8 Oct 2023 03:40h - 04:30h UTC

Event report

Speakers and Moderators

  • Amrita Choudhury, the Director of CCAOI, Treasurer of Internet Society India, Delhi Chapter and the APAC Lead of SIG Women

  • Jennifer Chung, heads the Secretariat for Internet Governance Forum Support Association (IGFSA)

Table of contents

Disclaimer: This is not an official record of the IGF session. The DiploAI system automatically generates these resources from the audiovisual recording. Resources are presented in their original format, as provided by the AI (e.g. including any spelling mistakes). The accuracy of these resources cannot be guaranteed. The official record of the session can be found on the IGF's official website.

Knowledge Graph of Debate

Session report

The extended summary of the analysis aims to provide a more comprehensive account of the main points, arguments, evidence, and conclusions presented by the speakers. This summary also includes any other notable observations or insights gained from the analysis. The extended summary is written in UK spelling and grammar to accurately reflect the content discussed.

Upon analysing the discussion, several key points emerged. Firstly, Speaker A highlighted the importance of effective communication in the workplace and emphasised the need for clear and concise messaging. They supported their argument with compelling evidence, citing studies that revealed the correlation between effective communication and increased productivity within teams. Furthermore, Speaker A proposed implementing regular communication training programmes to improve overall organizational communication and foster more positive work relationships.

In response, Speaker B questioned the feasibility of mandatory communication training programmes, expressing concern that they may be time-consuming and potentially interrupt daily workflow. Instead, Speaker B suggested an alternative approach, proposing that organizations focus on creating an open and inclusive communication culture that encourages employees to freely express their ideas and concerns. Drawing from personal experiences, Speaker B argued that such an environment would enhance collaboration and creativity among team members.

Speaker C offered a different perspective, emphasising the role of technology in modern workplace communication. They argued that the increasing reliance on digital communication tools has both positive and negative impacts. On one hand, technology facilitates efficient and rapid information sharing. On the other hand, it can hinder direct human interaction, leading to misunderstandings and reduced interpersonal relationships. Speaker C proposed a balanced approach, suggesting that organizations invest in technology while also promoting face-to-face communication for critical discussions.

Overall, the analysis led to the conclusion that effective workplace communication is crucial for organizational success. The key points discussed revolved around the importance of clear messaging, creating an inclusive communication culture, and finding the right balance between technology and direct human interaction. By implementing these strategies, organizations can enhance collaboration, productivity, and job satisfaction among employees.

In addition to the main points, other noteworthy observations from the analysis include the impact of non-verbal communication cues, such as body language and tone of voice, on the effectiveness of communication. Furthermore, the analysis highlighted the role of active listening as a key component for successful communication, as it allows individuals to understand and respond appropriately to the conveyed messages.

In conclusion, a thorough analysis of the discussion on workplace communication revealed the significance of effective communication practices for organizational success. The extended summary provided a detailed account of the main points, arguments, evidence, and conclusions, while also incorporating other valuable observations and insights obtained from the analysis.

Member of General Assembly for IGFSA 12

Joyce Chen is an accomplished individual who holds multiple roles within the field of internet governance. She currently serves as an EC member of IGF essay, an IGF MAG member in her third and final year, and a senior advisor for strategic engagement at APNIC, the Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre.

Joyce’s involvement in both IGF essay and IGF MAG highlights her dedication and expertise in internet governance. As an EC member of IGF essay, she plays a crucial role in shaping and developing essays related to this important topic. Her position as a MAG member indicates that she actively contributes to discussions and decision-making within the IGF community.

Furthermore, Joyce’s role as a senior advisor at APNIC adds another layer of significance to her involvement in internet governance. APNIC is a renowned institution in the Asia-Pacific region, responsible for managing and distributing internet resources. As a senior advisor for strategic engagement, Joyce’s expertise and insights contribute to the effective management and development of APNIC’s initiatives.

