OPEN MIC – Taking Stock | IGF 2023

12 Oct 2023 07:15h - 08:15h UTC

Event report


  • Carol Roach, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Government of the Bahamas
  • Chengetai Masango, Head, IGF Secretariat
  • Deborah Allen, Director & CEO, Find Out Why
  • Markus Kummer, Senior Advisor, Geneva Internet Platform & DiploFoundation
  • Paul Mitchell, Chair, IGF MAG
  • Vint Cerf, Chair, IGF Leadership Panel

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report

Deborah Allen, Director & CEO, Find Out Why

The online conference, despite being held virtually, created an extraordinary and palpable energy. Participants sensed this positive atmosphere even from the comfort of their own desks. Vint Cerf’s presence at the conference further uplifted the attendees, highlighting the significance of his expertise in the field.

In terms of diversity and generational participation, the conference was exemplary. The event successfully brought together next-gen innovators and experienced professionals like Vint Cerf, creating a well-balanced representation of multiple generations. This diverse mix of participants enriched the conference discussions and fostered a collaborative atmosphere.

One of the key arguments put forward was the importance of redesigning systems to adapt to changing times. This includes reevaluating funding models in light of digital evolution and systemic change. The gatekeepers and dynamics of the industry have transformed, offering both new opportunities and challenges in the digital realm. Recognising these shifts and adapting systems accordingly was seen as crucial for progress.

Furthermore, the value of cross-generational collaboration was emphasised. The conference participants believed in the expertise of young people in the digital realm and acknowledged the necessity of working alongside experienced professionals like Vint Cerf. Encouraging the partnership between different generations not only enhances innovation but also contributes to quality education and the overall achievement of the sustainable development goals.

In conclusion, the online conference successfully created an uplifting and phenomenal experience for its participants, despite the limitations of the virtual format. The event showcased the importance of diversity, generational participation, and cross-collaboration. It also highlighted the need to adapt systems and funding models in response to the evolving digital landscape. By embracing these principles, the conference aimed to foster progress in various sectors while addressing the challenges and embracing the opportunities of our rapidly changing world.


The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) received mixed feedback from speakers at the event. One prevalent issue highlighted by some speakers was the need for improved internet connectivity and the importance of prioritising efforts to provide access to the 2.6 billion people who are still unconnected. It was pointed out that last year, the number of unconnected people stood at 2.7 billion, highlighting a slight improvement. However, the rate of progress needs to improve further to bridge the digital divide. It was argued that if internet access is provided to these unconnected individuals, it could contribute to the growth of the global economy, potentially increasing it from $105 billion to $200 billion.

In contrast, some speakers argued that the IGF should shift its focus towards job creation and supporting ground level organisations. They emphasised that the IGF should prioritise these aspects in order to foster decent work and economic growth. This perspective views the IGF as an opportunity to promote job opportunities and ensure that the future summits prioritize job creation initiatives.

There were also concerns raised about the lack of dialogue on disparities in internet access, particularly for marginalised groups affected by internet shutdowns due to conflict. Special attention was given to the experiences of the Tigrayan people and the Palestinians, who face oppression and limited access to the internet. It was argued that the IGF needs to address these situations and take real-time actions to ensure that marginalised groups are not left behind.

Representation and inclusivity were also emphasised during the event. There were calls for more Latin American and Caribbean individuals, people with disabilities, and young people to be included in the IGF discussions. Additionally, the importance of teaching and mentoring young people in effective internet usage was highlighted, recognising the role of education in fostering digital skills.

Furthermore, there were discussions on the importance of AI and the need for more involvement of tech people in IGF forums. It was argued that with AI becoming increasingly crucial in today’s world, more programmers and tech individuals should be included in the discussions at the IGF to ensure a well-rounded approach.

Other issues raised during the event included the challenges of low attendance at sessions and the need for better solution sharing. Some attendees expressed concerns about the non-recognition and lack of sharing of reports produced by dynamic coalitions. These reports were seen as valuable resources that should be acknowledged and made available on the IGF website.

The organisational skills of the UN and Japan in planning and executing the event were praised. However, there were also criticisms raised about issues such as visa applications, the accessibility and user-friendliness of the online schedule, and the blocking of certain websites during the IGF. Concerns were also expressed about workshops and sessions clashing, limiting opportunities for active participation and representation of diverse groups.

The importance of linguistic inclusivity and respect for human rights in digital spaces were also highlighted. It was argued that the dominance of the English language in the IGF needs to be addressed to ensure a more inclusive environment. Furthermore, concerns were raised about gender-based violence hindering the participation of women in important forums like the IGF.

In terms of the IGF’s decision-making process, concerns were raised about the credibility and effectiveness of the multi-stakeholder approach. Some speakers called for a review and reversal of the current decision-making process, highlighting its impact on civil society participation and the overall legitimacy of the model.

The event received appreciation for its organisation and focus on child rights. Some attendees praised the IGF secretariat and the members of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) for their efforts in organising the event. Additionally, there was a positive response to the focus on enhancing the digital skills of children and fostering an inclusive digital landscape.

