Jointly Share the Responsibilities in the Digital Era | IGF 2023 Open Forum #22

9 Oct 2023 07:30h - 08:30h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Delegate from Bureau of International Cooperation, Cyberspace Administration of China, Bureau of International Cooperation, Cyberspace Administration of China
  • Delegate from Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies, Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies
  • Jun Murai, Professor of Keio University, Founder of WIDE Project
  • Luca Belli, Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), Brazil
  • Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Professor Emeritus, the University of Aarhus
  • Delegate from Cyberspace Administration of China, Cyberspace Administration of China

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report

Ren Xianliang

Digital technology is having a significant impact on traditional industries, with the process of digitisation, networking, and intelligence gaining momentum. This transformation is driven by the increasing adoption of digital platforms and the exponential growth of cross-border data flows. Traditional industries are undergoing a digital revolution as they strive to operate more efficiently and effectively.

The importance of digital governance as a global issue is also acknowledged. Digital governance refers to the set of rules, policies, and frameworks that guide the use and regulation of digital technologies. While the need for effective digital governance is recognised, there is currently uneven development of digital governance capabilities among countries. Some countries are better equipped than others to address the challenges and risks associated with the digital age. Additionally, there is growing competition in the digital governance model as countries vie to establish themselves as leaders in this field.

Universal connectivity is identified as a vital goal that needs to be achieved. Despite progress in expanding internet access, around 3 billion people worldwide remain unconnected. The argument is that every person should have safe and affordable access to the internet by 2030. This highlights the need to bridge the digital divide and ensure equal opportunities for individuals, regardless of their geographic location or socio-economic status.

Furthermore, there is a call for more global cooperation and unity in digital governance. The rapid pace of technological advancement and the associated risks and challenges necessitate collaboration between nations. Countries must work together and share responsibilities to effectively address the challenges of the digital age. The World Internet Conference (WIC) is committed to building bridges and promoting closer and pragmatic global cooperation in digital governance.

In conclusion, digital technology is transforming traditional industries through increased digitisation, networking, and intelligence. Digital governance is recognised as an important global issue, although there is a need for more consistent and inclusive development of digital governance capabilities worldwide. Achieving universal connectivity, ensuring internet access for all, is a crucial goal for achieving digital inclusivity. Finally, global cooperation and unity in digital governance are essential for effectively addressing the risks and challenges of the digital age.

Xuanxin Zhang

The analysis highlights the increasing importance of digital technology governors, data governors, and digital platform governors as crucial topics in today’s digital era. This recognition indicates the growing significance of effectively governing and managing these areas to harness their potential for digital productivity. The positive sentiment surrounding this argument suggests an optimistic view of the opportunities that the digital era presents.

One of the key recommendations derived from the analysis is the need to enhance mutual trust through dialogues and exchanges to mitigate digital security risks. The supporting facts emphasise that global security threats are becoming more permanent, posing significant challenges. Moreover, the rapid development of new technologies and applications has introduced new risks to digital security. To address this issue, it is proposed that think tanks should innovate and establish platforms to facilitate cross-disciplinary and cross-field cooperation. This collaborative approach is seen as essential to effectively prevent and manage digital security threats.

Another important aspect highlighted in the analysis is the significance of a sound digital governance ecosystem in promoting digital innovation and development. The supporting facts underline the basic guarantee that such an ecosystem provides in fostering an environment conducive to digital advancement. The positive sentiment associated with this argument suggests an acknowledgement of the critical role of digital governance in driving progress in the digital realm.

Furthermore, the analysis recommends guiding multiple parties to actively participate in building a sound digital governance ecosystem. By engaging and involving various stakeholders, a comprehensive and inclusive approach to digital governance can be achieved. This broad participation ensures that the system takes into account diverse perspectives and interests, leading to more effective and balanced governance practices.

Lastly, the analysis asserts the importance of promoting cooperation on digital governance to improve the global digital governance system. Openness and cooperation are cited as critical principles for building a community with a shared future in cyberspace. This recommendation recognises the interconnected nature of the digital world and the need for collaboration between nations and organisations to address global challenges in digital governance. By fostering a cooperative and inclusive environment, the global digital governance system can be strengthened and more effectively address the diverse needs and interests of all stakeholders.

