A Maturity Model to Support Trust in Blockchain Solutions

11 Oct 2023 11:45h - 12:45h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

Table of contents

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Session report

Eugene Morozov

The Blockchain Maturity Model (BMM) serves as a mechanism to assist government officials in understanding the practicality and effectiveness of blockchain solutions. This model recognizes the challenges faced by officials who may not possess advanced technical knowledge to independently determine if certain claims made by solution providers are reliable. By leveraging the BMM, officials can make informed decisions by deploying blockchain solutions into everyday administrative tasks.

BMM assessors play a crucial role in the evaluation process, as they meticulously analyze blockchain solutions from various perspectives. These assessors represent different aspects related to a particular blockchain solution and invest substantial time in scrutinizing proposals from multiple angles. This rigorous assessment ensures a comprehensive understanding of the solutions, thereby mitigating potential risks and enhancing the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation.

The combination of biometric identification, blockchain-based security cards, and other identification factors offers a unique way to identify individuals. This comprehensive approach has the potential to unlock numerous possibilities, such as enabling seamless governance and financial applications like receiving pensions and securely participating in elections. These advancements significantly contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 16, which focuses on peace, justice, and strong institutions.

Furthermore, the integration of zero-knowledge technology adds an additional layer of security by allowing individuals to express their will anonymously. This breakthrough technology is attainable today, and its incorporation in security measures creates an environment where people feel empowered to participate in decision-making processes without fear of repercussion or intrusion.

By adopting blockchain solutions, central banks can directly interact with individuals, eliminating the need for financial intermediaries. This direct engagement streamlines processes and ensures that essential accounts, such as those related to poverty alleviation and economic growth, are efficiently managed by the central bank of each individual’s country. This fosters financial inclusion and supports Sustainable Development Goals 1, 8, and 10, which focus on poverty eradication, decent work, and reduced inequalities.

The BMM assessment’s two-way process encourages knowledge sharing between the government and solution providers. Through this exchange, the government gains insights into emerging technological breakthroughs, allowing them to better align requirements with the practical needs of government and private industry users. At the same time, solution providers gain a deeper understanding of the expectations and criteria set by government officials, enabling them to develop more tailored solutions.

To further foster collaboration and knowledge exchange, joining the Government and Blockchain Association is encouraged. By participating in this association, stakeholders can collectively develop common knowledge and create shared products. This collaborative process is both creative and challenging, allowing for greater innovation and progress. This initiative contributes to Sustainable Development Goal 17, which emphasizes the importance of partnerships for achieving shared goals.

In conclusion, the Blockchain Maturity Model, with its comprehensive analysis of blockchain solutions, presents a valuable framework for government officials to make informed decisions. The incorporation of biometric identification, zero-knowledge technology, and direct interaction with central banks opens up new possibilities for governance, financial applications, and enhanced security. The BMM assessment process and participation in the Government and Blockchain Association facilitate collaboration and knowledge-sharing, enabling the development of common knowledge and products for the benefit of individuals and society as a whole.

Paul F. Dowding

Blockchain technology provides a reliable system for detecting corruption, although it does not guarantee correctness. Contrary to popular belief, blockchain is not immutable, but rather mutable, although extremely challenging to corrupt. Rather than ensuring absolute correctness, blockchain offers auditability and transparency, enabling users to verify the accuracy of data and documents.

In a blockchain network, individuals within the network have control over their own data and can monitor its interpretation. This level of control empowers users and enhances data privacy, aligning with the concept of data control and privacy being at the edge. It promotes transparency and accountability within the network.

Paul F. Dowding discusses the formation of the Blockchain Maturity Model (BMM), which took over 18 months to develop. The model encompasses elements such as distribution, governance, identity, interoperability, performance, privacy, reliability, resilience, security infrastructure, sustainability, and synchronization. It also defines five levels of maturity: idea, documented, validated, production, and optimizing. Currently, only level one assessments of the model are being conducted.

Resilience and infrastructure sustainability are identified as crucial elements of blockchain systems. In addition to ensuring data integrity, a blockchain system needs to be resilient against attacks or downtimes and have a long lifespan. These factors contribute to the overall sustainability and effectiveness of blockchain technology.