In conclusion, the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) generated a range of opinions and feedback from speakers at the event. The need for improved internet connectivity, job creation, dialogue on disparities in internet access, inclusivity, and the involvement of tech individuals were among the key issues discussed. The event highlighted various challenges and opportunities in internet governance and called for actions to bridge the digital divide and ensure equal access and representation for all.


The speaker expressed deep gratitude towards the colleagues in the ministry and participants from the private sector who had worked tirelessly to make the conference a success. Their hard work and contributions were acknowledged and appreciated.

In addition to expressing gratitude, the speaker highlighted the significance of a multi-stakeholder approach in the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). This approach, which involves involving various stakeholders such as governments, civil society, and the private sector, is seen as highly prioritized for the IGF. The speaker emphasized the importance of collaboration and cooperation among these stakeholders to achieve the goals of the IGF.

Furthermore, the government is committed to improving and strengthening the IGF through discussions on a global digital compact. This commitment reflects the desire to enhance industry, innovation, and infrastructure, as highlighted by the related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 9). By engaging in discussions on a global digital compact, the government aims to bring about positive changes and advancements in the IGF.

In conclusion, the speaker’s expression of gratitude and appreciation towards the team in the ministry and participants of the conference serves as a significant morale booster. The emphasis on a multi-stakeholder approach in the IGF and the government’s commitment to strengthening it through discussions on a global digital compact highlight the importance of collaboration and improvement in achieving the goals of the IGF.

Chengetai Masango, Head, IGF Secretariat

The meeting organisers have implemented several strategies to ensure audience feedback and engagement. One effective approach is the inclusion of an open mic session, enabling participants to express their opinions and suggestions during the meeting. This interactive forum provides an opportunity for real-time engagement and fosters inclusivity.

Furthermore, the organisers have encouraged the submission of written remarks. This method allows participants to provide detailed feedback that can be reviewed and considered, even if it cannot be addressed during the meeting itself. By collecting these written remarks, the organisers demonstrate their commitment to valuing every participant’s input.

To ensure transparency and accessibility, any remarks that are not discussed during the meeting will be published on the website. This practice allows participants, as well as other interested individuals, to gain insight into the range of feedback and suggestions received. It also demonstrates the organisers’ dedication to inclusivity and accountability.

The panel responsible for overseeing the meeting is in “listening mode,” emphasising their focus on gathering feedback and taking it into consideration. Notes will be taken during the meeting to ensure that the feedback is acknowledged and incorporated into future meetings. This approach reassures participants that their opinions are valued and will influence decision-making processes.

Audience members are provided with two microphones for sharing their feedback. By offering this opportunity, the organisers encourage active participation from attendees. This demonstrates inclusivity and allows for a diverse range of perspectives to be heard and acknowledged.

Although the organisers have promised to listen to audience feedback, they may not provide immediate responses. This suggests that the organisers understand the complexity of the received feedback and highlight their dedication to carefully analysing it before formulating a comprehensive response.

Lastly, the organisers have implemented a time management measure by enforcing a two-minute time limit for audience feedback. This ensures that all participants have an equal opportunity to share their thoughts within a reasonable timeframe. The time limit respects the need for efficiency, enabling the meeting to cover a wide range of topics and ensuring different perspectives are heard.

In conclusion, the meeting organisers have taken significant steps to promote audience feedback and participation. The inclusion of an open mic session, the acceptance of written remarks, and the publication of unaddressed remarks on the website demonstrate their commitment to inclusivity and transparency. The panel’s “listening mode” and consideration of feedback for future meetings further emphasise the value placed on participant input. The provision of microphones allows for diverse perspectives to be heard, while the organisers’ promise to listen to feedback without immediate response showcases their dedication to thoughtful analysis. Time management measures, such as the two-minute time limit, ensure efficiency and equal opportunities for participation. Overall, these strategies create an environment that encourages active engagement, fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration among participants.

Vint Cerf, Chair, IGF Leadership Panel

Vint Cerf, a prominent figure in the world of technology, expressed gratitude towards Ida-san for hosting the highly productive Kyoto meeting. Cerf also appreciated the valuable contribution made by the hosting country. The Kyoto meeting brought together experts from various fields, including the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and the Kyoto meeting of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG), and was beneficial for SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

Cerf praised the exemplary leadership of Paul Mitchell, the outgoing chair of the 2023 meeting, for fostering peace, justice, and strong institutions, as outlined in SDG 16. Cerf acknowledged Mitchell’s valuable contributions.

Furthermore, Cerf warmly welcomed Carol as the new chair of the MAG for the upcoming 2024 meeting. Carol’s appointment as the chairperson highlights the IGF’s commitment to promoting gender equality, in line with SDG 5. Cerf recognized Carol’s role in leading the MAG.