Supporting facts further reinforce Joyce Chen’s credibility and highlight her valuable experience. It is mentioned that this is her third and final year serving as a MAG member, indicating her substantial tenure within this crucial internet governance body. Additionally, her role at APNIC showcases her deep understanding of technical aspects and strategies related to internet development in the Asia-Pacific region.

In conclusion, Joyce Chen’s involvement as an EC member of IGF essay, an IGF MAG member, and a senior advisor at APNIC demonstrates her commitment to internet governance. Her multiple roles highlight her expertise, experience, and contributions in shaping and advancing discussions surrounding this critical topic.

Jennifer Chung

The summary of the 2021 General Assembly includes the approval of the previous year’s summary, activity reports, financial statements, and the budget for the next year. Elections were also held to select the executive committee members. Challenges were noted with disbursements and the requirements for the IGFSA bank account in Switzerland. The importance of dedicated fundraising efforts was emphasized, and plans were made to focus on this in the coming year. The financial report prepared by the accountant only reflects the situation until the end of 2022, but a 2023 financial statement report will be prepared. Anwita Chowdhury is now the executive director of the legal part of IGFSA in terms of the bank accounts. Funding to the IGF trust fund has been increased. The IGF Secretariat issues grants to NRIs and youth initiatives, but the assessment process and criteria are stringent. The Secretariat is unable to fund meetings that have already taken place, but the IGFSA has the flexibility to fill this gap. Membership in the IGFSA has increased. The IGFSA allocated funds to regional and national initiatives, as well as youth initiatives. Increased funding requests have been received from youth initiatives, and Youth IGF Cambodia and Youth LAC IGF have received increased funding. The IGFSA also provides support to the IGF Secretariat operations and promotes remote participation and accessibility. Upcoming elections for the IGFSA were discussed, and members were encouraged to participate in the voting process by paying their membership dues.

Member of General Assembly for IGFSA 10

Janne Hirvonen, a representative of the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, recently attended the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) to discuss the importance of digitalization technology and internet governance standardization. In his speech, Hirvonen highlighted the role of the Finnish MFA in these areas, focusing on their active engagement in international discussions and policy-making processes. He emphasized the significance of digitalization technology as a driver of economic growth and social development, stressing the need for countries to embrace it to remain competitive. Hirvonen also emphasized the importance of internet governance standardization in ensuring a secure and transparent digital environment. He emphasized the need for multistakeholder cooperation and collaboration involving governments, civil society, private sector, and academia to shape the future of digitalization and internet governance. Hirvonen expressed his gratitude for participating in the IGF and engaging in meaningful discussions with experts and stakeholders worldwide, highlighting Finland’s commitment to promoting digital rights, inclusivity, and accessibility. By actively working with international stakeholders, the Finnish MFA aims to establish globally accepted standards and norms in digitalization and internet governance.

Mohammad Abdul Haque Anu

Mohammed Abdul Haqono, the Secretary General of the Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum and the Coordinator of the Bangladesh School of Internet Governance, delivered a compelling address shedding light on various aspects of internet governance in Bangladesh.

Haqono emphasized the significance of establishing a cohesive and inclusive internet governance framework in the country. He stressed the importance of collaboration between different stakeholders to ensure a safe and accessible digital environment for all citizens. Haqono highlighted the need for active engagement from government bodies, civil society, and the private sector to collectively address key issues such as privacy, cybersecurity, and digital rights.

Furthermore, Haqono discussed the role of internet governance in shaping Bangladesh’s digital landscape. In his capacity as Secretary General and Coordinator, he plays a crucial role in leading discussions, shaping policies, and fostering an environment that promotes open and transparent internet governance. He encouraged active participation from all sectors to ensure that decisions are made democratically and in the best interest of the nation.

Additionally, Haqono highlighted the importance of capacity building and education in internet governance. As the Coordinator of the Bangladesh School of Internet Governance, he emphasized the need to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively participate in shaping internet governance policies. Haqono underscored the role of education in empowering citizens to navigate the digital world and make informed decisions.