The assessment process implemented by the Government Blockchain Association (GBA) for blockchain solution providers provides credibility and assurance. It allows solution providers to demonstrate that they have addressed the requirements outlined in the use cases. Moreover, the assessment process benefits buyers of blockchain solutions by providing an independent evaluation that verifies the details, thoroughness, and objectivity of the solution.

Blockchain technology has the potential to serve as a transacting protocol due to its distributed ledger technology. Similar to how the internet revolutionized communication, blockchain could transform transactional processes, becoming an integral part of everyday exchanges. As technology advances, blockchain is likely to become seamlessly integrated into various aspects of users’ lives, rendering it invisible to them.

Understanding the technical aspects of blockchain is essential due to its diverse nature. The Blockchain Maturity Model (BMM) serves as a valuable resource for comprehending the intricacies of blockchain technology. Recognizing that blockchain encompasses a range of complex solutions facilitates effective implementation and utilization.

In summary, blockchain technology offers a reliable system for detecting corruption, without guaranteeing correctness. It empowers users with control over their data and enhances privacy. The Blockchain Maturity Model (BMM) aids in understanding and implementation. Resilience and infrastructure sustainability are critical aspects of blockchain systems. The GBA’s assessment process benefits both solution providers and buyers. As technology advances, blockchain has the potential to become an invisible yet integral part of transactional processes. Understanding the technical aspects is crucial for effective utilization.


The analysis focuses on the potential benefits of adopting blockchain technology in the public sector, particularly in terms of enhancing service delivery and promoting public sector reforms. The speakers argue that blockchain has the capacity to improve efficiency and transparency in healthcare services, as demonstrated by a use case of patient fund management. They also highlight how blockchain can streamline service delivery in the public sector through various social protection programs implemented by United Nations member states.

The speakers stress the importance of enacting legislation to accelerate the adoption of blockchain technologies. They emphasize the need to address issues of mistrust and establish clear communication with governments. By enacting laws that facilitate the implementation of blockchain technology, trust can be built, and the potential of blockchain can be fully realized. This perspective aligns with the related topics of legislation and the Sustainable Development Goal 16, focusing on peace, justice, and strong institutions.

Partnerships and collaboration are also emphasized as significant for the adoption of blockchain technology in the public sector. The speakers highlight the necessity of a working relationship between different stakeholders to translate blockchain-related issues into legislation. The fact that one of the speakers is a member of the African Parliamentary Network on Internet Governance further underscores the importance of collaboration and partnerships in advancing blockchain technologies.

The speakers argue that the United Nations should support the enactment of policies that utilize blockchain technology to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They emphasize the significant number of people who are currently not connected to digital services and state that digitalization and internet governance are crucial for the future. By leveraging blockchain, the UN can contribute to bridging this digital divide and achieve SDG 17, focusing on partnerships for the goals, as well as SDG 9, which centers around industry, innovation, and infrastructure.

The analysis also highlights the role of the Government Blockchain Association in enhancing global participation and considering input from multiple stakeholders. One of the supporting facts mentioned is that Lee McKnight is working on a sustainable development blockchain for the U.S. Department of Agriculture and represents Syracuse University School of Information Studies. The association’s potential to foster global collaboration and incorporate diverse perspectives is seen as critical for blockchain development in the public sector.

However, concerns are raised about the association of blockchain with cryptocurrency. The speakers note that this linkage has led to mistrust and skepticism, with some people losing money. To build trust among the public, they suggest finding ways to dissociate blockchain from cryptocurrency and emphasizing the broader benefits of blockchain technology beyond cryptocurrency applications.

In conclusion, the analysis explores the potential of blockchain technology in the public sector, emphasizing its capacity to enhance service delivery and promote public sector reforms. The importance of legislation, collaboration, and partnerships in realizing these benefits is underscored. The United Nations is urged to support policies that utilize blockchain to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs. Additionally, the role of the Government Blockchain Association in enhancing global participation and considering multi-stakeholder inputs is discussed. However, the need to address the association of blockchain with cryptocurrency and build public trust is also highlighted.

