Community-driven Responsible AI: A New Social Contract | IGF 2023 WS #299

11 Oct 2023 08:00h - 09:30h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Hillary Bakrie, Intergovernmental Organization
  • Kathleen Siminyu, Civil Society, African Group
  • Mira Lane, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
  • Mahlet Zimeta, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
  • Yasmin Afina, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

Event desciption

As AI progress proceeds at breakneck speed, companies, governments and international bodies are recognising that new norms and more inclusive and equitable approaches are needed to measure the impact of these technologies, mitigate risks of harm, and ensure their responsible development and use. Critical to good AI governance will be principles that are at the heart of the IGF, but rare outside: multistakeholder processes, transparency, technical expertise and global cooperation. These principles that will underpin any realistic effort to move beyond models of centralised corporate power or governmental torpor. Building on multidisciplinary research on AI governance, Chatham House, with the Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth (OSGEY) and Google, will host a panel discussion to foster an inclusive and informed public debate, and policy engagement, on how collectives – countries, communities and companies – can frame and guide the responsible development of AI technologies. To this end, this session will (1) provide a stocktaking exercise, examining some of the initiatives and best practices in recent years to push for the responsible development of AI and ensure their fair, equitable use across communities; (2) discuss how to operationalise responsible AI and what it means in practice for young people, vulnerable and marginalised groups; and (3) possible mechanisms for addressing social and policy concerns. Establishing common understanding around key themes, questions and risks, and ensuring diverse and systematic input regarding responsible AI development through this session, will ultimately contribute to global efforts at ensuring that these technologies are built for all, by all, and empower all. The session will pilot a new piece of deliberative technology – – being tested by Chatham House, pioneering an interactive new approach to the discussion. We expect participants will enjoy and find interesting, and will datafy the session summary published after the event.