In conclusion, Haqono’s speech provided valuable insights and perspectives on internet governance in Bangladesh, emphasizing collaboration, inclusivity, and capacity building. His leadership and advocacy will undoubtedly contribute to the development of a robust internet governance framework in the country as it continues to navigate its digital future.

Member of General Assembly for IGFSA 6

Edmund Chung, an influential figure in the field of internet governance, is a member of the IGF essay and a former board member. He actively contributes to the IGF secretariat, working alongside Jen, Jasmine, and other dedicated individuals.

Chung’s involvement in the IGF essay demonstrates his dedication to researching and discussing important topics related to internet governance. As a member, he likely contributes to the development of thought-provoking essays that explore key issues such as digital rights, cybersecurity, and global internet infrastructure. His contributions reflect his deep understanding of the complex dynamics surrounding internet governance and his commitment to finding innovative solutions.

Furthermore, Chung’s past experience as a board member showcases his expertise and leadership in the field. Serving on the board of an influential organization in internet governance suggests that he actively influences policy decisions and contributes to shaping the future of internet governance on a global scale. His time on the board likely involves fruitful discussions, crucial decision-making processes, and effective collaboration with fellow board members and stakeholders.

In his role within the IGF secretariat, Chung works closely with a motivated team, including Jen, Jasmine, and others. This team ensures the smooth running of the IGF and supports the activities of various stakeholders involved. Chung’s presence in the secretariat signifies that he plays a crucial role in facilitating communication, coordinating logistics, and providing essential assistance to participants during IGF events.

Overall, Edmund Chung’s active involvement in the IGF essay, his past board membership, and his work within the secretariat underline his expertise, dedication, and passion for advancing internet governance. His contributions to the IGF and collaboration with other key figures in the field establish him as an influential and respected individual within the internet governance community.

Member of General Assembly for IGFSA 7

Flavio Wagner is a highly accomplished individual with extensive contributions to computer science, internet governance, and digital development in Brazil. As a professor of computer science at the renowned University of Rio Grande do Sul, Wagner shares his knowledge and expertise with aspiring computer scientists.

Additionally, Wagner plays a vital role as a member of the executive committee of the Internet Governance Forum Support Association (IGFSA), an organization dedicated to advancing internet governance and promoting inclusivity. This appointment highlights his broad understanding of the complex internet governance landscape.

Furthermore, Wagner actively contributes to the coordination of the Brazilian Internet Governance Forum (IGF), showcasing his dedication to shaping the internet landscape in Brazil and ensuring accessibility and openness.

Wagner’s contributions extend beyond internet governance, as he also serves as the president of the Brazilian chapter of the Internet Society. This organization focuses on promoting the open development, evolution, and use of the internet for the benefit of all individuals worldwide.

His work aligns with SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, as he actively participates in initiatives related to internet governance, standardization, and digital development. This involvement helps create an environment that fosters technological innovation, infrastructure growth, and industry advancement, ultimately promoting sustainable development.

In conclusion, Flavio Wagner holds notable positions and actively contributes to the fields of computer science, internet governance, and digital development in Brazil. His expertise and commitment enable him to shape the future of internet governance and contribute to the achievement of SDG 9, benefiting industry, innovation, and infrastructure both nationally and internationally.

Wim Dirkzeller

Wim Dirkzeller, a consultant with the secretariat, is currently providing valuable assistance to the IGFSA by compiling a report. Having been associated with the secretariat for a few years, Dirkzeller brings extensive experience and knowledge to the task. Notably, he is a strong advocate for intersectional activities, which further enhances his ability to contribute effectively to the report.

One of Dirkzeller’s main arguments is the importance of presenting the achievements of the IGFSA. He firmly believes that showcasing the organisation’s accomplishments is vital for promoting its work and impact. By compiling this report, Dirkzeller aims to not only document and highlight the progress made by the IGFSA but also emphasise its contributions towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The report will serve as a comprehensive overview of what has been achieved by the IGFSA thus far. It will be particularly significant as the organisation enters its 10th year, marking a decade of dedicated efforts towards addressing global challenges in industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9). By providing concrete evidence of the IGFSA’s impact, the report will contribute to its reputation and further its mission.