To summarise, the analysis highlights the growing importance of digital technology governors, data governors, and digital platform governors as crucial topics in the digital era. The need for enhancing mutual trust to mitigate digital security risks, building a sound digital governance ecosystem to promote innovation and development, and promoting cooperation on digital governance to improve the global system are key takeaways from the analysis. By addressing these issues and implementing the recommended actions, it is possible to unlock the immense potential of digital technologies and strive towards a more secure and inclusive digital future.


The development of the information technology revolution and the digital economy is significantly changing the way production and life function across the globe. This transformation has had a far-reaching impact on societies and economies, as it leverages the power and potential of the internet. With a positive sentiment, this argument highlights how the internet has transformed production and life.

China, in particular, has demonstrated its commitment to promoting internet development and governance. This dedication has led to notable progress in relevant undertakings within the country. Furthermore, hundreds of millions of people in China have experienced a greater sense of gain by sharing in the achievements of internet development. The sentiment here is positive, showcasing the positive outcomes resulting from China’s approach to cyberspace.

However, it is important to recognize that global challenges persist in the digital landscape. Unbalanced development, unsound regulation, and unreasonable order are some of the problems that persist globally. Although this stance assumes a neutral sentiment, it emphasizes the need for enhanced digital governance as a global concern.

Unity and cooperation are highlighted as the effective approach towards addressing the risks and challenges present in cyberspace. With positive sentiment, it is emphasized that all parties must work together to keep pace with the evolving trends of the times, seize historical opportunities presented by the information revolution, and tackle the potential risks and challenges in the digital realm. The conclusion drawn here is that unity and cooperation are key to ensuring robust digital governance.

In conclusion, the development of the information technology revolution and the digital economy holds immense transformative power over production and life. China’s commitment to internet development and governance has yielded positive outcomes for its people. However, global challenges such as unbalanced development and unsound regulation persist, making enhanced digital governance a pressing global concern. Through unity and cooperation, the risks and challenges present in cyberspace can be effectively addressed.

Wolfgang Kleinwächter

The analysis delves into the topic of internet governance, exploring various perspectives and arguments related to the issue. The first viewpoint asserts that the internet is not merely a technical problem but rather a political problem with a technical component. This perspective suggests that the political implications of the internet cannot be ignored and should be taken into consideration when formulating policies and regulations.

The second viewpoint emphasises the importance of adopting the Mighty Stakeholder Approach to internet governance. This approach argues that the internet cannot be effectively managed by a single group alone. Instead, it advocates for collaboration and input from various stakeholders, including governments, businesses, civil society, and users. The argument is based on the idea that a diverse range of perspectives and expertise is necessary to address the complex challenges of internet governance. A concrete example of this approach is seen in the World Summit, where arguments were based on how policymaking can be innovated, leading to the development of the Mighty Stakeholder Approach.

The analysis also highlights the existence of different layers within the internet and their potential for different forms of governance. These layers include an evolution layer and a use layer, each with its respective governance strategies. Additionally, the analysis points out that there are 193 different national jurisdictions, further underscoring the need for different layers of governance to cater to the diverse legal frameworks and regulatory systems across different countries. This observation suggests that a one-size-fits-all approach to internet governance may not be effective.

Another concern raised in the analysis is the risk of internet fragmentation. It notes that some governments might seek to bring the 193 jurisdictions to the ground layer of the internet, which could result in the fragmentation of the internet. This potential fragmentation is seen as a negative consequence, as it could impede cross-border communication and the free flow of information.

The analysis expresses support for the Global Digital Compact as a means to foster global consensus on internet governance. The Global Digital Compact is seen as an opportunity to bring diverse groups together and find common ground to address the challenges of internet governance effectively.

Lastly, the analysis highlights the importance of maintaining an open, secure, and inclusive internet. It asserts that the internet is as essential as air, highlighting that no state has its own separate air. Efforts should be made to keep the internet open and accessible to all, while also ensuring security and inclusivity. The analogy of clean air and pollution-free environment further reinforces the need to protect the internet from harmful practices that could compromise its integrity.

In conclusion, this analysis offers a multifaceted exploration of internet governance, presenting different viewpoints and arguments. It underscores the political and technical nature of the internet, emphasizes the need for collaboration among stakeholders, considers the various layers of the internet and the potential risks of fragmentation, supports the Global Digital Compact as a means of achieving consensus, and underscores the importance of an open, secure, and inclusive internet.


