DCPR A new generation of platform regulations | IGF 2023

11 Oct 2023 00:30h - 01:00h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Tatevik Grigoryan, UNESCO
  • Alejandro Pisanty, UNAM
  • Anita Gurumurthy, IT for Change
  • Monika Zalnieriute, UNSW Sydney (Australia) and Law Institute of the Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences (Lithuania)
  • Rolf Weber, University of Zurich
  • Samara Castro, Directress for the Promotion of Free Speech at the Special Secretariat for Social Communication of the Brazilian Government
  • Shilpa Jaswant, Jindal Global Law School
  • Sofia Chang, PKU School of Transnational Law
  • Vittorio Bertola, Head of Policy & Innovation – Open-Xchange
  • Wei Wang, Hong Kong University
  • Yasmin Curzi, FGV Law School, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Luca Belli, Unknown

Event desciption

This session investigates emerging platform regulations worldwide, scrutinizing their implications on human rights. The focus will be on an array of legislative initiatives including the Brazilian Fake News Draft Bill, the United Kingdom’s Online Safety Bill, the European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA), Digital Markets Act (DMA) and Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA), the Indian IT Act, and the Chinese algorithmic regulation, among others, aiming at dissecting their complexities, particularly their potential effects on freedom of expression, privacy, and other human rights. The primary objective of this session is to understand how these legal paradigms are reshaping the digital landscape. Our aim is to discern viable strategies for fostering a universally safe, equitable digital environment that steadfastly respects and upholds fundamental human rights while avoiding internet fragmentation. The methodological approach entails fostering a comprehensive, multi-stakeholder dialogue, encompassing perspectives from government entities, civil society advocates, and the tech industry. This will allow for a profound exploration of the issues, challenges, and opportunities that these local regulations pose.