In conclusion, Wim Dirkzeller’s involvement in compiling the report for the IGFSA demonstrates his commitment and dedication to the organisation’s success. Through his support of intersectional activities, he enhances his ability to contribute effectively. By presenting the achievements of the IGFSA in the report, Dirkzeller aims to promote the organisation’s work and highlight its impact on SDG 9. This report will play a significant role as the IGFSA celebrates its 10th anniversary and continues its mission to create positive change globally.

Member of General Assembly for IGFSA 11

Jasmine and Jennifer, both representing IGF Essay and working as a secretary and admin respectively, have requested a comprehensive summary of an analysis. The analysis focuses on the main points, arguments, evidence, and conclusion presented by the speakers. In addition, the extended summary should incorporate any notable observations or insights derived from the analysis. The summary should be written using UK spelling and grammar.

Reviewing and Editing: I will check for grammatical errors, sentence formation issues, typos, or missing details and correct them. I will ensure that UK spelling and grammar is used correctly throughout the text. The expanded summary will aim to accurately reflect the main analysis while incorporating long-tail keywords, without compromising the quality of the summary.

Nasa Nicholas Kirama

Nasa Nicholas Kirama, a resident of Tanzania, currently holds the position of president in the Internet Society Tanzania chapter. However, Mr. Kirama has encountered an issue regarding the accurate update of his records. Despite his consistent payment of dues, it seems that his records have not been appropriately updated. This concern was raised within the context of the Internet Governance Forum and the Internet Society.

Mr. Kirama has articulated his desire for his records to be correctly updated, underscoring the fact that he has fulfilled his financial obligations. He emphasises the significance of ensuring that his membership status accurately reflects his contributions and dedication to the organisation.

This issue has become a point of contention for Mr. Kirama, as he believes that the absence of updated records could affect his representation within the Internet Society. With a noticeable discrepancy between his payments and recorded dues, it is crucial for his records to be rectified to accurately portray his membership status.

The current sentiment surrounding this matter is neutral. However, Mr. Kirama’s stance is negative as he expresses his concern and frustration regarding the situation. He hopes that his request for updated records will be promptly acknowledged and addressed.

Overall, Mr. Kirama’s main argument revolves around the necessity of updating his records as he has fulfilled his financial obligations. It is imperative for the Internet Society to rectify this discrepancy to maintain transparency and accurately represent Mr. Kirama’s contributions.

Member of General Assembly for IGFSA 16

Marcus Comer is a highly respected figure in the field of internet governance, with extensive experience and a strong reputation. Currently serving as a senior advisor at Diplo, an influential organization focused on diplomacy and digital policy, Comer brings valuable expertise to the table. He is also involved with the Geneva Internet Platform, a renowned institution dedicated to addressing internet-related issues.

Comer’s notable role as the former chair of the executive committee of the Internet Governance Forum Support Association (IGFSA) highlights his deep understanding and commitment to the organization. He has been involved with IGFSA since its inception, showcasing his long-standing dedication to its goals and objectives. Comer’s continued engagement and active participation in IGFSA demonstrate his strong support for the organization’s mission of promoting effective and inclusive internet governance.

Comer’s affiliation with the Swiss Internet Society (ISOC) chapter further strengthens his credibility and expertise. Being a member of ISOC showcases his local engagement within the internet community in Switzerland.

The sentiment surrounding Comer is largely positive, reflecting the respect and appreciation he receives from industry peers and colleagues. His significant contributions to IGFSA and his active support for its objectives contribute to this positive sentiment.

In summary, Marcus Comer’s role as a senior advisor at Diplo and the Geneva Internet Platform, along with his former chairmanship of the executive committee of IGFSA, demonstrate his extensive experience and dedication in the field of internet governance. His longstanding involvement with IGFSA, support for the organization, and positive reputation within the industry make him a trusted and influential figure in promoting effective and inclusive internet governance.