The audience member, who has already visited the place twice, expresses a strong positive stance towards a location with water settings and canals. They are greatly impressed with the overall water setting and specifically mention their enjoyment in walking around the canals. They are so enamored with the place that they express a strong desire to return at the end of the month, indicating their intention to revisit. This positive sentiment is evident throughout their argument, reflecting their enthusiasm for the place.

The supporting facts provided further demonstrate the audience member’s positive impression. They mention their desire to come back, indicating a high level of satisfaction with their previous visits. Additionally, they express enjoyment in walking around the canals, suggesting that the ambiance and beauty of these water features greatly enhance their experience.

Furthermore, it is noteworthy that the audience member’s positive impression aligns with the theme of good health and well-being, as indicated by the related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of “3. Good Health and Well-being”. This suggests that the water setting and canals contribute positively to the audience member’s personal well-being and overall satisfaction during their visits.

In conclusion, the audience member’s enthusiasm and positive stance towards a place with water settings and canals are clearly evident. Their desire to revisit, expressed satisfaction with previous visits, and enjoyment of walking around the canals all contribute to their positive sentiment. This finding is consistent with the related SDG of good health and well-being, highlighting the beneficial impact that such features can have on individuals.

Juni Murai

Juni Murai highlights the importance of a user-centric perspective in internet governance. While the internet initially originated from the supply side, it has now reached every corner of the world, impacting numerous industries and people’s lives. As a result, it is crucial to prioritize the needs and preferences of users when formulating internet governance policies. This approach ensures that regulations and services align with users’ requirements and expectations. Incorporating the input and feedback of users, governance leaders, and commercial entities is necessary to address emerging issues effectively.

The second key point raised by Juni Murai focuses on the complex advancements in internet technology architecture. From IP to web, cloud computing, social networking, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI), the internet has rapidly evolved. This progression has increased complexity, making it challenging for policymakers and industry leaders to comprehend these intricate technologies. Thus, continuous education and awareness among stakeholders are crucial in keeping up with the evolving landscape. This understanding enables the development of effective policies that support innovation and foster a secure and inclusive digital environment.

Cybersecurity takes center stage as the third key point in Juni Murai’s argument. The emergence of new technologies brings the potential for misuse and various cyber threats. Collaborative efforts among different entities are essential to combat cyber abuses and promote responsible and ethical technology use. Investment in robust cybersecurity measures, such as encryption and threat detection systems, is crucial. By prioritizing cybersecurity, stakeholders can protect sensitive data, prevent unauthorized access, and maintain trust in the digital realm.

Juni Murai’s emphasis on collaboration expands beyond understanding new technologies to discussing their implications. Recognizing the need for a platform that brings together stakeholders from various sectors, opportunities for dialogue and knowledge-sharing are essential. Global discussions enable participants to better comprehend the technological landscapes across different regions. These conversations facilitate the exchange of insights, ideas, and best practices among policymakers, industry representatives, academics, and users. This leads to a comprehensive understanding and effective governance of new technologies.

In conclusion, Juni Murai underscores the importance of a user-centric approach in internet governance. The rapid advancements in internet technology architecture present challenges for policymakers in comprehending and regulating these complex systems. Furthermore, the potential misuse of new technologies highlights the criticality of robust cybersecurity measures. Collaborative efforts, partnerships, and global discussions are key drivers in promoting a better understanding of technological advancements and their implications. Working together, stakeholders can navigate the evolving digital landscape to ensure a secure, inclusive, and beneficial internet for all.

Luca Belli

The BRICS nations, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, have been collaborating on shared challenges in digital policies and internal governance. Since 2014, they have established a working group on the security of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to exchange best practices. The group aims to enhance the security of digital infrastructure and ensure responsible data usage. Joint commitments to global norms of cybersecurity and data protection have also been defined by the BRICS nations. These commitments reflect their dedication to secure digital development and adherence to global standards.

The BRICS nations have launched an initiative to improve cooperation in the supply chain, specifically in the digital era. By pooling their resources and expertise, they aim to create a more efficient and secure supply chain system that can better adapt to the challenges of the digital economy.