Shawnna Hoffman

The combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain is seen as powerful, offering numerous benefits and addressing certain concerns. One major advantage is the traceability and transparency that blockchain provides to AI systems. With blockchain, it becomes easier to track the origin and movement of data used by AI algorithms, ensuring accountability and trust. Additionally, AI systems can benefit from blockchain’s ability to securely store and verify data, enhancing the reliability and integrity of AI-generated outcomes.

On the other hand, a significant concern with AI is the black box issue, where the decision-making processes of AI algorithms are often opaque and difficult to interpret. This lack of transparency raises ethical and accountability concerns, as it becomes challenging to understand how and why AI systems make certain decisions. By integrating blockchain technology, it is possible to address this black box issue by providing a verifiable and immutable record of AI algorithms’ inputs, outputs, and decision-making steps. This transparency brings more accountability and allows for better scrutiny of AI systems’ behavior.

However, there are also negative aspects associated with AI. One major concern is the potential for misuse, as powerful AI solutions are accessible to individuals who may utilize them for malicious purposes. Privacy concerns also arise due to the vast amount of personal data that AI systems process and analyze. Moreover, the biased or unrepresentative training data used in AI algorithms can lead to discriminatory outcomes and perpetuate existing biases in society. This highlights the importance of implementing measures to ensure the quality control and fairness of AI systems.

Another significant issue is the limited inclusivity of AI systems, as billions of people worldwide do not have their data represented in AI systems. This lack of inclusivity is evident in the case of training language models like Chat GPT, which was trained on a vast amount of data without disclosing the sources of that data. As a result, the representation of perspectives, cultures, and languages in AI systems remains limited, leading to potential biases and incomplete understanding of the world’s diversity.

To address these challenges, strict AI standards are considered crucial for transformative and inclusive growth. By adhering to well-defined standards, the potential of AI can be harnessed to bring about remarkable transformations in various sectors. Furthermore, incorporating a wide range of data from diverse individuals and communities in AI systems can ensure representative outcomes and avoid further marginalization.

In terms of data privacy and security, the combination of AI and blockchain offers promising solutions. Blockchain’s decentralized and secure nature can be leveraged to protect sensitive information, even when AI algorithms require access to that data for analysis. Through techniques like masking and encryption, AI can utilize blockchain as a secure log, allowing for effective privacy safeguards without compromising the utility of AI systems.

In conclusion, the combination of AI and blockchain presents powerful opportunities, with blockchain offering traceability and transparency to AI systems and addressing the black box issue. However, concerns such as misuse, privacy issues, bias, and limited inclusivity still persist. Strict AI standards are needed to ensure transformative and inclusive growth, while the integration of blockchain can bolster data privacy and security in AI applications. By actively addressing these challenges, society can embrace the potential of AI and blockchain while minimizing the associated risks.


Lee McKnight, an associate professor at Syracuse University School of Information Studies, is inviting individuals to join his class, which focuses on sustainable development blockchain for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The project, being conducted for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, aims to explore the potential of blockchain technology in achieving sustainable development goals in agriculture.

In a separate discussion, another speaker emphasizes the significance of the interface between the Government Blockchain Association (GBA) and the rest of the world. They suggest that becoming a member of gbaglobal.org would facilitate global interaction and enable the resolution of issues addressed during the meeting. This highlights the importance of collaboration and global partnerships in leveraging blockchain technology to achieve sustainable development goals.

The invitation to join Lee McKnight’s class demonstrates a commitment to incorporating blockchain technology in the field of agriculture, a sector crucial for global sustainable development. With McKnight’s expertise and the support of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, participants can gain valuable insights into how blockchain can revolutionize agricultural practices and contribute to achieving sustainability targets.

Meanwhile, the speaker advocating for engagement with the Government Blockchain Association recognizes the need for collective efforts to drive blockchain-enabled solutions for sustainable development. By promoting membership in the GBA, the speaker believes that meaningful global collaborations can be fostered, allowing for greater knowledge sharing, problem-solving, and innovation.

Overall, these discussions highlight the growing recognition of blockchain’s potential in addressing complex challenges related to sustainability, agriculture, and global collaboration. The inclusion of diverse stakeholders, such as academic experts and organizations like the GBA, is paramount to harnessing blockchain’s transformative power and making significant progress towards sustainable development goals.

