Exploring the Risks and Rewards of Generative AI | IGF 2023 Town Hall #165

12 Oct 2023 05:45h - 06:45h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Larry Magid, ConnectSafely, Civil Society (U.S. facilitator of Safer Internet Day), North America
  • Brittan Heller, Stanford University, Civil Society, North America
  • Daniel Castano, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Civil Society, South America
  • Larry Magid, ConnectSafely, Civil Society (U.S. facilitator of Safer Internet Day), North America
  • Daniel Castano, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Civil Society, South America

Event desciption

This Town Hall delves into the multifaceted aspects of generative AI, analyzing both the risks and benefits it brings to the table, with a special emphasis on enhancing safety and security. We will start with a fictional scenario to help generate debate about safer concerns and AI. The moderated discussion to follow will crowdsource concerns regarding the potential dominance of super intelligent AI, while also highlighting the positive impacts that AI can have across various domains. The moderator, rapporteur, and online moderator will delve into how generative AI can bolster security measures, shape surveillance practices, foster online safety, contribute to the public good, and elevate user experiences. It is crucial to acknowledge the potential misuse of generative AI, as it can be employed to create harmful or inappropriate content. As we navigate this realm, the session will underscore the significance of an exploratory approach that balances caution with innovation, avoiding undue moral panics and highlighting real security concerns.