The enhanced cooperation process within the BRICS framework can potentially serve as a model for global digital governance. Their successful collaboration on cybersecurity regulations and the development of a framework for consumer protection in e-commerce demonstrate their shared commitment to addressing cyber threats and creating a safe digital marketplace.

Additionally, the BRICS nations prioritize maintaining digital sovereignty while securely transferring data. Each member country has their own system to define the extent to which data can be exported or transferred, emphasizing their commitment to protect national interests and assert control over their digital domains.

In conclusion, the BRICS nations have made significant progress in fostering joint understanding and addressing shared challenges in digital policies and internal governance. Through their working group, joint commitments, and enhanced cooperation in the supply chain, they demonstrate a commitment to promoting secure and responsible digital practices. This collaboration can serve as a model for global digital governance, while their focus on maintaining digital sovereignty highlights the importance of national control in data transfer.

Dai Lina

The development of AI governance rules is becoming increasingly fragmented, leading to a widening digital divide. This fragmentation is primarily driven by the competition among major countries, which has resulted in a deficit in national mutual trust. Unilateralism, statism, and protectionism are also impacting the formulation of AI rules.

One significant issue is the absence of many developing countries in AI governance discussions and decision-making. This exclusion exacerbates the digital divide among nations since these countries have no say in shaping AI’s rules and regulations. The lack of representation from developing countries raises concerns about the fairness and inclusivity of AI governance.

To address these challenges, it is important to promote international cooperation and adopt a human-centered approach to AI governance. This can be achieved by establishing a specialized agency under the US framework to govern AI. Such an agency could serve as a platform for fostering dialogue and cooperation among all countries, including both developed and developing nations.

Additionally, ensuring the safety, reliability, and controllability of AI is crucial. Amidst rapid advancements in AI technologies, it is paramount to build trust in these systems and have the ability to control their actions. This can help mitigate potential risks and ensure AI is used for the greater good of humanity. A human-centered approach should be advocated to align AI with ethical principles and respect human rights.

In conclusion, there is a need for more collaboration and inclusivity in the governance of AI. By promoting international cooperation and adopting a human-centered approach, the global community can work together to address the challenges posed by fragmented AI governance. This will ultimately lead to a more equitable and sustainable development of AI technologies for the benefit of all.

Shi Peixi

Different initiatives and efforts are being taken by states and enterprises to address the issue of global commons in the digital domain. However, the heavy intervention of leading states in the digital domain is resulting in tensions and divisions, leading to digital fragmentation. This fragmentation is evident in various aspects of the digital landscape, including telecommunications service providers, applications, application stores, undersea cable constructions, cloud services, mobile phone operating systems, 5G technology, the supply chain of chips, and the listing of tech companies on the market and capital flow related to new technologies.

In response to this critical situation, it is crucial to find measures that can prevent further fragmentation and division. New and innovative approaches to global digital governance need to be developed. These approaches should aim to regulate and manage the digital domain while fostering cooperation and collaboration among different stakeholders.

One notable discussion on this topic took place between the Secretary General of WIC, Mr. Ren, and other relevant stakeholders. During this discussion, Mr. Ren highlighted the importance of implementing new measures for global digital governance. It is essential to explore alternative methods and approaches that can effectively address the current challenges and ensure a more inclusive and cooperative digital environment.

The analysis suggests that the issue of digital fragmentation and division requires immediate attention, as it has significant implications for various sectors and stakeholders. By implementing new measures and adopting innovative approaches to global digital governance, it is possible to navigate these challenges effectively.

Overall, the summary highlights the existence of tensions and divisions in the digital domain due to the heavy intervention of leading states. It emphasizes the need for urgent measures to prevent further fragmentation and division. The discussion involving the Secretary General of WIC, Mr. Ren, reflects the growing recognition of the importance of finding new approaches for global digital governance. Moving forward, it is essential to foster cooperation and collaboration to address these challenges and ensure a more harmonized and inclusive digital landscape.


The development of the internet was driven by a multi-stakeholder approach, which fostered collaboration and consensus-based decision making. This approach, characterised by the involvement and participation of various stakeholders, has proved to be effective in addressing the myriad challenges associated with internet governance. The Internet Governance Forum, established after the World Summit on the Information Society in 2005, plays a crucial role in facilitating dialogue and cooperation among these stakeholders.

