as a key tool in global discussions and initiatives. It has the potential to significantly contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, although further improvements are needed. However, digital exclusion remains a significant challenge, especially for vulnerable groups and certain nations. Adopting a multistakeholder model, as seen in the WSIS and IGF, is crucial for promoting digital inclusion and ensuring equitable digital development.


The analysis provides a comprehensive overview of different arguments and perspectives on various aspects of the digital world. It emphasises the importance of digital technology in addressing global challenges, with 70% of Sustainable Development Goal targets benefiting from digital technologies. However, only 15% of these targets are on track, indicating the need for acceleration through the use of artificial intelligence (AI).

Another key issue highlighted is the digital divide, with 2.6 billion people being offline and digitally excluded. The exclusion disproportionately affects nations, women, and vulnerable groups, emphasising the need to bridge this divide and ensure equal access to the benefits of the digital world.

The analysis also highlights the success of the cooperation and multi-stakeholder model in global digital governance. The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) are cited as crucial outcomes of this model. Additionally, the WSIS+20 review process is seen as an opportunity to assess progress and plan for the future.

The argument for an inclusive digital world that empowers all individuals is supported by evidence showing a disparity in the benefits derived from AI technology. The importance of not leaving anyone behind in the digital world is also emphasised.

The role of the internet during disasters, such as earthquakes, is recognised as crucial. It is noted that the Japanese experience with earthquakes highlights the power of global collaboration facilitated by the internet. Smartphones and location information were instrumental in saving lives during the 2011 earthquake.

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the significance of the internet in facilitating remote work and maintaining connections. Video conferencing and remote work were identified as significant aspects of the digital world during this time.

The analysis also addresses the need for responsible use of emerging technologies like AI and the importance of cybersecurity. Additionally, the ethical use of the internet is highlighted, with the Kyoto meeting aiming to establish standards for its future ethical use.

The analysis underscores the importance of the internet as a critical resource and fundamental human right in the modern age. Over five billion people are online, and the COVID-19 pandemic further emphasised the vital role of the internet in education, essential information access, and maintaining connections during crises.

The need for an open, accessible, and inclusive internet that empowers all individuals is emphasised, despite significant portions of the global population remaining unconnected. The principles of open standards, architecture, and interoperability are seen as essential for the future of the internet.

Efforts towards ensuring the internet as a secure, transparent, and participatory platform are appreciated. ICANN, with its emphasis on transparency and inclusion, is highlighted as contributing to a safer and user-friendly internet.

The analysis acknowledges the opportunities and challenges arising from new technological innovations like AI and quantum technology. The outcomes and impact of these technologies are expected to rely on interconnected networks, with the internet playing a pivotal role.

Norway’s commitment to hosting important events related to the internet community, such as the Internet Governance Forum and the Internet Governance Forum, is commended. Norway’s focus on reducing the environmental impact of digital infrastructure and the importance of regulations ensuring responsible technological innovation are also noted.

The Council of Europe’s initiatives, including the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and the development of an international treaty on AI, are highlighted as efforts to address the threats and opportunities presented by the digital world.

The multi-stakeholder approach is seen as crucial in regulating the digital world, combining the expertise and experience of public authorities, civil society, the private sector, and professional organisations. The importance of including the judiciary in internet governance is advocated, as judges are needed to give correct interpretations of laws and ensure the protection of freedom, rights, and quality services in the digital space.

The analysis concludes with appreciation for Japan’s hosting of the conference and emphasises the importance of the participation and productive exchange of views of all member states. Noteworthy observations include the transformative role of the internet in modern life and the need to focus on both the desired internet and the ways to achieve it.

Tripti Sinha, Chairwoman, ICANN Board

The analysis highlights several key points regarding the importance and future of the internet:

1. Access to the internet is seen as a fundamental human right due to its ability to connect people to essential information, education, and each other, especially during times of crisis. With over five billion out of eight billion inhabitants worldwide being online, the internet has become an essential lifeline for many individuals and communities.

2. Open standards, open architecture, and interoperability are foundational principles of the internet that have played a significant role in its transformative power. These principles have facilitated tremendous technological advancements and enabled seamless communication and collaboration across the digital landscape. They have been the driving force behind the internet’s ability to connect people and foster innovation.

3. Digital inclusion is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed to ensure that everyone has equal access to the internet. Despite significant progress, a significant portion of the global population remains unconnected. Achieving digital inclusion requires tackling barriers such as affordability, digital literacy, and the creation of locally relevant content and services. By focusing on these aspects, the future of the internet can be more inclusive, enabling everyone to benefit from its potential.

4. The multi-stakeholder model of internet governance has proven to be valuable and effective in fostering international collaboration. This approach allows for the involvement of various stakeholders in shaping internet policies and decisions. Internet governance has evolved through a multi-stakeholder process, with organizations like ICANN deeply rooted in this model. This collaborative approach ensures that the internet remains a global public resource guided by the principles of transparency, inclusivity, and accountability.

5. The development and maintenance of an open, secure, and resilient internet are critical in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. ICANN, as a key player in internet governance, is committed to upholding the technical foundations that ensure an open, secure, and resilient internet. This includes robust data safeguards and transparency, which are essential in maintaining user trust and protecting online activities.

6. Technological advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Quantum Communication have the potential to significantly shape the digital experience. Recent innovations in AI and Quantum technologies have showcased their transformative capabilities, promising to redefine how we interact with digital systems. The integration of AI and Quantum communication can lead to breakthroughs in various fields and drive further innovation in the digital space.

In conclusion, the analysis emphasizes that the internet has become a fundamental aspect of our lives, connecting us to vital resources and opportunities. Upholding principles such as access, openness, inclusivity, and security is crucial in ensuring that the internet continues to be a force for positive change. Additionally, leveraging emerging technologies, such as AI and Quantum communication, presents new possibilities for advancing the digital experience. By considering these insights, stakeholders can work towards a future where the internet benefits individuals and contributes to global development.




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