Michael Henson

Blockchain technology has gained significant attention in recent years, leading to the development of numerous applications. However, there is a lack of understanding among average users regarding the underlying architecture of these applications. This knowledge gap highlights the need for stakeholders, such as companies and individuals, to undergo a blockchain assessment to evaluate the robustness of the technology.

To address this, an objective rating system has been proposed to assess the reliability of blockchain solutions. This rating system consists of eleven criteria, including scalability, decentralization, privacy, and resilience against unforeseen events. By evaluating these factors, stakeholders can gain a comprehensive perspective on the robustness of a blockchain solution, allowing them to make informed decisions.

While blockchain technology excels at tracking the history and provenance of data, it does not guarantee the accuracy of the original data being added to it. This limitation is essential to consider when relying on blockchain for recording and verifying information. Despite this constraint, blockchain technology proves valuable for content creation, tracking, copyright protection, and establishing authorship. Its use in these areas ensures transparency and integrity as it enables the authentication and verification of digital content.

Implementing blockchain solutions comes with associated legal issues and privacy concerns. Legal professionals and legal frameworks must stay engaged to address emerging challenges in this rapidly evolving technology. Furthermore, the convergence of blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and the internet of things (IoT) has led to an increasing trend of patenting inventions in this intersection. However, this trend may also give rise to patent infringement actions, highlighting the need for comprehensive intellectual property strategies.

Another critical consideration is the adaptability of the Blockchain Monitoring Mechanism (BMM) model, which oversees blockchain implementations, to different jurisdictions worldwide. Privacy laws vary from one country to another, and professionals must account for these differences to ensure compliance and protection of users’ personal information. The BMM model, along with its supplements, should be able to adjust to the specific privacy laws and regulations of each jurisdiction to achieve effective governance.

In conclusion, the growing use of blockchain technology demands greater awareness and understanding from users. Undertaking a blockchain assessment, utilizing an objective rating system, is crucial for stakeholders to evaluate the robustness and reliability of blockchain solutions. Although blockchain technology has limitations regarding data accuracy, it offers significant benefits for content creation, copyright, and authorship. Legal issues, patenting trends, and jurisdictional considerations also arise in the implementation of blockchain solutions. Adapting the BMM model to different privacy laws around the world ensures the proper governance and compliance of blockchain deployments. Overall, understanding and addressing these various aspects of blockchain technology are essential to harness its full potential and navigate the challenges it presents.

Amelia Gardner

The Blockchain Maturity Model (BMM) is a valuable tool for governments looking to evaluate and assess emerging technologies, particularly in the field of blockchain. In government procurement processes, experience and past projects often play a crucial role. However, newer technology providers may lack the necessary experience and track record, making it challenging for them to meet procurement requirements. The BMM provides these companies with a means to showcase their capability, even without prior government project experience. By utilising the BMM, these providers can demonstrate their competence and suitability for government technology projects.

Blockchain technology has gained significant traction across various sectors, including the government. It is being used in operations such as the issuance of marriage licences and voting systems. Traditional procurement processes may not effectively evaluate these new technologies, necessitating an alternative approach.

The BMM proves to be particularly useful in this context. By providing a third-party assessment, the BMM enables governments to evaluate potential blockchain technology providers, ensuring they possess the necessary expertise and capabilities to meet the specific requirements of government projects. This assessment is especially crucial in the context of the Sustainable Development Goal 16, which focuses on promoting peace, justice, and strong institutions. To achieve this goal, it is essential to have efficient and secure systems, such as blockchain technology, in place.

The positive sentiment surrounding the BMM stems from its ability to bridge the gap between newer technology providers and the stringent requirements of government procurement processes. It offers a fair and unbiased evaluation, allowing governments to consider providers who may not have previous government project experience but possess the necessary skills and knowledge. This can lead to greater innovation and competition in the government technology sector.

In conclusion, the BMM acts as a valuable tool for governments seeking to evaluate emerging technologies like blockchain. By providing a means for newer technology providers to prove their capabilities, it helps bridge the gap in government procurement processes. With blockchain technology playing an increasingly crucial role in government operations, the BMM ensures that potential providers are thoroughly assessed and can successfully meet the requirements of government projects. Overall, the BMM promotes innovation, competition, and the efficient use of emerging technologies for the benefit of governments worldwide.

