An infrastructure for empowered internet citizens | IGF 2023 Networking Session #158

10 Oct 2023 07:30h - 08:30h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Xianhong Hu, UNESCO, Intergovernmental Organisation, Asia-Pacific
  • Woro Salikin, National Library of Indonesia, Government, Asia-Pacific
  • Yasuyo Inoue, Dokkyo University (Japan), Academia, Asia-Pacific
  • Trish Hepworth, Australian Library and Information Association
  • Maria De Brasdefer, IFLA
  • Stephen Wyber, IFLA

Table of contents

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Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report


The role of libraries is evolving alongside the advancements in internet access. Several cases have been presented, highlighting the changing nature of libraries and their ability to adapt to the needs of patrons in the digital age. Internet access has enabled libraries to offer a wider range of services and resources, promoting digital inclusion.

The Digital Inclusion Index model is highly relevant for all countries. Trish Hepworth emphasizes the significance of this model, which assesses countries’ progress in terms of digital inclusion. It considers factors such as internet access, technology availability, and digital skills, helping countries identify areas for improvement and bridge the digital divide.

Taking knowledge to rural areas is a beneficial approach, promoting knowledge sharing, socialization, and exposure among youth. This strategy addresses limited educational opportunities in rural regions and has received positive feedback for connecting rural communities with educational resources.

Sensitization on academic publishing and compliance with legal frameworks is crucial. Johanna highlights challenges in publishing academic work, such as vetting content and legal compliance. Greater awareness of publishing procedures and legal requirements is necessary to promote quality education.

Establishing education facilities in impoverished rural areas is challenging. Johanna’s personal experience running a small institution in a poverty-stricken rural area in Kenya demonstrates the difficulties faced. Innovative solutions and support from stakeholders are needed to overcome these barriers.

Creating shared knowledge spaces for learners from different institutions offers advantages. Johanna expresses enthusiasm for shared learning spaces that foster collaboration and knowledge exchange. This approach promotes a sense of community and enhances the learning experience.

In conclusion, the evolving role of libraries, the relevance of the Digital Inclusion Index, the benefits of taking knowledge to rural areas, the need for sensitization on academic publishing, and the challenges of establishing education facilities in impoverished rural areas are essential considerations for ensuring quality education. Shared knowledge spaces further enhance collaboration and idea sharing. By addressing these aspects, society can work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goal of quality education for all.

Erick Huerta Velázquez

The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is playing a crucial role in preserving and disseminating local knowledge in indigenous communities. This is particularly important as local knowledge in these communities is often oral and unwritten. By utilising local storage and Internet access, ICTs enable the documentation and preservation of this knowledge through recordings and videos.

One notable initiative in this field is the Rizomatica project, which collaborates with indigenous communities to help them develop their own media and conduct research. This empowers these communities to digitise and preserve their local knowledge, which might otherwise be lost. By incorporating ICTs into their cultural practices, these communities are able to create comprehensive reservoirs of knowledge and bridge the gap between traditional and digital libraries.

There are also real-world examples of communities successfully integrating traditional and digital libraries. One such example is Quetzalan, which has established a communication centre. This centre serves as a hub for both traditional and digital resources, allowing community members to access and contribute to the preservation of their local knowledge. Additionally, there are indigenous communities that have taken it one step further by running their own mobile networks and even establishing public intranets within their libraries. These initiatives demonstrate how ICTs can bring together multiple concepts of libraries, creating inclusive spaces for the preservation and dissemination of local knowledge.

Furthermore, community collaborations play a vital role in effectively preserving and disseminating local knowledge. A partnership between UNESCO and local communities in Mexico has resulted in the development of a policy for indigenous community radios. This policy promotes the establishment and operation of community radios, which act as platforms for sharing and promoting indigenous knowledge. In another example, Phonotech has assisted a 60-year-old community radio in restoring and archiving old tapes, thereby making them accessible nationwide. These efforts highlight the importance and effectiveness of community collaborations in preserving and amplifying local knowledge through various channels.