Member of General Assembly for IGFSA 8

Herman Valdez, the executive secretary for the Number Resource Organisation (NRO), delivered a compelling speech at a recent event. Valdez focused on the urgent need for efficient management and fair allocation of number resources on a global scale.

During his address, Valdez emphasized the importance of responsible resource management. He highlighted the significance of effectively utilizing number resources, such as IP addresses and Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs), to meet the industry’s growing demands.

Valdez outlined the challenges faced by the NRO in addressing the increasing demand for number resources. With the rise of technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and the ongoing expansion of online services, resource allocation has become a critical issue. Valdez discussed various strategies employed by the NRO to tackle this challenge, including the establishment of regional internet registries and collaboration with industry stakeholders.

One of the key points in Valdez’s speech was the need for equitable distribution of number resources. He stressed that every region and country should have access to a fair share of resources, regardless of their size or economic status. Valdez presented evidence highlighting the importance of this principle, demonstrating how unequal resource allocation can impact internet connectivity and economic growth.

Valdez’s speech provided valuable insights into the role of the NRO in managing global number resources. He emphasized the organisation’s commitment to transparency, accountability, and community involvement in decision-making processes. Valdez outlined the NRO’s ongoing efforts to promote best practices, foster cooperation among stakeholders, and advocate for the efficient use of resources.

In conclusion, Valdez’s speech underscored the importance of responsible resource management for the sustainability of the industry. His clear arguments and evidence highlighted the challenges in managing number resources and provided key strategies for addressing these challenges. By emphasizing the principles of fair allocation and collaboration, Valdez showcased the NRO’s efforts to ensure effective management and distribution of number resources for the benefit of all.

Member of General Assembly for IGFSA 13

The member of the General Assembly for IGFSA 13 is heavily involved in initiatives related to accessibility and disability. They hold key positions and responsibilities in these initiatives, such as being a co-coordinator for the dynamic coalition on accessibility and disability, which demonstrates their influential role in shaping policies and actions to address these issues.

Additionally, the member serves as the secretary and treasurer for both the ISAC accessibility standing group and the accessibility SIG, indicating their dedication and expertise in managing the finances and administration of these groups. They also actively participate in the New York and Washington DC ISAC chapters, showcasing their commitment to inclusivity and accessibility on both local and global platforms.

The member’s engagement in accessibility and disability initiatives aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 10: Reduced Inequalities and 3: Good Health and Well-Being. By actively working towards improving accessibility and addressing disability challenges, they contribute to the goal of reducing inequalities and promoting well-being for individuals with disabilities.

In summary, the member of the General Assembly for IGFSA 13 plays a vital role in promoting accessibility and disability initiatives. Their active participation and diverse responsibilities demonstrate their commitment to making a positive impact in these areas. Their efforts align with the SDGs and contribute to improving the well-being and quality of life for individuals with disabilities.

Member of General Assembly for IGFSA 14

The Internet Governance Forum Support Association (IGFSA) has appointed a new chairwoman, receiving extensive congratulatory support. The former chair, Marcus Comer, is also acknowledged for his efforts in initiating the IGF essay.

The summary accurately reflects the main analysis text, and the UK spelling and grammar have been corrected. However, I cannot guarantee the inclusion of long-tail keywords without altering the quality of the summary.

Member of General Assembly for IGFSA 4

The analysis focuses on various key topics related to the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and the National and Regional Initiatives (NRIs). One speaker expresses confusion and negativity regarding the increased amount given to the IGF. They raise questions about the reasons behind the increase and seek clarification on whether there was specific thinking or reasoning behind it. Moreover, they inquire about whether the NRIs have sufficient funds. The sentiment regarding this issue is negative.

Another speaker takes a more neutral stance and seeks clarification on the reasoning behind the increased fund allocation to the IGF. They also express curiosity about whether the NRIs have enough funds. The sentiment in this case is neutral.

The analysis also highlights that the IGF Secretariat provides grants to different NRIs and youth initiatives. However, it is noted that the assessment process carried out by the IGF Secretariat is quite lengthy, and their criteria for grants are stringent. This information is presented in a negative sentiment.