Moderator-Benedetta Audia

During a discussion, two speakers shed light on the significance of third-party validation in governmental roles, with a specific focus on its importance in ensuring accountability and oversight of public spending. They emphasized that third-party validation plays a crucial role in promoting transparency, preventing possible mishandling of taxpayer funds, and fostering trust between the government and its citizens.

The speakers agreed that third-party validation serves as a vital tool for ensuring that public funds are used effectively and responsibly. By subjecting governmental activities to independent scrutiny, it helps to mitigate the risk of corruption and mismanagement. This validation process involves an external entity or organization reviewing and verifying the accuracy and legitimacy of the government’s financial reports, supporting documentation, and spending decisions.

The transparency and accountability provided by third-party validation also contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG 16): Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. By holding public officials accountable for their actions and ensuring that public funds are used for the intended purposes, it helps to promote justice and strengthen institutions within society.

Moreover, the speakers highlighted the potential challenges and risks faced by public institutions if mishandling of public funds occurs. These include damage to the institution’s reputation, diminished performance, and potential legal repercussions. They stressed that having third-party validation in place helps to prevent and address these challenges, as it acts as a deterrent against wrongful behavior and provides a mechanism for detecting and rectifying any financial discrepancies or irregularities.

Overall, the speakers’ discussion highlighted the critical role of third-party validation in the public sector. By ensuring transparency, accountability, and proper use of taxpayer funds, it serves as a safeguard against corruption and mismanagement. It also reinforces trust and confidence in governmental institutions, promoting peace, justice, and strong institutions as envisioned by SDG 16. The potential risks faced by public institutions underscore the need for comprehensive oversight and the implementation of effective validation processes to protect the integrity and reputation of the government.

Dino Cataldo Dell’Accio

The Blockchain Maturity Model (BMM) was developed in response to the government’s lack of expertise and skills in blockchain technologies. It provides a tool for assessing the maturity level of blockchain solutions. The idea for the model came from the President of the Government Blockchain Association.

The BMM was co-authored by subject matter experts from different sectors such as finance, banking, legal, voting, digital identity, and supply chain. It is a technologically agnostic model that can be applied to any platform supporting blockchain services. It consists of 11 domains and 5 levels of maturity, enabling organizations to align their strategic goals with their blockchain implementations.

The model helps organizations determine the potential evolution of their blockchain solutions and identify areas for improvement. It emphasizes the compliance of self-sovereign identity (SSI) on the blockchain with data protection laws, highlighting the enhanced security and privacy offered by blockchain technology.

The practicality and efficiency of blockchain technology adoption are showcased through the example of the United Nations Pension Fund, which automated beneficiary verification through blockchain technology. This led to increased efficiency and cost savings.

However, it is noted that users often lack awareness of the presence of blockchain technology in the applications they use, highlighting the need for education and reassurance. The importance of independent verification and supplements for assessing specific risks and benefits in different sectors is also highlighted.

The applicability and compliance of the BMM model within the United Nations is emphasized, along with the potential for incorporating blockchain technology to achieve sustainable solutions and the inclusivity of the Government Blockchain Association (GBA). The GBA organizes conferences and working groups to promote training, awareness, and collaboration among stakeholders.

In conclusion, the BMM is a valuable tool for evaluating and improving the maturity of blockchain solutions. It is adaptable to different platforms and sectors, while compliance with data protection laws is emphasized. Education and awareness are important for user acceptance, and the UN Pension Fund serves as a successful case study for the practicality and efficiency of blockchain adoption. The GBA promotes inclusivity, training, and collaboration to advance blockchain technology.

Gerard Dache

Trust is considered one of the biggest challenges society is currently facing. Issues such as contested election results, bank failures, mistrust in healthcare, and the spread of deepfakes in news contribute to a negative sentiment. However, blockchain technology has emerged as a valuable tool to rebuild lost trust. Its ability to enable peer-to-peer movement of value without double transactions positions it as a potential solution.

Many blockchain projects fail due to individuals chasing hype without understanding the fundamentals. This underscores the importance of the Blockchain Maturity Model, which evaluates blockchain solutions and is used by both public and private organizations across various industries. This model provides a reliable and trustworthy solution for the successful implementation of blockchain technology.