Cerf encouraged participation in national and regional IGF activities, emphasizing the need to provide written inputs to the leadership panel and the MAG. This participation contributes towards the achievement of SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.

While it was noted that there was limited time for open mic discussions during the session, Cerf highlighted the opportunity for individuals to provide written inputs.

In conclusion, Cerf’s expressions of gratitude, appreciation, and encouragement highlight the positive outcomes of the Kyoto meeting and the IGF’s commitment to inclusive decision-making and collaboration. The call for continued participation and input from stakeholders showcases the IGF’s dedication towards achieving sustainable development goals through partnerships.

Carol Roach, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Government of the Bahamas

The analysis of the speakers’ arguments reveals several important points and insights. Firstly, it is noted that Carol Roach is the incoming MAG chair, and the participants express a positive sentiment towards her leadership. This highlights the confidence and anticipation in her ability to drive improvements within the MAG (Multistakeholder Advisory Group) and IGF (Internet Governance Forum) for the benefit of industry, innovation and infrastructure.

Relevance is emphasized as a crucial factor in ensuring transformation, particularly in relation to SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure). The speakers argue that maintaining relevance is instrumental in bringing about meaningful changes and advancements in these areas. While no supporting facts are provided in this regard, it is implied that relevance is key to adapting to the evolving needs of the industry and promoting sustainable development.

Another noteworthy point made by the speakers is the importance of being open to change and adaptation to better serve the needs of the industry, innovation, and infrastructure goals. However, no concrete evidence or supporting facts are offered to further substantiate this argument. Nevertheless, the assertion suggests that a dynamic and flexible approach is desired to effectively address the challenges faced within these sectors.

Furthermore, the analysis highlights the significance of feedback for improvements. The speakers emphasize the value of receiving input and ideas from participants to help enhance the authority and its outcomes. Carol Roach encourages open communication and urges participants to share their thoughts and suggestions. This signifies a commitment to involving stakeholders in decision-making processes and fostering collaboration for further advancements.

Overall, the speakers’ arguments underscore the need for continuous improvements within the MAG and IGF. Carol Roach’s appointment as the incoming MAG chair and the positive sentiments expressed towards her leadership indicate a sense of optimism for the future. The emphasis on relevance, openness to change, adaptation, and the importance of feedback suggests a dedication to ensuring that the authority effectively addresses the diverse goals and challenges pertaining to industry, innovation and infrastructure.

Markus Kummer, Senior Advisor, Geneva Internet Platform & DiploFoundation

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) has accumulated a wealth of valuable knowledge over the years, making it a reputable and reliable source of information. With its extensive experience in gathering knowledge, the IGF has established itself as a key player in the field.

To harness the vast amount of knowledge available, a project initiated by DiploFoundation is underway involving the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This project aims to map and organize the immense amount of knowledge, potentially benefiting the fields of Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9). By utilizing AI technologies, the project seeks to create a knowledge graph that can be easily navigated, ensuring accessible and readily available information.

Furthermore, this project aligns with the goal of Quality Education (SDG 4). The overwhelming abundance of knowledge can sometimes be daunting, but AI can help navigate and filter this information, providing a more efficient and effective learning experience. By simplifying access to knowledge, this project has the potential to enhance educational outcomes worldwide.

In addition to the benefits in industry and education, the project also encourages collaboration and partnerships. By calling upon other organizations to join, the IGF aims to foster Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17). Collaboration allows organizations to pool resources, expertise, and knowledge to advance the project’s objectives, resulting in a more comprehensive outcome.

In conclusion, the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) has accumulated valuable knowledge, and a project involving AI aims to map and organize this vast amount of information. The project benefits industry and education while fostering partnerships for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. By navigating information with AI, the project simplifies access to knowledge and enhances educational outcomes. It invites other organizations to collaborate, working towards the common goal of knowledge-sharing and advancement.

Paul Mitchell, Chair, IGF MAG

Paul Mitchell, a participant in this year’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF), emphasizes the paramount importance of receiving participant feedback for the success of the event. Mitchell eagerly anticipates and looks forward to gathering valuable feedback on the IGF. This demonstrates a positive attitude towards engaging with the participants and valuing their input.

Furthermore, Mitchell expresses his deep appreciation for the active participation of all individuals in the IGF and extends his gratitude for their invaluable contributions. This highlights the recognition of the collective effort and underscores the spirit of partnership (SDG 17) that underpins the IGF.

The IGF event itself focuses on promoting sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11). While not explicitly stated, Mitchell’s emphasis on participant feedback suggests that the IGF aims to ensure that internet governance policies and practices align with the goal of creating sustainable and inclusive urban environments.

Overall, the sentiment conveyed by Mitchell and the other speakers is overwhelmingly positive. Their enthusiastic anticipation of feedback and expressions of gratitude towards participants showcase a collaborative and inclusive approach to internet governance. The IGF event strives to foster partnerships and create sustainable cities and communities. This emphasis on cooperation and sustainability enhances the significance of the IGF as a platform for addressing pertinent global challenges.


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