In conclusion, ICTs, community collaborations, and the integration of traditional and digital libraries are powerful tools in the preservation and dissemination of local knowledge within indigenous communities. By harnessing the potential of technology, these communities can document, digitise, and preserve their unique and valuable oral traditions. The partnerships formed with organisations and initiatives such as Rizomatica, UNESCO, and Phonotech further enhance the impact and reach of these preservation efforts. Ultimately, the combination of ICTs and community collaborations contributes to the comprehensive and inclusive representation of indigenous cultures and their local knowledge.

yasuyo inoue

Libraries play a crucial role in bridging the gap between rural and urban areas, reducing inequality, and promoting social and economic development. They achieve this by utilizing information and communication technology (ICT) techniques, which enable them to provide essential services and resources to areas with limited access. By harnessing the power of ICT, libraries ensure that people in rural areas have equal opportunities to access information, education, and other resources that are readily available in urban areas.

In addition to being information hubs, libraries serve as important community activity centers, preserving culture, history, and promoting education. They provide a safe and inclusive space for people to come together, engage in various activities, and cultivate a sense of belonging. Libraries often host community events, such as workshops, lectures, and exhibitions, catering to the diverse interests and needs of the community. This active engagement with the community helps libraries become vital institutions that promote social cohesion and cultural preservation.

Libraries also play a significant role in supporting education and lifelong learning. They serve as educational centers, offering access to a wide range of educational resources and materials. Libraries house books, journals, online databases, and other materials essential for research and learning. By providing these resources, libraries create opportunities for individuals to expand their knowledge, acquire new skills, and pursue personal growth. Additionally, libraries support formal education systems by providing study spaces, access to computers and the internet, and assistance from knowledgeable staff.

Furthermore, libraries have the potential to stimulate the local economy by forming connections with businesses and supporting local industries. By collaborating with local businesses, libraries can showcase their products and services, attracting customers and contributing to their success. For example, a small-town library in Shiwa features exhibitions that highlight the local business of sake brewing, promoting tourism and local commerce. Additionally, libraries can collaborate with agricultural co-operators to organize weekly vegetable markets, supporting local farmers and promoting sustainable agriculture. Through these partnerships, libraries contribute to the growth of the local economy and foster community pride.

In conclusion, libraries play a vital role in society, connecting rural and urban areas, reducing inequality, and fostering social and economic development. Through the use of ICT, libraries ensure equal access to information and resources. They also serve as community hubs, preserving culture, promoting education, and supporting lifelong learning. Furthermore, libraries can stimulate the local economy by collaborating with businesses and supporting local industries. Embracing and strengthening libraries is crucial for creating more inclusive and equitable communities.

Patricia Hepworth

The analysis highlights the importance of digital inclusion in Australia, with a focus on the disparities that exist between metropolitan areas and regional/remote areas. The Digital Inclusion Index in Australia provides statistics on digital inclusion across the entire population. There is a significant difference in the digital inclusion scores between metropolitan areas and regional/remote Australia. This discrepancy is also observed in the lower digital inclusion index among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples compared to the general Australian population. The study also reveals that digital exclusion and abilities online vary significantly across different age groups.

Libraries in Australia play a crucial role in addressing digital exclusion. They provide essential support and services in educating people on how to use computers, mobile phones, and stay safe online. Libraries are especially valuable in facilitating community-based connections and nationwide digital collections. For instance, Hume Libraries, located in a highly multicultural area, have implemented successful digital inclusion programs. These programs have been effective in harnessing the existing infrastructure, people, and community relations to promote digital literacy.

The analysis also reveals that libraries can provide a tailor-made and localized approach to delivering digital literacy programs. In collaboration with a local university, Hume Libraries worked towards delivering digital literacy programs specifically designed for culturally and linguistically diverse communities. This approach ensures that the programs meet the specific needs of the target audience while leveraging the resources and expertise available in the community.