Developing blockchain skills can lead to global economic opportunities, particularly in countries like Cameroon and Kenya. Individuals in these regions can acquire blockchain expertise and provide consulting services, contributing to global economic growth. Additionally, blockchain solutions have the potential to address significant issues like healthcare, hunger, poverty, and economic inclusion, further highlighting their positive impact on society.

Standardization and maturity in the blockchain industry are crucial. The Blockchain Maturity Model plays a vital role in this by establishing a common framework of standards. By creating a shared vocabulary using established ISO terminology, it lays the groundwork for solving global problems. Cooperative work among competitors is also important in advancing blockchain solutions, as it fosters a cohesive fabric that benefits all participants.

The assessment process in blockchain differs from an audit and involves industry experts working collaboratively with the solution being assessed. This process helps identify vulnerabilities, improving the overall quality and security of blockchain solutions. The positive feedback from organizations that have undergone the assessment highlights its value and effectiveness.

Ethical considerations are deeply embedded in the Blockchain Maturity Model. The Global Blockchain Association (GBA) has developed an ethics statement that guides its leadership and members, emphasizing their commitment to using technology for the betterment of all citizens and the protection of their rights and dignities. The alignment of the Blockchain Maturity Model with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, particularly in building strong institutions, further underscores its ethical and societal importance.

In conclusion, trust is a significant challenge in society, and blockchain technology offers a valuable means to rebuild it. The Blockchain Maturity Model plays a crucial role in promoting reliable and trustworthy blockchain solutions, fostering economic opportunities, addressing vital issues, establishing industry standardization, and ensuring ethical considerations are at the forefront. By leveraging blockchain technology and adhering to ethical principles, we can work towards building a more trusted and prosperous society.

Alejandro Mandujano

BMM assessments are crucial and involve multiple steps, including an authorized program, planning, team integration, reviewing the client’s procedures, addressing any issues, and assigning a rating. It is not just a one-sided exercise, but rather a cooperative and communicative process that allows clients to improve their performance.

The assessment team comprises a certified BMM assessor, domain experts, a data specialist, and possibly someone from the identity working group. This diverse team ensures a comprehensive understanding of the client’s procedures and enables the identification and resolution of any issues that may occur.

Effective communication is key during BMM assessments. The assessment team collectively discusses any issues discovered, emphasizing the importance of open communication. Additionally, communication between the team and the client is crucial for tailoring solutions to the client’s specific needs.

One notable aspect of BMM assessments is the involvement of competitors in the process. Competitors participate in working groups, providing real market knowledge and contributing to comprehensive market understanding. This collaboration fosters solution improvement instead of intense competition.

The BMM assessment process also includes offering improvement opportunities to the client. This demonstrates a commitment to supporting clients in enhancing their performance and achieving better outcomes. The client has the chance to make adjustments and improvements before receiving a final rating.

In summary, BMM assessments are a collaborative process that encompasses an authorized program, planning, team integration, reviewing client procedures, addressing issues, and offering improvement opportunities. Effective communication and the participation of competitors contribute to comprehensive market understanding and solution improvement. Embracing the BMM assessment process allows competitors to enhance their offerings rather than solely competing against each other.

Lori Souza

Lori Souza is heavily involved in the field of blockchain technology and serves as the executive director of the Government Blockchain Association (GBA). She actively drives the association’s initiatives and promotes the adoption of blockchain solutions in government sectors. Souza is also the co-founder and head of the Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Assurance and Standardisation, where she focuses on developing and promoting standards for blockchain technology. This coalition plays a vital role in ensuring the integrity and reliability of blockchain solutions. Souza’s involvement extends to the working group for the blockchain maturity model, where she contributes to the development of the assessment framework for evaluating the maturity of blockchain solutions. Additionally, Souza is a member of the Standards and Certifications Committee, highlighting her dedication to setting high standards for blockchain technology and related solutions. Her expertise also includes areas like land titling and digital asset management, which are important domains where blockchain technology can have a transformative impact. In order to form a BMM assessment team, individuals must undergo specific training provided by the GBA, equipping them with the necessary skills to evaluate blockchain solutions effectively. Overall, Lori Souza’s active involvement in the GBA and her various roles underscores her commitment to advancing the development and adoption of blockchain technology across industries.


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