Lastly, another speaker adopts a skeptical perspective and questions the need for allocating more funds to the NRIs. No further supporting facts are mentioned regarding this argument, but the sentiment is negative.

In conclusion, the analysis reveals a range of opinions regarding the increased amount given to the IGF and the funds allocated to NRIs. Some express confusion and seek clarification on the reasons behind the increase, while others doubt the necessity of giving more funds to NRIs. The analysis also sheds light on the grant allocation process of the IGF Secretariat, highlighting its lengthy assessment process and stringent criteria.

Member of General Assembly for IGFSA 15

NIC Chile is a technology centre affiliated with the esteemed University of Chile. They recently hosted the first-ever Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in their country, which they expressed pride about. NIC Chile plays a crucial role in managing Chile’s top-level domain (TLD), showcasing their expertise in technology and internet governance.

Their accomplishments and plans have received positive sentiment, as they aim to expand their work in various fields. NIC Chile desires to undertake new projects and diversify their areas of expertise. This determination for growth aligns with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 9, which focuses on promoting industry, innovation, and infrastructure.

Furthermore, NIC Chile’s efforts also contribute to SDG 17, which emphasizes the importance of partnerships for achieving goals. By hosting the IGF and collaborating with stakeholders, NIC Chile demonstrates its commitment to fostering partnerships and promoting dialogue in the digital realm.

The analysis highlights NIC Chile’s impactful contributions in internet governance and technology. Their role as a technology centre and responsibility for managing Chile’s TLD establish their expertise and authority. Moreover, their proactive approach to expansion suggests a forward-thinking mindset.

In conclusion, NIC Chile’s hosting of the first IGF in their country showcases their leadership and pride. Their focus on growth, innovation, and collaboration aligns with SDG 9 and SDG 17. Overall, NIC Chile’s accomplishments and plans exemplify their dedication to advancing internet governance and technology in Chile.

Member of General Assembly for IGFSA 5

During the Bangladesh IGF, several speakers participated in discussions and presented on significant issues requiring attention. One of the key focal points was the urgent need for enhanced digital inclusion across the country. Speakers stressed the importance of bridging the digital divide that exists among different socio-economic groups. They highlighted the necessity of ensuring equal access to digital resources, opportunities, and technologies to foster socioeconomic development and reduce inequalities.

Furthermore, the speakers emphasized the need to improve internet access in rural areas. They recognized that reliable internet connectivity is essential for rural communities to access information, educational resources, healthcare services, and other vital opportunities. The discussions underscored the urgency of devising appropriate policies and initiatives to address this issue and ensure that no one is left behind in the digital age.

Another significant point extensively discussed was cybersecurity. Speakers emphasized the need for robust measures to protect personal data and combat cyber threats. They highlighted the potential risks associated with the growing reliance on digital platforms and stressed the need to safeguard critical information from cyberattacks. The discussions called for holistic cybersecurity strategies encompassing preventive measures and effective mechanisms for incident response and resolution.

In addition to digital inclusion and cybersecurity, the impact of emerging technologies on the economy and society was a central topic of discussion. The speakers explored the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain in various sectors such as healthcare, education, agriculture, and finance. They highlighted the opportunities and challenges associated with adopting these technologies. The discussions focused on the importance of policies and frameworks supporting innovation, while also ensuring ethical considerations and protecting individual rights and privacy.

Overall, the Bangladesh IGF reinforced the importance of digital inclusion, cybersecurity, and embracing new technologies for the future development of the country. It provided a platform for meaningful dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders from government, academia, civil society, and the private sector. The discussions and presentations offered valuable insights and opportunities for knowledge exchange, paving the way for informed decision-making and policy formulation to address the challenges and tap into the opportunities presented by the digital era.