The success of the internet is evident in the multitude of applications and services that have flourished over time. Unlike in Western countries, where individuals had the financial means to afford high-speed internet at high prices, users in some regions faced affordability issues. Consequently, alternative methods of providing internet services were developed to ensure accessibility for all. These efforts have resulted in the widespread availability of the internet and have contributed to its overall success.

It is important to distinguish between digital governance and internet governance as separate issues. Digital governance encompasses strategies to mitigate the use and risks associated with various technologies, applications, and services, including artificial intelligence. On the other hand, internet governance addresses how the internet is governed and managed. While these topics may intersect, they should not be used interchangeably, as they pertain to distinct areas of concern.

The multi-stakeholder approach to internet governance has proven effective in resolving various issues that have arisen. Despite sometimes requiring more time, this collaborative approach has consistently delivered solutions and ensured the involvement of diverse perspectives. The multi-stakeholder process allows for the inclusion of various stakeholders, such as governments, civil society, the private sector, and technical experts, fostering transparency and accountability.

It is essential for individuals to be well-informed about the internet and its functioning to make informed decisions based on facts. People often make decisions based on their opinions or assumptions about how the internet should function. Therefore, promoting education and awareness about the internet is crucial to facilitate better decision-making processes.

In conclusion, the development of the internet has been driven by a multi-stakeholder approach, which has been effective in addressing challenges related to internet governance. The success of the internet can be attributed to the multitude of applications and services that have emerged over time. Digital governance should not be confused with internet governance, as they pertain to different aspects. The multi-stakeholder approach to internet governance has proven to be effective, despite occasional delays. Finally, promoting internet literacy and awareness is vital for making informed decisions based on factual understanding.


The Digital Governance Forum, hosted by the Cyberspace Administration of China and the Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies, aims to promote digital governance and cooperation in the digital era. The forum invites participants from around the world, including governments, international organizations, enterprises, industry organizations, and think tanks. It will discuss topics such as the impact of internet innovations on digital governance, digital governance capacity building, and the need for a sound digital governance ecosystem involving multiple parties.

China is committed to promoting internet development and governance. They advocate for a people-centered approach to digital governance, with a focus on inclusiveness and shared benefits. China plans to apply the internet to areas such as education, healthcare, and poverty alleviation, and proposes to improve digitally-enabled services and enhance digital literacy and skills. They also uphold principles of open and cooperative cybersecurity, being ready to cooperate in combating cyberterrorism and crimes while respecting the rights of all countries to choose their own network development and governance model.

The forum emphasizes the importance of exploring ways to strengthen digital governance and international cooperation. China recognizes the historical development opportunities brought by the trend of digitalization in the digital era and emphasizes the need to seize these opportunities to unleash the potential of digital productivity. However, the rapid development of new technologies and applications also brings new risks in terms of digital security.

The forum also highlights the importance of promoting openness, cooperation, and gender equality in digital governance. It emphasizes the need to ensure safe and affordable internet access for all by 2030, as there are still 3 billion people in the world who are unconnected. The role of ICANN in maintaining the technical underpinnings of the internet is also recognized as important.

The distinction between internet governance and digital governance is discussed in the forum. Digital governance refers to the use and risks of specific technologies, applications, and services, while internet governance is concerned with the maintenance of the internet’s technical infrastructure. The forum emphasizes the need to differentiate between these two terms and raise awareness at various platforms.

The forum showcases successful enhanced cooperation in digital governance among BRICS countries, highlighting the CyberBRICS project conducted by the Center for Technology and Society at FGV Law School. This project focuses on mapping digital policies in these countries and will shift its focus to AI supply chain and interoperability frameworks in the next phase.

In conclusion, the Digital Governance Forum hosted by China aims to promote digital governance and cooperation in the digital era. It emphasizes inclusive and people-centered digital governance, the importance of a sound digital governance ecosystem involving multiple parties, and the challenges and opportunities brought by internet innovations and digital security risks. The forum also highlights the distinction between internet governance and digital governance, the need for policy innovations, and global discussions to address the complexities of digital governance. It showcases successful enhanced cooperation in digital governance among BRICS countries and the importance of mapping digital policies. The forum provides a platform for dialogue and collaboration to strengthen digital governance and foster international cooperation.


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