Furthermore, discussions at the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum highlighted the importance of digital inclusion. While there was not a direct library representative at the Brisbane meeting, discussions centered around the Digital Inclusion Index and the role of bodies like libraries in promoting digital inclusion. This demonstrates that digital inclusion is a recognized and important topic in regional forums and that libraries are seen as significant contributors to this agenda.

In addition to addressing digital exclusion, libraries also play a significant role in improving digital skills and AI media literacy. Libraries serve as important institutions for adults who are not in formal education to enhance their digital skills and acquire AI media literacy. With the advent of generative AI, the need for digital skills and AI media literacy is increasing, making libraries even more crucial in supporting individuals in acquiring these skills.

To conclude, the analysis underscores the critical importance of digital inclusion in Australia and the need to bridge the gaps that exist. Libraries have proven to be invaluable in addressing digital exclusion, providing support, resources, and digital literacy programs. The discussions held at regional forums further emphasize the role of libraries in promoting digital inclusion. Additionally, libraries play a vital role in improving digital skills and AI media literacy, supporting individuals, particularly adults not in formal education, in acquiring the necessary skills for an increasingly digital world.

Moderator – Maria De Brasdefer

During the conference, several speakers emphasised the role of the internet in empowering societies and advancing access to information. Maria de Brasdefer, one of the speakers, highlighted that meaningful access to the internet leads to societies where citizens can make better-informed decisions, ultimately resulting in more democratic societies. This argument is supported by the notion that when individuals have access to a wide range of information and resources, they are able to participate more actively in social and political processes.

Another important point discussed was the significance of documenting local knowledge and leveraging library infrastructure to ensure accessible internet. Maria underlined the importance of preserving local knowledge by presenting four case studies at the conference. These case studies showcased how local communities have utilised ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) to document and store important aspects of their culture, such as songs, stories, and traditional practices. Additionally, community radios and initiatives like the itinerant museum were highlighted as effective ways to share and preserve local knowledge. However, it was also pointed out that challenges such as high humidity could cause the deterioration of stored materials, indicating the need for proper storage facilities and preservation techniques.

Furthermore, Maria and other speakers asserted that libraries can play a pivotal role in digital empowerment. They argued that libraries are essential in providing access to information, fostering media literacy, and offering coding lessons and training. The audience, participating in interactive questions using, agreed that libraries can contribute significantly to digital empowerment in various ways.

Overall, it was concluded that the internet and library infrastructure are powerful tools in advancing access to information and empowering societies. The promotion and preservation of local knowledge through the use of ICTs were also deemed crucial. The conference highlighted the positive impact that these initiatives can have on promoting more democratic societies, enhancing education, and expanding opportunities for individuals and communities.

Woro Titi Haryanti

The speakers underscored the critical role of knowledge discovery and digital transformation in libraries and their impact on the community. They emphasised that libraries play a vital role in preserving knowledge, conducting research, providing reference materials, and fostering networking opportunities. The implementation of digital platforms, such as Indonesian OneSearch and e-PUSNAS, was specifically mentioned as a means to enhance access to public collections and digital books.

Moreover, there was a strong advocacy for integrating libraries into the national data infrastructure. The National Library was recognised for its contribution to the development of the national data centre. This integration would enable libraries to further support the digital transformation efforts of the country.

The sentiment towards these initiatives was overwhelmingly positive. People acknowledged the value and importance of embracing digital technologies and using them to modernise and enhance library services. The speakers and the overall analysis suggested that by embracing digital transformation, libraries would be able to better serve the needs of their communities, improving access to information and fostering knowledge exchange.

Additionally, the discussion highlighted the broader significance of this digital transformation for the country as a whole. By integrating libraries into the national data infrastructure, the government can harness the wealth of information and resources available in libraries to fuel innovation, drive industry growth, and promote sustainable development.

In conclusion, the importance of knowledge discovery and digital transformation in libraries, as well as their integration into the national data infrastructure, was emphasised. The positive sentiment towards these initiatives highlighted the potential benefits they hold for both libraries and the wider community. This analysis provided valuable insights into the role of libraries in the digital age and the steps that can be taken to ensure their relevance and impact in an increasingly digital world.


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