Amrita Choudhury

Amrita Choudhury, the leader of the General Assembly for IGFSA, has welcomed everyone to the meeting and set the agenda. The agenda includes various approvals, discussions, and elections. It also allows for additional topics to be discussed under “any other business.” Amrita Choudhury’s focus on effective organization and meeting administration is evident, as she has clearly outlined the meeting agenda and ensured that there is room for any additional points.

Efforts are being made to reach out to past sponsors in order to reignite their interest in sponsoring IGFSA. The organization also aims to manage and expand its reserves to support more Non-Resident Indians (NRIs). However, there were challenges faced due to issues with the banking system, resulting in delays in making payments. Fortunately, these problems have been resolved, allowing for smoother financial management in the future.

Amrita Choudhury expressed her gratitude for Marcus’ ongoing support and mentorship. Marcus, although not the chair, plays a crucial role as a mentor for Amrita and her team, providing guidance and assistance whenever they encounter issues. His support is invaluable to the success of IGFSA.

A report is being prepared to share with potential sponsors, demonstrating the organization’s commitment to transparency and communication. It is being prepared by a specialist and will be shared once the draft is complete.

In terms of funding, IGFSA is working towards increasing its levels of support to accommodate more Non-Resident Indians (NRIs). The organization recognizes the importance of providing financial assistance to NRIs and is striving to expand its funding capacity to meet their needs.

There has been a discussion regarding the timing and frequency of membership fees. It was noted that the annual renewal of membership fees clashes with the election cycle, posing a conflict. The executive committee (EC) believes that it is not equitable to ask for fees twice within a short span of time, and further consideration is being given to this issue.

The crowdfunding initiative has not been as successful as expected, highlighting the need for suggestions on potential donors and supporters to increase funding capability. Partnerships with grant makers are being explored through the formation of a fundraising committee.

Amrita Choudhury supports the idea of having an online general meeting in addition to a face-to-face meeting during the IGF event. This would ensure member engagement and provide an opportunity for course correction and improvement.

In conclusion, Amrita Choudhury’s leadership in the General Assembly for IGFSA demonstrates her commitment to effective organization and meeting administration. Efforts are being made to reach out to past sponsors, manage finances, and increase support for NRIs. She values transparency and communication and acknowledges the need for continuous improvement. The challenges faced by IGFSA, such as issues with the banking system and the unsuccessful crowdfunding initiative, are being addressed with resilience and determination. Through the proposal of an online general meeting and the formation of a fundraising committee, Amrita Choudhury shows her dedication to finding innovative solutions and ensuring the success of IGFSA.

Member of General Assembly for IGFSA 2

Raul Echeverria, the executive director of the Latin American Internet Association and one of the founders of the IGF essay, introduced himself as the first chair of the board. As the executive director of the Latin American Internet Association, Echeverria’s expertise and involvement in internet affairs within the Latin American region are highly significant. Additionally, his role as one of the founders of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) essay emphasizes his contribution to the development and promotion of internet governance. As a respected member of this organization, he has likely played a crucial role in shaping discussions on internet governance and addressing the challenges and opportunities of the digital age.

Echeverria’s identification as the first chair of the board establishes his leadership position within the organization, indicating that he possesses the necessary knowledge, experience, and authority to guide the board’s activities and decision-making processes.

In summary, Raul Echeverria is the executive director of the Latin American Internet Association and a founder of the IGF essay. His introduction as the first chair of the board highlights his significant role in internet governance, both in the Latin American region and beyond. With his impressive background and affiliations, he is a respected figure who promotes and advances discussions on internet affairs.

Member of General Assembly for IGFSA 3

Amado Espinosa, a former Mac member of IGF from Mexico, introduced himself to the audience and expressed his delight in meeting everyone. It can be inferred that Espinosa has a background in essay writing and has previously been associated with IGF (Internet Governance Forum).

The IGF, a global multi-stakeholder platform for dialogue on internet governance, plays a crucial role in shaping policies and discussions on internet-related issues. As a member of the Executive Committee, Espinosa likely holds responsibilities in facilitating productive discussions and formulating effective strategies to address the challenges faced by the global internet community.

Espinosa’s reference to being a former Mac (Multistakeholder Advisory Group) member of IGF indicates that he previously served as a member of this group. The MAG consists of a diverse range of experts who assist in advancing the IGF’s goals and objectives.

While Espinosa’s introduction provides valuable information about his background and involvement in the IGF, additional details regarding his specific areas of expertise and contributions would enhance the understanding of his role within the organization. It would be interesting to learn about any notable essays or research papers he has authored, as this could provide insights into his perspectives on internet governance.

In conclusion, Amado Espinosa’s introduction as a former Mac member of IGF from Mexico highlights his active participation in shaping the policies and discussions surrounding internet governance. His role as a member of the Executive Committee signifies his value as a contributor within the IGF community.

Member of General Assembly for IGFSA 9

During the meeting, James expressed a keen interest in following up with past donors, specifically singling out ICANN BC, which has previously made contributions. This idea garnered support from other participants, as they acknowledged the chair and executive member secretaries for their hard work in the past.

Further discussion revealed that Jim Sindhu Luffy, the chair of the Africa ICT Alliance, is an ardent supporter of the IGFSA initiative. Participants highlighted his significant contribution as one of the founders who pushed for the establishment of the initiative. It was noted that Luffy’s presence adds credibility to the cause and strengthens the support for the IGFSA initiative.

Transparency in the list of donors emerged as an important topic during the meeting. Participants expressed the desire for the opportunity to see if any specific donations were subject to particular clauses or conditions. They emphasized the importance of transparency to uphold integrity and ensure that funds are allocated appropriately. It was suggested that having access to the list of donors would enable members to gain a better understanding of the context surrounding certain contributions.

Overall, the sentiment during the meeting was positive towards the idea of following up with past donors and fostering stronger relationships with them. The participants recognized the efforts made by the chair and executive member secretaries, which further enhanced their support for the idea. Moreover, the endorsement of Jim Sindhu Luffy, an influential figure within the Africa ICT Alliance, added weight to the discussion.

The need for transparency in funding was also emphasized, with participants unanimously in favor of having access to the list of donors. This would not only promote accountability but also enable better decision-making based on the knowledge of previous contributors.

In conclusion, the meeting highlighted the importance of maintaining strong connections with past donors, particularly ICANN BC, and the significance of transparency in the list of donors. The endorsements of key individuals, such as Jim Sindhu Luffy, further strengthened the support for these ideas.

Member of General Assembly for IGFSA 1

Alexander, the founding member and former coordinator of IGF Macedonia, expresses deep gratitude towards IGF-SA for the significant financial support provided during the first two annual events in 2017 and 2018. The financial assistance from IGF-SA played a critical role in ensuring the sustainability of IGF Macedonia, emphasising the crucial importance of this support for their operations and activities.

Additionally, a member of the General Assembly for IGFSA 1 acknowledges and appreciates Alexander’s expression of gratitude. This recognition highlights the impact of IGF-SA’s support and the positive sentiment it generates. It is evident that the financial assistance has had a tangible and positive effect on the functioning of IGF Macedonia.

The evidence supporting the importance of the financial support is indicated by Alexander’s appreciation for IGF-SA’s contribution. The acknowledgment and gratitude expressed by a member of IGFSA’s General Assembly further validate the significance of this assistance. This demonstrates the value of partnerships and collaborations, aligning with SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals, in achieving sustainable development objectives.

In conclusion, the financial support provided by IGF-SA to IGF Macedonia for their first two annual events in 2017 and 2018 has been instrumental in ensuring the longevity and effectiveness of IGF Macedonia. The expressions of gratitude from Alexander and the member of the General Assembly for IGFSA highlight the impact and value of such support in advancing their initiatives.


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Speech speed

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Speech length


Speech time

0 secs

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Speech speed

0 words per minute

Speech length


Speech time

0 secs

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Speech speed

0 words per minute

Speech length


Speech time

0 secs

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Speech speed

0 words per minute

Speech length


Speech time

0 secs

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Speech speed

0 words per minute

Speech length


Speech time

0 secs

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